How do I find pictures of girls without makeup?

How do I find pictures of girls without makeup?

I don't like girls with makeup, or at least I don't want to. I believe makeup is a lie, it's a deceitful and malicious distortion of the reality of the world around us. I want to live my life experiencing reality, not lies and deception. I need to look at only girls without makeup so I can detox and change my brain's conditioning which has been exposed to makeup for so long.

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Other urls found in this thread: of girls without makeup

Suck the makeup from womens face. Then take a good look.

So what do you think about clothes? Are those a lie too? Because they manipulate our reality and distort the true form of the human body?

This suit makes the man’s body look angular when it is not.

Makeup is not different. An excess of it is undesirable but everyone lies, so get used to it

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>So what do you think about clothes? Are those a lie too? Because they manipulate our reality and distort the true form of the human body?
To a certain extent, yes
>Makeup is not different.
It is. It's worse.
>everyone lies
Lack of virtue being widespread is not a reason to abandon virtue, but to strengthen your own.

Why is makeup worse than clothes? They both distort the body.

You also decieve. Not all decievement is malicious. Girls wear their hair long and down to look better and give the illusion of a perfectly shaped head. They wear bangs to give other illusions and maybe hide big foreheads.

You wear nice clothes because you want to look better than you do naked right?

What the fuckare you on about with ‘virtue’? This is an idiot thing you’re trying to do.

>Why is makeup worse than clothes? They both distort the body.
The face is more important because it is what we look at the most in all human interaction, from trade to mating.
>You also decieve. Not all decievement is malicious.
Most is, and makeup is among most.
>You wear nice clothes because you want to look better than you do naked right?
No, I'm Jow Forums and look better naked. I wear clothes because of cultural norms.
>What the fuckare you on about with ‘virtue’?

This is stupid dude. You wear clothes for social confornment, ok. But do you wear a shapeless bag or do you pick out something that fits you and makes your body look nicer than it is? And aren't you lying if you conform to social norms that you’d rather not conform to?

I know what virtue is idiot. I’m not sure how wearing makeup is malicious and evil and why it matters when there are other thinggs to spend our energy on.

You know if someone’s wearing makeup. If you can’t tell, go outside more. You can choose how to interact with that info. Wearing makeup doesnt hurt anyone and if you are actually hurt by what someone else does with their face on their own time, then you need to seek help.

You're a weirdo

>you're stupid if you don't follow everything normal!

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>wearing clothes is the same as wearing makeup
You're just buttmad that roasties such as yourself are getting called out for your lies. You NEED your make up because it is all you have. Without it you are just someone with a wet hole between her legs.

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Sort of, but it's different than make up. Your clothing style says something about the vibe you want to give off. Casual, badboy, lazy, professional you name it. It's not completely manipulative because the clothes you wear can definitely say something about your personality.

Make-up on the other hand is downright playing with the primal switches that trigger male sexual attraction. Almost all make-ups, beauty products and perfumes women use are designed to fool the male brain into thinking the woman is more healthy and fertile than she really is. Think about it, make-up makes you look like you have healthier skin (better overall health). Anti-aging creams and other skincare products makes you look like you're younger (more fertile). Perfumes give off the scent that you're more sexually compatible and have a strong immune system (look up phermones).

>hates makeup AND skincare
good luck, every girl I've known that doesn't wear makeup cares about their face enough to at least take care of it. sorry you want a wrinkly piggie roastie or expect an eternal 10/10

instead of writing well thought post why men shouldnt care about women wearing makeup you women result into using ad hominems and even those ad hominems are fucking cringe.

This exact post is the very reason why i hate you women. Becasue you are all retards. Cant wait for artificial wombs so we dont have to listen to this retarded shit anymore.

Now fuck off

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Men hate makeup. If you need shit tons of it you’re fooling yourself.

Seems like I’ve known this my whole life and so did everyone until like 2007.

Did i say i hate it? I didn't. Don't quote me on things i didn't say.

I simply point out the fact. Yes, any kind of skincare or make-up is manipulation whether you like it or not. Does that mean i hate it if my gf uses it? No. If it makes her look better then sure go ahead and apply some as long as it isn't being overdone.

But what i am saying is, keep an eye out for it. If you notice a girl always wears excessive make up on her face, it could be she has skin issues that she is desperately trying to cover up. Maybe severe acne or maybe she's covered in freckles.

Y'know clothing haircuts and shaving is also a lie... Stop being an edge fag, we have culturally normal ways if presenting ourselves. If you make any attempt at all to look presentable in any way shape or form you're participating.
If you mean it, grow your hair to dreadlocks stop using scented products stop trimming your beard and wear clothes based entirely on heat and utility and not colour or material...

Or you can leave women alone.

Hey dude, make-up predates the Iron Age it's literally as old as human civilization - Sumerian men and women wore lipstick so deal with it snowflake.

Well at least you didnt use one sentence response filled with ad hominems. I can appreciate your post and you tried but still it's retarded.

Make up was back then used for camouflage and to scare off other tribe and shit. Now it's used to seduce cocks.

>Make up was back then used for camouflage and to scare off other tribe and shit.

It wasn't.

Of course i made that shit up but tell me how are you sure it wasnt. Wahman?

>Now it's used to seduce cocks.


Do you genuinely believe that make-up and cosmetics were invented rencently?


The 1970s? The 1940s? What is your definition of "now"?

They're literally all over, they probably just don't appeal to you because you're a Vargposter, which is basically the MGTOW version of a frogposter. He's the faceclaim of baseless, aimless machismo self-styled as 'going your own way.'

Women without makeup are all over the place and the internet, it's just that you probably don't actually like the appeal or that it doesn't actually stand out to you.
>I don't want to like things!11
Like, are you 17? Christ almighty, man.


>how are you sure it wasnt.

Because of all the documented research that spans the entire globe.

Tribesmen living in dirt huts that paint dirt on their faces isn't the same as the royalty of the Chou dynasty who painted their nails gold.

You're off by a few millenia

>Tribesmen living in dirt huts that paint dirt on their faces

Let's not talk about black people for a second okay? We are not on Jow Forums


>guy says he doesn't like the manipulative nature of women smearing on layers of product to completely change the shape of their face and hide their wrinkles, blemishes, acne, real skin tone, and so on
>27 posts of angry women insulting him and going "Oh yeah? W-well you wear CLOTHES and that's the s-same thing!"

Here you go OP: of girls without makeup

Female mature is inherently deceptive and they get absolutely FURIOUS when you point this out.

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The internet is also a form of hiding
OP could ask people in person, but he knows what's gonna happen so he hides instead

nice strawman you're building there my man, you're not mad at all because guys pointed out how silly you're being giving a shit about women's makeup

>doesn't know how to form an analogy

>doesn't know what a strawman is

Please stop ruining women for me. Thank you.

strawman is when you argue against something that didn't happen. 27 women did not post in this thread to tell you "but what about clothes". There's like one or two posts, done by guys, and then there's the posts about how make-up is as old as human civilization that you conveniently ignored because that doesn't fit into your strawman.

You're such a triggered snowflake that when you get a disagreeing opinion or even just basic facts that prove you wrong you gotta go WOMEN YOU'RE ALL WOMEN ONLY WOMEN WOULD DO THIS FEMALE FEMALE

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Nice strawman, but I'm not the OP. And please don't call me a special snowflake--that's my trigger word.

Spotted the newfag. A special snowflake is someone that tries to attach as many identity tags as possible such as calling themselves a tranny lesbian otherkin with anxiety and depression and bipolar. You're misusing the word.