How do i stop eating

how do i stop eating

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Do you like soda?

i drink a lot of coca cola if that’s what you’re asking

Don't stop eating, just was less more often. Eat 2 cups worth of food every two hours for a few weeks, then when you're comfortable, increase the time in between. Then when you have more control over your urges, eat more in longer intervals. I don't believe in the "3 meal a day" approach. It doesn't make sense. Eat when you're hungry. Don't shame yourself if you make a mistake. Just suck it up and try again. Get a nutritionist and a personal trainer. Fill the eating with something else.

Do you think I have bad eating habits?
I can’t eat without having something to drink. So I’ll either combine a meal with coke or chocolate milk. I also eat a bag of chips every day with some small chocolate bar. I weigh 90 kg and I’m skinnyfat. Not a troll post btw.

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Not the other user, but any time you want to drink soda or milk or anything just drink water instead. Don't buy any more coke. After you drink the water, and hopefully enough of it, the urge to drink something else will go away because you're sated.

Yes but is a glass of coke really that bad daily or is it a meme?

Eating is fine, it's normal.

What you gotta do is avoid eating bags of trash that are nothing but sugar or salt like what you described here drink water or tea instead - I mean regular actual tea not "iced tea" which is just a ton of sugar.

You can drink soda or whatever and also occasionally eat chips and pizza or whatever - occasionally - as long as you eat healthy food for the most part and also even more importantly get some exercise.

intermittent fasting is a meme, it won't long-term fix you eating habits and your diet

define "a glass"

a glass

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Soda is awful for you in general and the sooner you get away from it the faster and easier it will be to become more healthy.

Do you have to give it up permanently? No. But water should be your default, soda should be a treat and not be consumed often. The longer you justify drinking or eating garbage, the harder it will be to get healthier. In short, you won't.

I just can’t eat without drinking something tasty. But you’re right user.

>I just can’t eat without drinking something tasty.

You absolutely can actually

Do most people not drink anything when they’re eating? I grew up always drink something when eating. But in the movies I see people only drinking wine with meals. But I’m not into alcohol.

Sleep early
Train what ever as hard as you can
And if you stop eating you gonna die i guess

If you're like me and find it hard to not binge when you can't eat until the the next day, then plan your meals so you don't eat before noon and have the last one 3-4 hours before you go to bed. It's easier to not eat, knowing that you can eat very soon.

Should I try waterfasting? Is it a meme?

>I drink coke and chocolate milk
You need to be over 18 to post here

Chocolate milk is delicious man and it can be combined with a lot of meals. Fuck off with the stupid memes for a moment and think outside of what Jow Forums tells you to think.

I certainly almost never drink anything with my meals but water. Drinking soda or other stuff at every meals is a very American thing, AFAIK it’s far less common in Europe (i’m European).

General tips : Cut on sodas and sugary drinks, even fruit juices (smoothies are a bit better). Cut down on salt and rely on various herbs/sauces/onions to add taste. Cook for yourself and eat high quality foods.
Look up on Mediterranean diet. basically it’s a high protein and high fat diet, with less carbs. If you eat carbs, make sure it’s whole grain, like oats cereals, Ezekiel/brahn bread, whole grain pasta, not the shitty fake ass white flour baguette from the supermarket that taste like paper.
Drink a lot of water, it’s good for your brain as well. Drink before you eat, and drink when you’re halfway done : you might realise that a couple of cups of water leave you feeling full already so there’s no need to binge on the cheese.
That’s about it.

literally just water or tea

but again, yes sometimes I drink a coke or energy drink or hot chocolate or whatever

Any sort of fasting is a meme cause when you're like OH BOY I FINALLY LOST MY WEIGHT I CAN EAT AGAIN you immediately go back to eating bags of cheese or whatever your shitty diet was before fasting.

but i can start fresh and control it afterwards. i swear i can

PS : once you stop eating shitty sugary stuff and drinking too much soda you will start to dislike it. sweets are ok but again buy high quality sweets : check the sugar levels. sugar is here because it’s a cheap way to make up for a shitty taste, and of course because it’s addicting. you might find it weird at first to not it super sugary biscuits etc but once you get used to it you’ll never go back, because everything taste so much better.

the only soda I like to drink on its own is lemonade.

Sheer force of willpower

Start keto I lost 20lb by only eating these disgusting turkey meatballs, it tasted so bad I stopped eating. Lost 24 pounds but I gained back 4 need to start again.

Here's what I did, cut calorie intake to 1500-1800. You don't have to do any exercise, you can sit around all day and when at your size you still burn thousands of calories. One of the real problems I had was soda. Switch to diet validities, like diet coke. While the fake sugar isn't great for you, it's a lesser evil when compared to your weight. And wait, I lost 50 lbs just by cut calories and drinking diet soda over the summer. You can do it, bud.

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