File for child support

>file for child support
>guy doesn't show up to court twice
>most recent court date
>tells me they tried to reach him directly but couldn't
>apparently the address on his social security is of another state
>know for a fact he doesn't live there nor has he ever
>don't know his current address
>case thrown out
So what do I do now?

Attached: 1548050666782.jpg (400x400, 34K)

>guy dodges the fuck out of your sleazy court scheme
Shouldn't have had a kid you weren't prepared to raise alone. Even if divorce doesn't, death always finds a way. Preparation to raise a kid alone is important. For the kid, I mean; once you have a child, 'self' is a suspended concept until the last 18-year-old hits the dusty trail. You brought them here so do them the justice.

In the meantime, it sounds like he outsmarted the courts. This was bound to happen with enough women dragging unwanting men through court cases they wanted to avoid. There's a good chance you'll never hear from him again, and I'd say rightfully so.

Enjoy looking at the child for the next 18 years and feel genuine revolt when they do something that looks like or reminds you of your ex.

Keep copies of every hospital, child care, clothing and school expense so that when ex finally reappears in your life and demands child-visitation rights, you can hand him a bill with copies of every statement. If he wants to be a part of the child's life, then he's gotta pay for that right.

haha, oh man. my sister and her sperm donor recently broke up and they are now fighting over the kid. it's fucking hilarious because stupid sister HAD TO HAVE a child. i dunno why she was on some sort of female-baby-making mode and was 2000% sure that this douche was different from her other past mistakes. i tried to tell her that he was no good but she didn't listen and now she's gotta go through the same shit OP is going through. i don't feel bad for laughing at the both of ya for reproducing with assholes.

Sounds like you're on your own, sis. He's ghosted you and the kid.

>Muh sexual liberty
>Spawns another human being
>Father vanishes like he's in witness protection
>Screeches autistically for gibs
I guess you're free to spend my money, woman I've never met or fucked.

Get off Jow Forums and go raise your kids lol

Offload your burden onto the tax payer

damn, give me that dude's number so I can shake his hand.

Sounds like Jamal's been busy.

Get gibs from the tax payers. Single mothers are good at playing the welfare game because it caters to them so much.

If you couldn’t support your brat, why did you give birth to it?

We had a child in confidence. I figured the Jow Forums posters would take the mans side though.

This is crazy. The guy seemed like he was the one I could sustain a family with. I haven't even been with that many men overall. We already had a kid together five years ago. Come to find out he's been cheating on me the entire time. He had a kid with another woman. He chose to go with the other woman. It's not simply a matter of money but principal. Why am I being blamed for acting as a civilized human being?

Because whether you like it or not, you're part of a system designed to punish men for being men. Ergo, no matter how legitimate your reasoning, you can fuck right off.

>We had a child in confidence

but not in marriage?

if not, how much confidence do you think you had?

But he said he loves me...

>having children out of wedlock
Choose one, thot.

well, better accept that you've been an idiot, or you'll stay one.

so whats your score now? One five year old, and a newborn, both from the same dude? any more kids?

Implying im a fem*id

Towards op, just apply for welfare to daddy government
Im glad i can pay taxes so whores can reproduce with chad bastards

No don't worry you're both retards.
Say it with me. "I'm a retard who's going to be spending your taxpayer money for the next 18 years."

Serious question OP, what are you going to tell your kids when they are old enough to figure out what happened?
Will you take personal responsibility or blame the baby daddy and destroy your kids (if they're boys) confidence in the process by resenting the dad's traits in them?
Serious question, my heart goes out to these boys that are already set back because of their parents selfish ways.
Absolutely disgusting and I hope hell is real IMO


You sound hurt

I am, but not because of you. I'd just hate to see the same happen to those kids.
But you didn't answer my question now did you?