What's your impossible dream right now anons? Make a wish
What's your impossible dream right now anons? Make a wish
I wish for a sandwich.
To get a girlfriend before I turn 21, I'm 19.
When I was 16 I said to myself that if I don't have a girlfriend by 22 I'm killing myself.
I'd like to start a hemp farm on a chunk of land in the mountains and have enough land to build a small home community for me and mine.
ALSO I FORGOT: state what's your obstacle
Sad considering the love of your life is going to show up at 26. Pity to make her miss out because you're too weak to keep going.
Not fitting in at all, never doing anything in high school ( ending in 3 months, no I wasn't held back it's normal here ), social anxiety, environment, not fitting in with others, not finding the right person...
Monies. Or the lack there of.
It isn't that simple user, I can't wait that long without getting even a little taste of it, even a little bit of hope.
Make an indie game that blows up so I can make some money. I know how to use Maya and Zbrush but I don't know how to code. :
O heavens, give me back this incredible power that I lost so long ago! This power that made me able to defeat everything and everyone. I want it back!
where are you from? you have zero friends?
Balkans, I have some but they are only surface level. They are all also shitheads who hate on stuff they don't understand anything about just because it's not in their "hip" new culture. Mob mentality is a real problem.
Stealing this chick at work.
She's got this ginger niece she adores. I'm a ginger. She's gone through a lot of shit, so the thought popped into my head that she could settle down with me and have her own ginger kids when she feels like it.
The idea would probably disgust her, though. She did flirt back, but I'm such a dork with so much bad shit to deal with. I kinda feel like she invited me to drinks with the guy she is seeing now to kinda test me, and I think I failed.
Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet.
Patience can also lead to disappointment, nothing guarantees I'll make it, and believe me, I'm trying my hardest to self improve day by day.
fuck patience user! fuck self improvement that's not what's stopping you. as much as this person has totally good intentions, enduring already comes natural. it's understandable that you want your conditions for your own life and I'm sure that's the minimum for you. finding to bridge for what you want requires talking to people about it. some are willing to help. we're problem solving animals. if anyone in this thread can help somebody else get closer to what they want, help them anons
my previous wish was to squat 300kg, but maybe now I want to climb a v11 in bouldering
or cure my depression lmao
I doubt anything can help me at this point. I'm just waiting to see if my efforts bear any fruit or no.
World war 3
Holocaust for everybody
Nuclear winter
hopefully none
I wish she would like me back.
and you'd survive?
just long enough to enjoy that everyone else is dead at least
i can help you i wanna die so I'll be a volunteer to die in world war 3
I just want... to be... enough. It seems I am able to reach what I want superficially just to see it fly away again because there's something. in me. that's broken.
I just fucking want her back in my arms.
The obstacle is that she is Christian and I am not. After months of constant friendship and seeing each other she says that she just can't be with me anymore. This hurt us both tremendously and she said she'll never meet a guy like me again. I hope her fucking prayers aren't answered and she realizes that she doesn't have to make a choice. I know she's at a crux of her faith. I want her back. That is my wish.
Is humoring her that bad? Why can't you just convert? You're not a fucking public figure or leader. You can compromise on your principle.
I'm 22 kissless virgin never had a girlfriend etc but i still believe ill get a girlfriend someday. Idk if you want to take advice from me but when i stopped caring so much about it (when i was youre age 19 actually) ive been more free to improve my life and my confidence, without this stupid insecurity created entirely by peer pressure. Like i can flirt with girls (badly but idc) and be myself around them, I dont feel like I need to hide how inexperienced I am.
I want to be with a girl i really really like. I try to build up the courage to ask out someone i have a crush on and so far i haven't managed but it feels good to improve myself for 'her' almost.. its not a burden on me. Who knows if ill get there but at least im not gonna be beating myself up about it for years in the process fuck that.
I'm sure you are working on improving yourself too, but giving yourself that kind of ultimatum wont help you thats all im saying.
I really just want to make it as a voice actor. Please. I know it's a dumb dream, but please.
That he realises he wants me back and is happy foregoing biological children because of this reciprocation. It's never going to happen on either count.
Just make baby lady.
Yes, of course, just make a baby. That thing that my body is incapable of doing. Just Do It TM. I'm cured.
I want to change and overcome my self.
I want to become successful.
I want the fire inside me be lit again.
I want to have the same passion I had in the past.
I dream, one day.
Maybe someone will come and rekindle me again.
Can't you guys just use a surrogate? He still gets his biological offspring.
Dawg I'm not going to lie and say I believe in something just to be with someone, but I guess I must not want her back badly enough. And I guess I'd just rather have things my way than her way. Damn, this was insightful, thank you.
No problem. If you see her again, be sure to tell her that she'll find plenty of other people like you.
Yknow I got my bf as my gf and I feel really weird about this. Maybe I'm put the feeling of liking someone on a pedestal but I think I don't feel it. I really wish I did since I'm in too deep and I really do not want to hurt you. I don't wish that I'll start liking you, I just wish that you wouldn't be heartbroken by me and we can still be friends in the future.
They cost tens of thousands of pounds. No, I can't just get a surrogate. I'll never be able to willingly set aside that kind of money when there are foster kids and no wealthy dude would pick someone broken over someone normal
Best friend=bf
But I can't just stop caring. I can't stop caring about something that is clearly deeply bothering me.
I want to experience how it's like to have someone who truly and genuinely loves and cares about you. Someone who missed you when they don't see you, someone who knows every detail about you, someone who's there for talking and listening, someone who you can just hold and hug whenever you want.
I don't even want sex.
Some people use females in their families and churches. It doesn't necessarily take bribing someone.
I do sincerely hope you find someone that will treat you nicely.
To make my own business so I can work for myself instead of having superiors.
And ofcourse a solid relationship.
I wish my cat wasn’t so fukin fat
Damn, it’s like you read my mind.
I wish I knew myself better on a deeper level but I don't know how to do that
>tfw already 26 and 4 months old
No don't do this to me user, please.
Ok yeah I feel you, maybe caring was the wrong word as of course I care about those experiences too, but I'm not saying im gonna kill myself without it by [age]. Yeah its unusual to not have had a girlfriend by 22 but its not unheard of, plenty of people are late bloomers in that way, it doesn't make you unloveable or broken beyond repair. If you are improving yourself then surely u can see what you are moving towards is good?
To be honest it just seems like you are having a rough time in high school (maybe even depressed), try to realise that in there is a cesspit that doesnt represent real life. I'm glad for you it will be over soon. In real life not fitting in is a good thing as long as you like how you are.
Once you get out try to make your life as enjoyable as possible and be your best version of yourself, do what you really want to do. I think that would help you more than anything to find the right person. Especially if like you said you aren't doing anything at the moment in hs... I'm pretty sure a you want a girl to be curious about what you like to do in your time yeah, so make sure you are doing some fun, interesting stuff that would be appealing for her to want to join you
my dream is to never have existed at all. i don't want to die, but i don't want to continue living. i don't have the motivation to do anything, not even play games or read books. i get paid well for a wageslave job but i feel nothing.
I wish my writting didn't suck, and that I could finish the bullshit I start
Also, a GF
To stay with my girlfriend and travel the world.
I could work and live around the world with ease right now, but I can't because my girlfriend needs to stay here for school, and citizenship. By the time she will be ready to go, she also previously stated she wanted a baby.
I want to be with the girl from work, but she has a boyfriend who is probably a lot better at being a bf than I am
I'm having a rough time in high school but that doesn't mean it'll be better after it. I thought it would be better in it but it hasn't been all that well. Each day, each month I'm climbing those stairs downwards even more. If I started on 1st floor in high by now, my senior year, I'm in a dungeon 50 feet bellow the house.
I don't see any way up, the college will be a small ray of hope, a little crack in the cement where the sun will shine through but it's going to be too small and narrow for me to use properly.
I'm depressed that's for sure, I don't want to get diagnosed because my mother is very close minded about that stuff and she wouldn't take it seriously. In the offchance that she does I don't want to make her worry more than she does already by keeping me and my sister alive.
The thing is, even that small dash of hope, that small light that may shine through the crack shines only back to the basement level. I'm still stuck in my stupid ~200k population town. I'm still stuck living in this shithole without the money necessary to escape. And there's so much girls my age I can meet in such a small town. Each they that number is getting smaller.
>so much girls
Only so many*
To have both a happy marriage and also be with someone else I love without either finding out about or caring about the other
To simply feel a sustained form of happiness for more than 10 minutes. Seems as if life has it out for me most days, even with ambitious goals.
I live in a 20k pop town and thats enough..some I think are cute and some not but I met one girl who I really like and hopefully soon ill bring myself to ask her out. You only need to meet 1 (one) like-minded girl and u probly have ~30k girls where u live similar age and single its literally impossible that some of those don't suit you. Your depression will make you think in black and white terms like 'everyone in this town is an idiot and not like me' but i promise its not true - there will always be a grey area, there will always be exceptions you can find. You are different to the people in your town, so what stops a girl in that town being different too.
Thing is I only met that girl I like because a) i got out of bed that day and went to go do something and b) I talked to her that day and asked what her name was etc. If you are depressed or anxious then both of those things will be difficult and avoided. Your own mental health gotta be above almost everything else.
I hope you at least try telling your mum (or anybody close you) because perhaps she will help you, if not then whatever you lost nothing. You can still help your depression without getting diagnosed anyway by exercising, writing your feelings, just creating good habits (look online for self-help resources for mental health), but reaching out is the best thing you can do firstly if you can.
Highschool is depressing ofc and youre right college could be depressing too if you let it. I know money is a problem but you will have some more freedom there, and maybe a more variety of types of people, and it becomes easier to fit in somewhere and maybe find different kinds of girls and to just realise your own value regardless of your surroundings. If you can be in a more positive space then it could be better for you so please don't lose hope.
obstacle: lost willingness, never had one degree, even my handwritting skills sucks so much some peoples don't even want to read it.
To enjoy life at its fullest. Travel to Europe. Be happy.
But I guess 22 years is more than enough to live for some.
So much of a grateful entity our God ended up to be.
I wish the girl i dont "LOVE" but Love would be with me
I want my best friend to cut off her wedding and marry me
I want him to love me.
You don’t like her but she’s your girlfriend?
I wish he’d care about me. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if he likes me because he has to, or if he genuinely cares for me more than the others.
What is broken?
oh shit what isn't my impossible dream?
>I wish I could walk
>I wish I had a job
>I wish I had a relationship with a female
>I wish I didn't waste the last 6 years
>Muscular Dystrophy
>I live in a small, dead town
>I didn't realize networking in college was important and so have no contacts in my field
in your opinion how does one not waste years of their life?
I wish that I could lose 80 pounds, and quickly(and legally) have enough money in my bank account for a big down payment on a house.
By doing more than just sitting on Jow Forums all day every day.
That I grow the balls to approach her before it's too late. Also I need to pass my exams.
wishing for this
and that this user gets their wishes
I wish to be more comfortable with myself, and to be happier with my life. I wish to become more like normal people, having normal mindset and normal attitude, with normal body and normal mental state. I wish I can be less shy and overthinking, I wish I can accept my flaws. I wish I can be funnier and more relaxed. I wish people can like and need me.
I wish I’m happier.
I wish I could mentally revert to before the truama and loss of enthusiasm, without changing my current circumstances or losing any memories. That way, I would be able to take full advantage of my current life and be happy like I used to be. Everyone around me would be happier as a result, and the world would be a slightly better place.
I guess my impossible dream is to find my absolute true love!
My obstacle is definitely me needing to better myself before I put myself out there again, if I want Mr. Charming I want to be Ms. Charming too.
Having a social life.
>Make a wish
Wish I wasn’t so fuckin awkward, bud
For her to be brave and get in touch.
Discounting all time traveling wishes cause I would just wish for bitcoin and also so that my mom's dad didn't die (he died when she was 18), I think I would wish for something related to getting married. My biggest goal in life is have a family and raise kids I want to do that so badly. I hope I would meet some woman I know I could start a family with so that way I can stop worrying about it
Getting a useful four-year degree. I hate school but I also hate being a brainlet
I'm hoping that one day I'll matter to alot of people.
I wish for a 40k full time job within the next month or two. I have a degree and I can't even get minimum wage jobs. Some of them are so low paying while so labor intensive it's not even worth it to apply, even if I had the job it would be not enough to pay the bills so why bother?
I want a partner I can talk to about botany and toxicology and whatnot as well as just be with.
My obstacle? Hell if I know. I don't think I'm compatible with people despite proficiency in socializing. Maybe I just can't connect.
It’s not impossible but I wish for a sign from God, the Universe or whatever higher power that I’m on the right path.
The path to becoming the greatest (twitch) streamer of all time and daily remedying the anxiety, depression and feelings of nihilism within the youth and anyone else that needs it. Inspiring them to go and chase their dreams and visions ‘almost’ blindly and with full force before anyone tries to stop them. To be someone I wish I had when I was a bit younger so I didn’t make as many mistakes as I did or to just have someone to talk to that actually listens and tries to understand.
Love the reference
I don't know how you manage to be that optimistic. I envy you.
The problem is I can't find that girl user, I don't have anything to do, sometimes I just randomly go and stroll through town by myself to make my family think I have friends, it's really really depressing.
I go out with friends like once a month, that's it, maybe 2 times if the weather is nice.
I can't tell my mother, we're not on the best terms as is.
That's exactly why I picked the age of 22 that's the age where I will be finishing college so I'm looking at college as a last chance.
I really do want to be as optimistic as you.
actually being able to function as a human and not a glorified bot who only lurks the Net, hiding from everything.
Getting published.
Obstacle: Time and I'm a shit writer.
I want to be happy.
I don't know.
I wish I could forget the past six years of my life, everything after High School has been a downward spiral and I want it to end. I want the constant shitty feelings and suicidal thoughts to end. I want peace of mind.
No I don't expect you to be as optimistic because you're in a kind of dark place. I was there too when i was your age i was just lonely inside and depressed staying up every night with regret and hate for myself and i hated meeting with friends. So its not like it comes naturally i was very negative (and i still am pretty often dont get me wrong), just everyday you try to be a tiny little bit more positive and be a little less critical on yourself, a lot of which i did through writing my feelings down. Its not an overnight change but know that your pessimism isn't permanent, none of this is. Of course i have a different situation from you but at least on an emotional level i can relate so i hope you can feel like you have the tools to be happy someday.
I believe college will be different for you user, but i worry that you will meet people who you don't like and dont relate to and then feel trapped again. Try to look beyond your surroundings and just keep in mind about what you want to do, who you want to be, who you are - value your individuality even if thats introverted. I felt it was helpful to be as much of yourself as possible basically and not compare yourself to others. Seek out opportunities where there is a chance to meet girls, talk to them in your class and go to meetup or activity or gathering you can with an open mind, and maybe you'll meet a girl or maybe you'll just enjoy it regardless, and if not then just dont go back.
But if you do decide to kill yourself at 22 then you will and i'm not gonna try to plead you don't, but I hope you feel different by then, and at least consider it again because you made that choice at 16, it could have been a mistake and dont blindly hold yourself to it.
Sorry if too preachy
i want her to love me back...
I want to lose weight. I'm so sick of being fat. Society treats skinny people so much better
i want to be an expert in something valuable to society and highly paid
I just want to be normal.
I keep pushing away anyone who tries to be close to me. I've been alone for so long that I'm terrified by the thoughts of having fun with friends or texting someone I like for hours.
I've also been let down by people that I trust. It's so hard for me to open up again.
to fill the gaping void inside me right now.
Go get one dumbass
I wish my crush was my girlfriend, she's heavenly. She also lives really far away.
Got you covered, miss!
Want long lasting, ribbed, or flavored?
I'm trying the bit about feeling more positive. The thing is it's really all just pretending. I literally look sad and depressed. A few days ago I was coming back from the school sitting on the bus staring of into the distance and a girl at around maybe ~23 or something asked if I was okay and if I need help. A literal stranger I've never met before that sat next to me on the bus realized I was feeling very down. I said I'm fine and that's it, she said that I should smile and went out on her stop. I can't fake it user.
I don't know what or who I want to be, I'm stuck between being me and succumbing to the norm and being like a carbon copy of every other peer of mine, same looks, same hairstyle, same vocabulary, same mentality, same interests... If they are all like that and they found a partner at least once in their life then the problem is in me and not in them.
But I do stand behind what I said at 16, I'm getting worse and worse every year.
To be able to stop everything else and just focus on creating art.
Become good with women.
Lmao Im pathetic