Gf cut her hair so short that she looks like a boy

>gf cut her hair so short that she looks like a boy
>this was a few months ago, her hair is growing in slowly, hoping she'll straighten it soon
>says she wants to cut her hair again
>wish she were more feminine but keeps doing shit like saying "can't wait to get in that butthole", "suck my balls", has gotten into bad physical fights with me and now cutting her hair to look like a little boy

Wtf do I do Jow Forums?

She thinks just because she has tits she doesn't need to act feminine whatsoever. If she looked the way she does now when we first met I would've never gone out with her desu.

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Did you try tactfully telling her that you'd appreciate it if she grew her hair out and that you aren't a fan of her newfound crass behavior because it's sickeningly unbecoming of a lady? In a nice way, of course.
If she wants to be an ugly transman then tell the faggot to kick rocks and fuck off.

You either talk some sense into her and she submits or you leave, OP. Don't waste your time trying to change someone who has downloaded the uglify app onto their nervous system. For any naysayers, no GF would appreciate if OP went from a masculine beefcake to sissy basedkin crybaby faggot.

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You are supposed to have guy friends for physical fights and telling each other to suck dick.
Maybe you should communicate with her about you wanting her to be more feminine, unless you're afraid to get your ass kicked ofcourse haha.

>If she looked the way she does now when we first met I would've never gone out with her desu.
Then dump her, retard. Physical attraction is a baseline necessity for relationships. It also sounds like you don't enjoy her personality, so I'm not entirely sure what you like about this girl.

>so I'm not entirely sure what you like about this girl.
Yeah, what a mystery. Noone will ever know.
Some people are so dense

Are you being sarcastic?

hey cool it’s this thread again

This right here
Cross the bridge of "you need more femininity because this masculinity is a turn off," probably with more tact.

Maybe she's a lesbian

Because it's obvious, or at least very likely he likes SEX

Dude, I feel you man but try to imagine being my friend. He married this asshole psycho and had a kid with her. She get stir crazy watching the baby that one day he comes home from work to find she had shaved off all of her hair. You should have seen the look on that poor fucks face. She looked as crazy as she behaved.

Now she’s as gay as you and this thread aren’t you happy hooray

Just because you like sex doesn't mean you have to enjoy sex with another person no matter what. If you're only staying with a chick because of sex, that's wrong.

>guys in this thread telling op to ask gf to be more feminine

Might be a good idea if she's not insecure but like most girls she'll make it about herself and think you want her be more slutty when you just want her long hair back.
As for telling you to suck her balls i'd say it's similar to how girls will start fights not to win but to see who wears the trousers. They just want to understand the power dynamic of the relationship so they can know they're safe.
Orrr you could ask her if she's into gfd or role reversal if she's wanting to explore another side of herself. This way you two can share a new experience while she thinks she's growing as human.

Well you're the one complaining about her hair all the time about her hair so you're the feminine one aren't you you guys are perfect

I'm sorry to break it to you, OP, but your gf has contracted feminism. You will most likely have to find a new one.


oh hello there
not OP but random lurking user who remembers that htread

I also remember the thread. I already gave OP all of the advice I can give, which was to break up. I'm not going through another multi-way argument with any of you fucks.

get over it or break up, clearly you arent interested in her personality if cutting her hair was enough to turn you off this much

She lesbo, OP!.
She wants to grind her iron curtain on another butch dykes ham sandwich.

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Try not having garbage taste
Short hair best hair

Tell her you prefer her with long hair and her short hair is causing an issue for you.

oh yeah whoops I also remember that this thread was already posted at least once. There's a least one or two retards with brain problems that do nothing but repeat the same threads over and over again. I don't mean like typical topics like virgin gf bullshit, I mean literally the exact same threads like this and two DUI and barking dog and Chinese gf and whatever but anways I all got to say is





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Bro i had this exact same situation when my gf was 18, she cut all her hair off and before she did it i told her it would look shit and then she did it, regretted it massively (but didn’t want to show that to me) so she acted like she liked it while i passively said it looked okay, she still looks beautiful etc (she did) but encouraging her to grow t out because of how i loved her long hair, 10 months later she had mid length hair and was telling me about how much she hated it too and thought it was shit but didn’t want to say because she didn’t want to admit i was right. my gf a raging feminist btw but these girls that shave their head they don’t want to be boys they honestly just want to have a little rebel fit, tell her it looks unattractive to you and encourage her to grow it out, and in 10 months she’ll either tell u she thought it was shit, or she can shave her hair again and look like a retarded monkey.

basically if her face is still beautiful and shit stay with her while it grows back, if she vehemently doesn’t want to grow it back, hate fucj her one last time and then leave her, tell her why you’re leaving her in that you find it v unattractive

This is just like Scott Pilgrim.

Just dump her. Obviously you don't like her much. Leave her alone to find someone that does.

This is stupid, even if you found the best matching person for you, if they decided to staple a shit to their forehead would you still say obv you don’t like her that much for not wanting her to have a sht stapled to her forehead?

just fucking tell her that you dont find it attractive when she looks and acts like an 8 year old boy

If you don't like her personality talk to her about it.
If she still wants to act that way break it off.
If you aren't into her anymore there's nothing wrong with it. If you don't like girls that act the way she does, there's other people that do and she'll find someone she's happy to be with and you'll find someone you're happy to be with that act more traditionally feminine.
(you're living my dream though desu)

Yes, I would not date someone who staples shit to their head.

>be me
>swim every day
>keep my hair short because easier
>get bf
>he doesn't like it and tells me kindly
>grow it out
>now under my tits

Just ask her, kindly.