Any other anons out there who have basically quit or given up on art? I used to think I was destined to be an artist...

“It’s my style”
Fuck you

Well I'm not speaking for america where media is very heavy and thriving. Americans need not apply on what im about to post.

Not all jobs require 1-5 years experience but it's still got requirements, for internships paid or unpaid you'd have to move out i've seen about 5 in 9 months across the country, voluntary is the most rare which i thought were a myth untill i saw 1 in 9 months.

The requirements can vary from company to company some are into medical/engineering/architecture where you do 3D to print organs, anatomy or engeneering parts or to draft and visualize interiors, buildings. Some are like film and vfx so particle and visual effects, cloth/hair/fur/water physics, motion tracking, motion capture, animation, video editing, 3D modelling for advertisements, tv shows, movies, motion picture. There's games for uh, games so game engine stuff, 3d modelling, texturing, animating, lighting, etc. Then there's 2d animation which is animation like the disney/anime stuff, illustration, concept art, graphics design, comics, typography. There's also a bit of experimenting with virtual reality at the moment.

They all require their own set of softwares, CAD, 3DSMax, Sketchup, Maya, Photoshop, Aftereffects, Nuke, Houdini, Unreal, Toonboom, Flash, etc. Also perhaps you can do 3D modelling in Maya but the company wants someone who can do it in 3DSMax, CAD and Adobe illustrator. So there's sort of a self definition of you as an artist based on what you use, for example game engine is mostly usually only used for game stuff so it's irrelevant for 3d printing. So there may be a 3D Job for architecture or product design it may not be for you exactly.

Sometimes they also ask you to know coding or have knowledge/expertise in a bunch of skills (concept, animation, rigging, texturing, modelling, lighting, rendering) which can be overwelming but they're a small company and cant afford specialists.


cope from a faggot fucking retard

look faggot I never properly studied anatomy but my drawings suffer from it- even then I take great care to at least try and remember little basics about anatomy- without doing even this no wonder you fucking failed at being an artist you're fucking shit and deserve to quit like a loser

literally go to /ic/, go to the /beg/ thread, start grinding and reading fundamentals. People without any talent whatsoever can become exponentially better artists than you in just a few months if they practice right

you're art is shit by the way why even post it

Also some companies accept stylized some only want realism it varies on what they are and what they want, if you portfolio doesnt match what they want you will be rejected.

It's very tough to get into and start out but the eventual pay growth is very good, reminder not all boomers know how to use 3D, special effect, etc tools, some may even struggle with photoshop. Tech has changes a lot since back then, they made star wars movies with hyper realistic background paintings and props and puppets but now things have changed.

Personally from my entire class i believe only 1 made it into a full time job in a film company and he practically locked himself up and just clicked his skills up on his pc throughout the years of the degree. Another one recently got hired and i think good for her.

Statistically i just read about 11k students graduate from an animation degree every year and big companies have around 300 seats of 3D artist in the company if they're not indie or small, the competition is very high and it's practically signing up for suicide but honestly i dont really want to give up and i'll be practicing at home and try to do my best even if takes years.

Conclusion: It's difficult to get hired or start out in general. Yes they want people with experience because they dont want to waste money on noobs and their $2k pcs and more on licenses and equipments who have no idea what the hell theyre doing and waste time spoonfeeding them. The degree was a meme but not really because you learn things and it gives you 3 years and some summers to build up a portfolio and sign up for internships during off seasons. Lying is no good because they'd know when youre struggling with software, producing the same quality of material in portfolio, etc. Yes it pays off, yes it's hard, yes it's expensive.

user i have a friend who didnt give a flying fuck about art which is my number one passion. then one day they decided they wanted to be an animator which is my dream job. and their absolute shit and got into CIA with a 15k scholarship. If i havent quit after that you can keep going

Attached: Lost.png (1920x1080, 867K)

I'm going to try to focus on drawing things for no reason other than to enjoy myself. Thanks user, it's good advice
This is pretty accurate
Idk a lot about the field but keep optimistic, keep looking for opportunities and stay in practice. Your attitude is inspiring. If you're willing to take risks I think life might just work out. And I guess in the end it's about being happy. That need to draw will probably always be with us for better or worse
You admit you have shit art yet you're still here trying to whine about the quality of my art... Which wasn't even the topic of the thread btw. This bait is low grade
This is inspiring af, I hope you keep going user. At least you can use your friend as some competition if nothing else. Reminds me of this random guy I knew in college whos going to lcad now which was my dream college at the time. Feels bad man

Attached: IMG_20190201_012159.jpg (720x894, 135K)

>You admit you have shit art yet you're still here trying to whine about the quality of my art... Which wasn't even the topic of the thread btw. This bait is low grade
Holy shit you are actually hopeless.

did you go to SCAD?

I never said I have shit art, it's good enough for request deliveries in drawthreads. It is shit compared to the art of people who practice, who learn fundamentals like anatomy.

It's not fucking bait when I say your art is truly shit by any persons definition and it's not bait, it's the best advice you'll get when you get told to go to /ic/ and practise.