Would you date a twentysomething single mother? any Jow Forumsice?

would you date a twentysomething single mother? any Jow Forumsice?

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Man I'd date just about anyone but when there's a kid involved with her and a babby daddy I stay out of that and just straight up eat the lettuce

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Yeah, date. Depends on the kid and dad sitch. Heard they're horny af though and determined not to end up with a selfish emotionally unavailable shit stain like their ex who decided to fuck around before their relationship ended.

You serious? Fuck no.

Dating a single mom doesn’t have to be a “fuck no,” it’s not something that requires you to be a father right off the bat, and maybe never at all. If the relationship between her and baby daddy is weird, or off, don’t do it. But just because someone has a kid doesn’t mean they aren’t worth being with.

If you're gonna date a single mother, be ready to commit to being a stand in father.

It depends on what the kid is like, and how the father isn't there anymore. I say be careful as fuck. All it takes is one jealous ex to see another man with his ex wife to start getting the shotgun on your ass.

Personally I'd say fuck no, dont be a cuck .

I just wanted to say, if you do decide to settle down, make sure you don't abandon the kid if it doesn't work out with the person. Kids get attached and it really sucks when your step parent moves on and forgets about you just because you're not their blood.
>trust me, I speak from experience

This I wouldn't avoid the girl just on the principle but she would probably need to be someone I was exceptionally into who also had the relationship with the baby daddy solidly worked out.

Prolly, but I also live a life of constant self destructive behavior

Date? Yes. Enter serious relationship? Need a lot more information to exercise a proper level of scrutiny.
It really depends on what she's like in day-to-day life, how well you connect and what you both want from the relationship.
Having said that, if you're prepared to put up with the arrangement and you both tick enough of each other's boxes then you might as well.
Upshot is at least you might find one that's got having children out of her system already.

I'd rather just date the daughter.

Guaranteed daddy issues.

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There's too many good, single childless women out there to settle for a single mom.

You'll never be the father, you'll never come first, the biological dad will always be looming in the background, you'll never be able to exercise real parental authority over the child, you'll be thrust into being a parent without any of the actual rights of being a parent, etc.

One other thing to consider long term is if you get married to this woman and have a child with her and the marriage ends in divorce (pretty likely), you most likely will lose custody of your child. The court's main mission is to keep the family (children) together, and if the mom has a child that isn't yours, she will basically get custody by default.

Single moms are good for "casual dating" (as in you don't get introduced to the kid and are basically a booty call) and old, desperate guys who just want whatever they can get, and single moms are desperate.


Unless shes a widow... no.

Theres a reason why shes a single mom

1) Shitty spouse whos nagging you all the time and probably have other problems that scared away original dad

2) Shes a future cheater whos into "bad boys" thats how she got knocked up with that baby. Will leave you for anyone better looking than you.

3) addict who keeps child just to get child support and doesnt care about it. Lives fast to die young, doesnt care about anything really apart from plesure.

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depends on how she ended up one.
If the father died or has medical issues etc, i wouldnt mind
If she got pregnant from a ons or a casual relationship it would be a major red flag for me

Bretty much.

Wtf are you playing daddy for faggot just fuck and dip

...what about if her partner cheated on her?

Honor kill them both

absolutely not.
if she isnt a widow, it a big, red flag.
if she is a widow, its not but i still wouldnt waste my time being in a skewed-attention relationship.

lmao no

I don't trust myself with raising a step child. My stepdad was only in my life for a few months, and it completely destroyed me. Threw me across the room because I was used to waking my mother up in the morning and they didn't lock their door. I was 12. Ruined my relationship with my church.

Kids from those kinds of homes are better off with a mentor. Don't let a single mother try to guilt you into giving her betabux. You don't need to have a relationship with her to help the kids.

Demonstrates horrible judgment on her part. Don't fuck scumbags.

no, good sign of her making bad decision

Thats the 2nd point. Into the badboys and/or cant read persons character.

Date her until sex and then slowly let her down

I honestly wouldn't. Its a terrible situation for her but I'm not raising another man's kid. It's physically impossible to love a kid that's not yours as much as one that's yours. Plus, there are are kids with NO parents that deserve to be adopted instead

No because I know they wouldn't look twice if they were single and childless. I have no interest in someone who already has so much baggage at such a young age. If she was in her mid 30s or later it would be understandable. But only if.

why the fuck would I help raise the kid of a cheater? any reason for me to do so could amply apply to any random off the street too

Jesus, I'm so sorry.

Don’t date wome with kids!!!!!!!!!!

Is your child brown?

In 95% of single mother cases i'd say 'fuck no'. There are only a few cases where i'd consider it. For example, if i met a single mother whose past boyfriend/husband died or something, i guess there is a good argument to make for why you can decide to got for it.

But even in that case, i'd still likely not do it. Why? Because single mothers rarely date because they want to find love. If you're dating a single mom, she probably just sees you as an opportunity for betabuxx so you can provide for her children.... children that aren't yours. Aka you're just getting cucked. She cucks you by having you provide recources to some other dudes genetic slab of meat while you're getting boring starfish sex as a reward.

is not mine and I don't think is brown

As long as the kid is not mixed race, yes.

The only correct answer
Real talk
The only eventual long term outcome is either her loosing custody, meaning she is a bad mother, or her having some sort of custody and you being a cuck.
Don’t settle for that when there are millions of better ladies out there without that baggage.

No good, self respecting man would ever date a single mother unless they are a widow. There is nothing good to come from single moms.

If she was a widow and I knew the guy to be a good lad is the only acceptable case.

No I'm not going to pay for someone else's bad decisions.


No, as I am not a beta with either no other options or a cuck fetish.

Nah and this is coming from someone that was raised by a single mother. A tip that I would give is first to date someone that also has kids and second is talk to your partner about how he should go about disciplining your child if your child does something that wrong. It can be really uncomfortable disciplining other people's children but at the same time it is important because it builds respect.

Look OP, I don't know what sheltered, tax-dodging white bread magical neighborhood you live in where after bills, food, insurance, taxes and rent, people have SO much extra disposable income that they can not only afford to raise kids, they can afford to raise OTHER PEOPLES' kids. I'd really like to know, so I can move there forever.

Unfortunately I don't think this place exists. OP, we're tired, we're overworked, underpaid, no benefits, no retirement, no family cohesion... we can barely take care of ourselves in most cases. Even the people who can sure as hell aren't going to pay absurd amounts of money that they worked to earn to raise YOUR kid that they're keenly aware also isn't theirs.

No. Not for damaged/used goods reasons or anything like that, raising a baby is a huge responsibility and I'm not sure I'm prepared to father my own kids rather than some other guy's. I imagine lots of people feel this way, but plenty probably wouldn't care that much

HA! why the fuck would i waste my time and money on a failure? a single mom in her 20s is an immense failure in my books.

As someone who was raised by a single mother:
No mother-fucking way, nigga.

If by “date” you mean let her schlurp the choad out of my sack, yes. Never get cucked up to some whore and her reject progeny.