She made a fucking LIST of the pros and cons of continuing to date me vs the guy she was cheating on me with

>she made a fucking LIST of the pros and cons of continuing to date me vs the guy she was cheating on me with

why are they like this

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Other urls found in this thread: Swinger

Hahahaha damb son

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Wtf is a morning/night person
They go to bed at night and wake up in the morning??

She sounds like a psycho. You dumped her after this, right? Bullet dodged son, be happy you weren't married to her.

>Long term guaranteed

>meets physical needs

It would take a lot for me not to punch her.

Why does she think continuing to date you is an option? Surely that's off the table.


>showed you
You mean you didn't break up with her bitch ass?
Anyway she thinks like a child. Probably the reason the dumpster fire of a human cheated to begin with. Teach her the meaning of consequences and fucking throw her out already. I can't believe you didn't scrunch that shit up and throw it at her face.

If you accept this, you deserve to get cheated on.

Appreciate the brutal honesty desu lmao.

I think you mean "garunteed". OP might just be dating a 10 year old with spelling like that.

anyway what religion are you/her?

>OP rn but he’s fat beta buxx 2nd choice and not prime Jennifer Aniston

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this cant be real

KEK youre a fucking faggot mate no wonder you got cheated on you cant even leave her

Should've wrote "single" in your column and handed it back to her.

>meets physical needs

WTF DOES THIS MEAN? If this is what I think it is, holy suicide fuel.

Throw her shit on the lawn, post that shit on facebook, and mail a copy to her parents. She's done with you, the least you can do is salt the land

She says he's athletic so I presume op works the skeleton shift.

Nevermind that OP which has already been answered, but
>those lists
Please tell me this isn't how women really think about their partners. That's fucking horrible.

Some women, yes. Most women, no.

Oh OP.. I'm so sorry. That is a terrible thing for her to do to you. Maybe she thought this was an appropriate way to communicate her feelings, but it definitely wasn't. Honestly, if she's having to decide like this, make it easier for her and break up with her. If it's not this guy, it will be another and your pain will never end. On behalf of the few sane and normal woman, I'm terribly sorry. Please teach this inconsiderate wench the consequences of her actions. She is not the center of the universe like she believes she is. Everyone has feelings and you must respect them. I wouldn't even try to hurt her, she doesn't deserve to receive any more of your time or attention- positive or negative.
Good luck OP.

That's weak. He should write "I'm a dumb slut that doesn't deserve him"

A question, did you ever branch swing?

>Please tell me this isn't how women really think about their partners. That's fucking horrible.
They do. Especially when they have multiple choices. I've "been" with this one girl that did this shit, except for literally writing it down. She literally told me "she'll have to make a choice by the end of the month about a guy". Right to my face.

wait wait this is serious?!?


Omg OP just dump her, for your own sake. "Meets physical needs" is just he fucks better.

And this is literally "i want to fuck chad, but i want beta to pay for me when i want to settle down" the list.

Such a list is fine BEFORE a committed/exclusive relationship begins. After that it is just scummy slutty awful awful behaviour.

Also, my sides, got i am still laughing...

You can't appreciate subtlety.
I'd much rather a chick like that not see my emotions any more than necessary. No more validation or "SUPPORT FOR MY ARTWORK" from Mr. Settledown. Screaming at her and calling her names are the vindication she's looking for. Cold dismissal is all she deserves.

Dude, we don't. Some women do, for sure, like some men do. I did it myself, when I was a lot younger (14 or so) and had no understanding of love and relationships.
But honestly, since I've met my boyfriend, there wasn't a single time I got hit on in which I ever considered the pros and cons of leaving him: I love him, I can't imagine being with anyone else, no matter what qualities this other person might have.

I notice you showed his cons but not yours.

Still, only an absolute shitter would make a list like this and then show it to you unprompted. Dump.

I'm talking about a situation where you have multiple choices at once and aren't commited to one already.

>branch swing
Sorry, I'm not a hip kid anymore. I don't know what that means.

Not the case for OP, tho.
Still picked my boyfriend above any other option when I was single, too. Not by doing pros and cons, but simply because he is who he is and I can't imagine another person I'd rather grow old with.

Is this girl asian/indian? I've seen this twice before in western muslims who are trying to balance this heart/head aromatic fairytale arabian nights shit. From my perspective they seem autistic, but I think it is cultural.

Irrespective cheating is a no no. You cheated? You just got dumped. OR at best relegated to the will hate fuck when desperate while lying, manipulating and using tier.

Looking for a new and better partner while still in a relationship. Swinger

>Meets physical needs" is just he fucks better.
What does “fucking better” even mean? Like, bigger cock?






Not necessarily, just being more compatible.
For example my boyfriend is roughly the same size as my ex (like, an inch bigger at best), but sex with him feels 100x better - I come every time we fuck and never did with my ex.

>Not the case for OP, tho.
Isn't it? She's clearly not committed to him. It's like he thinks they're in relationship but she doesn't. She hasn't made her choice yet.

>Still picked my boyfriend above any other option when I was single, too. Not by doing pros and cons, but simply because he is who he is and I can't imagine another person I'd rather grow old with.
I guess you didn't have too many "boy friends" at the same time?

Woah oh shit no, damn lol! First off, never having kids. Second, that's way too much work! Swinging from guy to guy to get stuff. I'm not lazy but I'm not some social engineer either.
I've been with my bf for over 3 years and have been friends for over 9 years. I like my life for the most part, and love my partner.
Damn lol you all got me laughing.

>I guess you didn't have too many "boy friends" at the same time?
I didn't have any, I was single. I was meeting new people and dating around. I think that after a couple of days that I met my boyfriend I was sold, and tried super hard to get him to date me.

Then I'm right. You've never been in this situation.

The situation of having multiple options? Like, yes, quite literally.

You really don't get it. I mean guys you're quite literally fucking at the same time and "dating" them at the same time but also keeping them at sort of a distance where you don't quite commit.

I am laughing at the predictability of the guys who are like "better at meeting physical needs? what is that? like a bigger cock?".

Good at sex/physical needs doesn't always get reduced down to having a bigger cock. Why the fuck do guys always get all "it must be about a thing that can be bigger or smaller or more or less?" like seriously stop trying to reduce it down to something simplistic and dumb.

Women are confusing. Meeting physical needs might mean leaving them the fuck alone when they don't want to be touched or being able to playfully push boundaries in order to make sex naturally happen when initially they didn't think they wanted sex and being able to recognise and not be a prick about the difference.

You can be like ... haw haw as a man's man I don't lower myself to this. Women speak with logic about their needs or else I deny them my company as is their loss. But you are being a tool.

I dated. I did that seeing several people without exclusivity thing. Trick is to be honest and upfront. Too many people snake others because they are cowards. I lied to him because I didn't want to hurt his feelings because the truth would have upset him and I care about him so it is his fault for getting mad when I tried to do something nice so gib sympathies plz?

If you didn't dump her on the spot for this bullshit then you're the biggest fucking cuck faggot in the universe, have an ounce of self-respect.

>can't spell
>is also a whore
Sounds like she did you a favor by helping you to see she's trash.

She handed you a golden ticket to cut things off then and there without an ounce of regret.
>same morals/religion
Like cheating on you like a scumbag, lying to your face, and trying to make you seem like the bad guy
I know this is fake. It dump this cunt and move on. Treat it like a suicide don't think just do. Go up to her and say "we are done" then move on. She is a sociopath and you are a fucking idiot if you stay in that relationship.


So women really ARE children.

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Who the fuck are you and what are you even doing here

Good user, good
Dump her
Dump her now

>meets physical needs

Damn, OP's getting cucked by a 9 inch monster

>literally showing you a pros and cons list after the fact
Too hilarious to be real.

Good bait thread OP. Nobody lacks that much self-awareness.

She wants to make you feel bad . i dont know what you have done but you must have done something. If not you have to dump her immediately.

Honestly, for not only making this, but SHOWING it, she deserves to be punched in the face.
It's unfathomable to me how a person could be that shitty.
If you haven't dumped her IMMEDIATELY, you deserve it too.

An inch bigger is a lot bigger. It’s a big difference.

1 inch *at most*. It's more something like 6.5 to 7. Not a huge deal.

Don't forget you are talking to men who'd probably spend a years salary and/or perform some weird dangerous routine every day for the rest of their lives to make their dick even half an inch bigger.

come on OP you posted this yesterday and had a couple hundred comments, enough already

I dont know man, i laugh everytime when i see this thread while scrolling.

I am out of sides at this point

My neighbour caught his wife cheating, he threw all her clothes out of the window and booted her out.
It was excellent.

So a physical and emotional connection?

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Hey bro I had a friend in this situation and I will say to you what I wish I said to him but didn't to save his ego: you are a fucking pathetic bitch if you do not walk away right now and cut contact forever. If you are not the be all and end all for a girl, then you have failed as a man, she is not interested enough, it will never work out. Get the fuck out you moron and get some self respect.

>why are they like this
Because you're both 14

R9K thread made by OP

I know that Jow Forums is one of the normiest boards out but are you guys even capable of pausing for a second a deliberating about the futility of posting advice in this bait thread?

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Only time I've ever even mentally made a list like this, was when I was ready to break up with a girl, but the old pussy version of myself was afraid to do it. Shes ready to break up, you need to make that decision for her because shes obviously not capable of making good decisions on her own.

>Different religion
What are you both?


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So you're still in highschool? Seeing how you are considering A&M and he's considering UT.

have fun at college, fellow texasfag. You will meet many more women there, both much more annoying than your already annoying gf, but perhaps some who are tolerable.

HAHAHA. I think this is the little list maker.

Newfags can't crosslink

>Meets physical needs
Fucking kek. I lost it when i read that line.

Basically, she's choosing between the hot alpha vs the dependable beta (that's you OP)

That’s still above average, so yeah it’s perfectly adequate, unlike my 4.5”

It’s rough. From 5 to 5.5” is kind of a major difference on how we see ourselves. It’s like from overcompensating inferior man to just average. Just seeing the number makes you judge the person. Also, women do care, and small numbers make them feel embarassed to tell their friends.

Relationships are messy. I thought we’re all good people.

I never had an orgasm from my ex's and had orgasms from my boyfriend. A ton of them.
I'm questioning that dick size doesn't matter *that* much.

you come every time you fuck him? is that normal? I have something like that and it felt unreal, I thought the girl must be faking or something because orgasming from sex isn't common in general, let alone doing it almost every time
i want to believe....

At least you're single now and can look for a woman who isn't a total piece of shit, OP.

I think OP already knows what to do. This handwriting and cutesy pen colors tells me that both OP and his GF are pretty damn young.

Time to dump her. Start a rumor around school that she's two-faced and a cheater.


did she write that using multicolored gellyroll pens?

Why are you dating a 13 year old gir?

>mutual respect
>meets physical needs

dump this cunt if you haven't already

Most women do, automatically.

Nigga what the fuck
this can’t be real

Bruh she actually SHOWED IT TO YOU
Like my dude that is a negative iq right there, how does one even rationalize that

Because you're a cuck that didn't break up with her for cheating?

Be a man and leave her fuck

What’s their size?

Being cheated on alone is emasculating as fuck. Yes, I’d dump her immediately but it would still make me disrespect myself and question my masculinity.

this is basically what she’s been taught in kindergarten and it’s worked for her up until this point where you point out how ridiculous she’s being and then never speak to her again, like a man with self-respect.

I just want to point out that everyone ITT and in the r9k thread jumped to the conclusion that "meets physical needs" meant sex but it's vague enough wording to also mean "he feeds me and makes enough money to afford a roof but might not be long term".

There's no other bullet point to match "long term 'garunteed' " and the lists are both pretty disorganized.

That's financial stability idiot

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yeah out of the two points you mentioned, "meets physical needs" and "long term garunteed" which do you think refers more to income and financial security? i'd say "long term garunteed"

its like a cat bringing you the bird it caught

Are you drunk?

not drunk enough

I think you are.
Put the bottle down.