ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Previous thread: GUIDELINES:
Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>[insert humble (or otherwise) brag]
Fuck off.

>Why is there no new thread?
Just make one. You can use these macros:

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i love peanut butter

If I take a girl to an activity I'm good at for a date, should I warn her that I'm good at it so it seems less like showing off?

>seriously very good at it
>like, 95th percentile

Is sending your best friend who knows damn well you have strong feelings for them a book of a thousand poems about them weird?

How should I cope after them severing me out of their life after I send it to them?

Hopefully I'll be able to interact with responses this time. I'm asking men as a woman.

A friend and I were texting and I complained about back ache. He offered to give me back rubs, this weird chafing movement up and down on someone's back. This is typical behaviour for him, he's very touchy feely even with dudes, so I give some sort of non answer, to which he adds on "I actually wouldn't mind someone having a go [at a back massage] on mine. It's been very tense in work lately."

I am not a touchy person, he knows this. I'm very autistic so I don't understand a lot of interactions but this one has every part of me screaming trap. I'm pretty interested in him, but I know he's not into me, so I'm struggling to find an appropriate way to respond to this. Any advice on what to say would be a huge help, honestly.

Before anyone goes down the inevitable route of "he does want you, you just can't tell cus you're a female", I have confirmation from a mutual dude friend of platonicness.

No, I think it's kind of given that if you invite someone to do something for a date you're pretty good at it. Just guide her and don't be a dick about being good.

Yes. Extremely weird. Like, weird as shit.

What's the activity? Genuinely depends on this.

Yes, if not downright terrifying. Don't send it. If you really want to, send the best poem. But not the whole fucking book.

Try being well within the 99th percentile. It's not so much being worried about showing off, but being downright scary. You should be fine.

Not a bad idea.

I've been on a date with a guy once. He suggested we go for something I wanted, and to challenge him, I went for Archery, because there was an archery range nearby where I live, where you can get a pretty cheap introduction. Turned out he had won bronze at the National tournament in archery, but hadn't told me because it seemed a bit weird to him. I only found out because someone from the range understandably noticed him, and asked if he was showing off.

It was a bit... humiliating to some degree, mostly because I was hoping to some fun little competition between newbies. It kinda took a lot of the steam out of the date, and it wouldn't have if I had gone in knowing this.

It was also pretty coy of him to pretend like nothing was off when we made it into a bet about who would be best at it.

>What's the activity? Genuinely depends on this.
Ice skating. I saw you guys talking about it in the last thread.

I will probably never be 99th percentile, I don't have the drive. I occasionally notice that I've improved but it's always the kind of improvement that you wouldn't notice unless you were also as good as me. To a hire skater it's all kind of the same after a certain point.

Solo sports like ice skating are completely fine. When you are letting her know, just say you're pretty good (say you rank / grade if that means anything to her) and that if she needs any help, you're there. Then if she's shit she knows she can hang off you the entire time, win win

Cool. I'm always conscious of looking like a show off because I don't want to be THAT prick. I've got a friend who does it all the time and the looks he gets from random people would singe his hair if he ever saw them.

There's nothing wrong with showing off! Being a smug, insufferable prick whilst showing off is usually the problem. Just let her know before you go so she doesn't think you're both gonna be naff like But otherwise you do you. Obviously, if she's constantly falling over, try not to do a flip whilst skating backwards, but it's pretty much common sense from here on out.

Last thread thread you guys were talking a lot about always being attracted and even masturbating to your female friends, so I have a question I would like to ask... and mind you, this is coming from someone with very little experience.

I have 1 friend in particular who has shown interest in me. He has had 2 different girlfriends during the years I've known him, but is currently single. Last time we were out together, he joked about the fact that I didn't want to buy underwear when he was there, and dropped a "Wouldn't mind seeing you in it for once" comment. It was a bit offhanded and was quickly glossed over, but it kinda came back to me, and I've been considering maybe just... Making a move, so to speak.

I'm not so sure how to go about it, nor if it is a good idea. I have tried dating a few times, but I never really feel it, and I rarely feel comfortable around my dates, but I do feel comfortable around my friend, and we spend a lot of time together, even alone occasionally.

Threadly reminder not to listen to Peanut Nigger. He's a women beating pedophile who endorses cheating and gets off on attention.

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Why are all women whores?

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Have a go at escalating and see what you get back from him. Flirt with him or hold his hand when you're out alone together. Maybe go to a bar and have a few drinks together then make him dance with you. I've had that done to me by a girl friend who wanted more.

A joke like that could go either way. If it made sense in context I can maybe see myself saying something like that to a female friend. You have to be a little bit careful about what jokes you make and to whom, some girls are more sensitive about that kind of thing than others, but it's plausible as either a joke or as a jab with more serious intent behind it.

At the very least it's flirting and he's attracted to you.

Cus all men are pigs

Go with your gut honestly. I doubt it's a "trap" specifically but it could just be an offhand comment that wasn't meant to be flirting. Confirmation from a mutual friend is good reinforcement but don't take it as the word of god, dudes can be pretty cagey about even telling their friends that they're interested in a girl because we have a tendency to fuck with each other when we've got information like that.

I don't know what you should reply with. A joke probably. Tell him to look into buying one of those massage chairs or something.

Girls, as a male with legit depression, how can I display myself as an "interesting introverted shy guy" instead of a "mopey desperate and fearful manchild"? Because I know you go after the former type and avoid the latter like the plague, except from my perspective, they're almost identical.

Don't use your depression as an excuse to be a shit human being. Don't use your girlfriend as a therapist, and don't get mad at her if she can't understand or can't help you.
Be decent to be around and kind of fun. My boyfriend suffers from clinical depression and won't leave the bed for days at a time, but it's fun to hang out with him in bed because he's fun and can joke about it.

I guess half the "trap" is my inability to understand things and say shit wrong, I'm not really trying to apply outright malice to him. I understand this about dudes, but the guy I heard it from has very accurate info usually, so I'm going to take it as fact until someone brings something up to me

I considered making a joke about how I couldn't do it cus my hands are so small it would take too long, but that feels too much. I may go with the massage chair angle, thank you.

>Don't use your depression as an excuse to be a shit human being
The depression does make me a shit human being though. That's like, what depression does. The moments of clarity I get once in a few months all the "shit human being"ness momentarily wanes away and makes me realize how fucking real depression really is.
>Don't use your girlfriend as a therapist
You're saying that like I ever had one to. I wasn't depressed when my ex came and went.
>Be decent to be around and kind of fun.
People tend to say I'm overtly polite. What does "kind of fun" mean in this context?
>My boyfriend suffers from clinical depression and won't leave the bed for days at a time, but it's fun to hang out with him in bed because he's fun and can joke about it.
If he stopped joking about it, would you leave him?

Be attractive.

Cuz it's fun

Here's my honest advice
>be at least average-looking
>don't be so shy and/or awkward it's hard to have a convo with you
>don't seek others' approval
>if you mess up, be able to laugh at yourself

>You have to be a little bit careful about what jokes you make and to whom, some girls are more sensitive about that kind of thing than others
I think my biggest surprise about this, is that he knows I'm usually pretty sensitive about these sorts of things, so it's almost weird he dropped it. I guess he could have momentarily forgotten he wasn't with a girlfriend, but it still seems a bit out of nowhere. Or maybe he just knew he could get away with it, I didn't mind, after all.

My ideas so far was
>casually drop a joke about "stakes" when we play a game of some kind, maybe even hint at the comment he dropped to suggest a strip game
>Start just cuddling up more against him when we are sitting on a couch together, maybe even be a bit provocative and put my head in his lap
>Outright ask if he wanted to see the underwear, now that he didn't get to see me purchase it
>casually find an excuse to change while around him

My main concern is actually ensuring he doesn't think I'm treating him like a gay friend, nor be too upfront, while also being "easy" enough, that I won't get cold feet while trying to do it.

>not check
>kinda depends on the situation check
How well am I doing?

>The depression does make me a shit human being though
I was depressed myself for many years, and my boyfriend is still fighting with it - and no, not necessarily.
You can sometimes be selfish and act like a shithead, and I'm sure a decent partner will excuse you for that, but being conscious of how you feel and how you treat others is an effort you HAVE to make to be a decent boyfriend despite your mental illness. Working really hard to treat others right while you fix yourself is fundamental. Otherwise, just stay alone because you're not fit for a relationship.

>What does "kind of fun" mean in this context?
He's funny, he's intelligent, he's witty.

>If he stopped joking about it, would you leave him?
No, as long as he put conscious effort in to fix his mental state I wouldn't leave him. I wouldn't have been attracted to him in the first place if he was extremely mopey about it.

Hide the fact you're looking for approval and you should be fine

Depends on how comfortable you are with teasing. It's well and good to tell yourself that you're going to put on your laciest thong and send him a pic if you can't actually make yourself do it.

Cuddling up isn't a bad idea if you get a good opportunity. Add in some hand holding to make it nice and clear that you aren't just using him as a way to get some physical intimacy and that you actually mean what you're doing.

You're pretty much a catch, user.

If girls check me out sometimes that means I'm not ugly right?

How should I react if a girl i work with (who i have already tried to ask out and got rejected due to her having a partner) snapchats me during my week off just to say that she misses me and cant wait to have me back at work?

>It's well and good to tell yourself that you're going to put on your laciest thong and send him a pic if you can't actually make yourself do it.
Yeah, that's my main concern. I am not really good at undressing around people. I don't even own a thong, and unfortunately, my underwear isn't exactly sexy. My intention wasn't to snap a picture and send it, rather do it in front of him. Which is honestly better. I trust him, but he shows pictures to his other friends as well, and I would actually want to kill myself of they accidentislly saw a photo of me where I am showing off my underwear.

Handholding is easy though, I'd just prefer to say or do something that makes it feel more natural first. We've known each other for a long time, and never held hands. It'll probably seem a bit odd with no other context, hence why I would like to use the comment as a background for this.

Tell her you quit, see how long you can get the joke to last.

>back to work? Didn't anyone tell you I quit?

Does consulting at Jow Forums count as looking for approval?
Thanks. How do I show myself around ("advertise" myself as available) better then?

>I'd just prefer to say or do something that makes it feel more natural first

I hope you live in the northern hemisphere because I've got the one, the only, the immortal Sexual Tension Creatorâ„¢ that's perfect for cuddling up on the couch:

>>I'm cold!
>scoot closer
>give him a big, dumb, innocent smile
>>much better
>few minutes later sigh contentedly and commence hand holding

If you're an ausfag then you can still try it but he won't be fooled unless the aircon is cranked.

>Does consulting at Jow Forums count as looking for approval?
Yes, but unless you go round announcing it, it's still hidden

say you miss her tits

Nice, I live pretty far up north, and the average temperature right now is 0C.

>BF is very insecure about his looks
>He genuinely looks ideal to me, like a 10/!0
>I tell him so and he gets upset at me because he thinks I'm making fun of him

Insecure guys, please help.

Nah she won't buy it she already knows it's only a week.

Eh, doubt it would go well.

Idk. Can't you just point out that that judgment is up to you and he needs to accept your authority and not turn you off by acting a puss?

In most cases you'll still have to make the first move yknow.

What's the most offensive things I can say to women in real life?

Something that truly gets on their nerves.

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Unfortunately I'm stuck at a place and a time where most girls are not only taken but also engaged/married. Unless I signal something, I'm lost.

Show him that you really think he's attractive: lots of physical contact, tell him what makes him 10/10 for you, don't let him put himself down, etc.
>t. not guy but I still think this would be helpful

I know thongs can be hard to get used to but you can get those seamless ones and they're seriously more comfy than any other kind of underwear and you have no idea how much work you can get done on a guy just by having a thong strap showing at the right time. Seriously worth investing in at least one pair.

You can't convince insecure people not to be insecure. I'm a 7/10 on a good day and I spend most of my time pretending like I'm not worried that I'm a solid 2 on my best day.

It'll be different for every woman. Most women won't give a shit at a generic offence, cry baby dudes have been lashing out at random women for eons.


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Well it depends on the place obviously. I really don't know what you should be trying to 'signal', and how. If you're looking, just try to be the most attractive & charming version of yourself. But yeah perhaps someone else will be able to help you with this.

Insecurity stems from a low self-confidence. There are ways to fix it, and any good gf should try their best to help their partner in this case.

All but the last one sound good to me
Good luck
Report back if it works

Last time I tried to buy one, I got a really terrible one. Ended up just throwing it out.

Don't really have anyone to help either, and I'm not asking a random store clerk. I suppose I could play cute and ask him if he could buy one for me.

Be honest. "I don't like touching."

It makes me sad that girls like you exist.

You got Valentine's day coming up. Why not just ask him for a date that day? Say you'll wear whatever he buys for you.

>"I actually wouldn't mind someone having a go [at a back massage] on mine. It's been very tense in work lately."
>"I don't like touching"

I'm not that autistic, user.

Because I would rather have something start now, and then have a Valentine's day where we build on it.

But that's not a bad idea...

Ah yeah I know what you mean some are definitely more wearable than others. Basically the ones I wear every day are seamless (laser cut?) and like the whole bit of fabric is elastic so there are no bands of elastic. Super comfortable and after a couple of minutes I feel like I'm not wearing anything. I got them from target I think in a 5 pack. I also have some CK ones you see on instagram and they're defs comfortable too but pricy.

What you want to look for is anything with a lesser amount of material between the cheeks. Less material means less of that wedgie feeling when you first put them. For that g strings are definitely the least noticeable but I prefer something with a wider waist band for wearing as general underwear, plus thongs make me feel sexy but strings make me feel like a 90s hooker. Avoid anything lacy or super nylon-y for now. Some of that stuff is good to wear for a date but will never be comfy. Go with cotton or cotton blends. Nothing too thin or sheer because they just chafe as soon as your crotch sweats a drop.

You do also kind of need to start wearing thongs when you want to wear them. Starting out thinking you're gunna hate it always leads to hating it. Just buy one pair and focus on the reason of catching his eye.

V day is a lot of pressure for a first date. Go with the instinct to start something now rather than trying to start it on V day.

well do u want the back rub or not lol?! just tell him

Be wary. Unless you want to fuck around with a girl with a partner.

Did you read my post at all, or are you just angry? This isn't about him giving me a back rub. This is about me trying to navigate around his comment that he would like one.

Neat, I'll go shopping then, see if I can find something that matches this.

It's not so much that I have it, I know I just bought a bad one at first. Don't have anyone to really consult on it, and I just kinda gave up, especially because I have never actually showed underwear to a guy at that point anyway.

Yeah, definitely won't start on Valentine's day.

I meant the gift idea for Valentine's day might be fun to try.

What can I do if I simply don't understand why I can't attract women?
I know it's possible, I have done it before (while black out drunk) and she couldn't get enough of me.
At this point I am not even after sex or a girlfriend anymore, just SOMETHING, some kind of validation just to know I am not a complete piece of shit.

This deserves its own thread.

>I meant the gift idea for Valentine's day might be fun to try.
As long as you tell him he doesn't have to spend too much buying you some elaborate lingerie set so soon into your relationship.

Good luck user. Come back and tell us if your plan works.

is there any better feeling than your crush initiating contact with you?

No it doesn't just like user doesn't deserve to be loved.

Yes. It's the feeling when she puts her head on your chest and closes her eyes with that little smile on her face.

Yeah, raw anal.
Seriously though, I have had this girl that I had a massive crush on try to initiate contact with me over social media. Aggressively liking all my old posts in a single sitting, often writing me when I posted a story.
I tried my darndest to rationalize her behaviour as just being friendly, cause she was just so drop dead beautiful (literal model), had an amazing life going and everything.
There was no way in hell she'd be interested in a dope like me.
We are married now and expecting a son.

Just kidding, I think she was really just being friendly lmao.

What would you think of your bf if he cried in front of you?

Depends on why. I usually don't think less of anyone for crying, especially if it's for a good reason. So unless it's something retarded, like literal spilled milk, It's fine.

I'll tell you when I experience it.

"I'm glad to be with you after all the shit I've been through" crying.

Context is everything, and under some circumstances, I'd find it negative if he DIDN'T cry. I knew a guy who didn't shed a tear when he was called by his dad, who told him he had cancer, and it was too far progressed for him to he saved anymore. Just bottled it all up entirely, and didn't show a shred of emotion.

That's bad. I'd take a crybaby over that every single time.

I do agree with However

100% good. Sad, but in no way would it ever diminish my opinion of you.

That doesn't mean he didn't care, people show emotions very differently. How do you know for sure he wasn't dying inside and just containing himself infront of you?

having a secret relationship with your crush

>just containing himself infront of you
This is literally why it's a problem.

>dude didn't immediately burst out in tears because his father will die some day
>ugh bottling is bad guise

girls, where do you draw the line between teasing and flirting?

Some people handle shit differently, you think he was prepared to hear his dad has cancer and will die? I wasn't there or anything but you gotta understand the shock. Unless he just carried on his day like nothing happened

Flirting is just general compliments and remarks

Teasing is something meant to turn on the other person, or at least get their mind and imagination running.

For example
>hey hotstuff, nice hair
Flirting, just compliments really.

>working hard huh? I save my energy for the evenings
Teasing, makes the other person think about sexual stuff, or at least gets their mind running to try and figure out what was meant by it.

>Unless he just carried on his day like nothing happened
He did. We were just going around town, and he didn't even leave. Just kept going like nothing had happened.

I am well aware of the fact that people handle things differently. I prefer people who show they have emotions. Nothing is less attractive than a robot. It's not cool to appear emotionless.

It's not at all uncommon to be unaffected by something as significant as your parent's notification that he's about to die the moment you hear it. If he's anything like me, he carried on for a day or two before breaking down.

There's also the possibility that he had a really bad relationship with his dad and he just internally went "oh he has cancer? good"

I can get a delayed reaction, but I want to know a guy has feelings. That's actually important to me.

Sure. But then that wouldn't be someone I would want to be together with. Being happy about a close relative, a person who has been a major figure in your life, is passing away? Nah. I'll find myself someone who doesn't have such insanely huge issues.

Why do you care so much about your significant other's parents anyway? You're dating him, not his dad.

>All of these guys angry that a random user said she wouldn't date a guy who didn't cry at the announcement of the death of his parent.
I guess we confirmed that we have a couple of Jow Forums guys here.

In all seriousness though, I do agree to some extend. It's just easier to connect to a guy who shows emotions. The cold hard exterior some guys have developed, is a bit difficult to work with. We are still humans, and I would feel like you'd expect me to be just as cold if something similar happened to me.

It wouldn't be a dealbreaker by itself, but it would be a concern.

Why are you so angry over me wanting a guy who can show emotions?

This isn't about his dad. It's about his capability to be honest with his feelings.

I'm not telling you what you do to cope is wrong. I'm only saying I prefer when guys aren't afraid of crying in emotionally charged situations where it would normally be appropriate.

No need to be so offended.

It's only weird if a person's normal. If my best friend did that to me, I'd love it.

He's your best friend, you should know him very well and know how he'll react.

Depends on your attitude above all. Obviously girls love men with talent.

Be fun with him and leave doors open. If he likes you, he'll make a move.

Got you now, Prianha Clique Loser!

pic fucking related.

Change yourself. I used to be cripplingly shy but overcame it. It's possible.

Ambiguous insults.
Like ordering ice cream or something,
"I'll have a small"
"yeah, just surprised, I know you love ice cream:)"

Then she'll spend all day thinking if you think she's fat but she'll be unable to confront you. If she does confront you, just keep giving ambiguous answers, and if she tries to corner you, act like a huge victim and innocent.

>gets on their nerves.
This is is, because they won't be able to get it out of their head.

open your third eye. Meditate. Try the headspace app.

Cumming deep inside the body of said crush ;)

Be careful what you ask women, because they don't know what they want. They always say they want a man who cried, but in reality they lose respect and attraction for that man. There's a reason evolution has nailed this so hard into our DNA. You can't deny what women want, when this is what they created.

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Not even angry desu. But when you're all over a guy being "tough", this kind of behavior comes with that, you know?

Women hate weakness, one exception doesn't change the rule.

>Then she'll spend all day thinking if you think she's fat but she'll be unable to confront you. If she does confront you, just keep giving ambiguous answers, and if she tries to corner you, act like a huge victim and innocent.
So what you're implying is that the most offensive thing to a woman is acting like a woman.

>But when you're all over a guy being "tough", this kind of behavior comes with that, you know?
Tough and emotional aren't mutually exclusive. A lot of guys just assume "tough" means "robot", which isn't true at all.

>They always say they want a man who cried, but in reality they lose respect and attraction for that man. There's a reason evolution has nailed this so hard into our DNA. You can't deny what women want, when this is what they created.
Men cry just as much as women when they are kids, evolution has nothing to do with it. It is all about upbringing and your social development.

But I do agree there tends to be an issue with said development, but that often happens due to misunderstandings. Like a girl saying "stop crying" to their boyfriend one too many times.

It's one of those times where "don't listen to everything a woman says" comes into play. She doesn't mean it when she says she doesn't want you to cry, but she finds herself unable to handle it, and panics.

Most women handle it fine. It comes with the maternal instinct. Of course, it's not exactly sexy, but then you aren't thinking about sex in the situation regardless of whether he is crying or not, so it rarely matters.

>Women hate weakness, one exception doesn't change the rule.
This isn't an exception.

Being unable to show emotion = a glaring weakness.