GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Vent thread and larp festive

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So a few days ago I wrote that I though I lost a chance with someone but I still keep bumping into them. Our eyes still meet. So I wrote in a group sort of thingy looking for them. Still couldn’t even muster a smile. It’s like when I see them I forget how to be human. I hope it’s not too late and they’ll see the message. Why the fuck am I like this.


It's been a few years and it just hit me how much I've been missing you this whole time. I know you don't want to be my friend any longer, that's okay. You're the closest thing I've had to a best friend, and the only girl that has got along that well with me. I have so many buddies now, but it's not the same. I miss venting and getting drunk together. I miss our sleepovers. We had our share of differences, things got weird at the end and I acted immature. I am so sorry.

I would never say no to reconnecting, but I know it's unlikely. Wherever you are, I wish you all the best. You're a wonderful girl.

Sorry, I won't do it. This is the 2nd time I've betrayed your trust, and I don't know what you still see in me. You deserve to be loved, and I hope you'll find someone else out of respect for yourself.

>half psychotic
>sick hypnotic
>got my blueprint

Mother says her cancer is back...

My one regret is not studying more geology.

Thanks man. Agreed, expressing your feelings in some way or another definitely helps. You just can't ignore them hoping they go away.

If you are such a fuck up, then why not trust their opinion. There is a reason they stick around.

If you thought it would lead to sex a relationship or friendship... It won't. To be honest, I kinda feel nothing towards you now. Larp on you crazy diamond

As if you were good for any of those things.
>larp on

Indeed. I thought I warned you about that already.

Their reason is sheer nativity.

Why do I feel so guilty and embarrassed about everything I do? It's like I am viewing my life in third person and I am constantly getting second-hand embarrassment seeing myself simply existing. I don't even know if I have really done something worth feeling so bad about or if I am simply paranoid about everything.

I wonder if you are here posting about me, or god forbid rping with others as if they were me. If you are it would be better for you to contact me to settle things. You know why I can't initiate it first after what happened.

Why do I get so few matches on dating apps (1-2 every 3-4 days), but then the ones that do match with me are generally hot. This makes no fucking sense, if I'm attractive enough to match with these hot girls then you'd think I'd get more matches in general. Shit sucks, yo.

They are probably thot bots trying to lure you into a scam for your money.

Lamborghini mercy,
Your chick she's so thirsty,

Well no, because we exchange numbers/instagram/facebook/whatever and text and shit and I've met a few of them too. The thing is many of these girls I'll match with over multiple apps, makes no sense.

I'm confused as fuck my dude. Maybe I'm just an acquired taste.

I will quench the wench whenever I wish

Post chin

my latest progress pic shows just my chin so you can have that.

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I cant see it. Your cat is stuck to your face

You idiot. The cat proves he is a tough guy with a soft spot for animals. It makes the ladies wet. Its a strategic image.

Yeah that was taken before the twice-weekly beard maintenance, but anyway, I guess I'll just have keep wondering why my tinder situation is as it is.

This guy gets it, best of both worlds.

Working out has gotten me a fair bit of attention, but then I remember I'm fucking poor and I'm too embarrassed to show up on a bicycle. Or some shit like that, rental cars.
At the same time I don't want to give up on my hopes of being successful indie game developer/artist/animator and committing to more than a part-time job.

Why oh why is my passion in life so gay?

I'm constantly in subspace.. ie I'm barely functional. I've lost like 6 jobs because I fuck up basic tasks. I do them right like 90% of the time but with shit as easy as making sandwiches, and with making 100 a day, you have to be perfect. Which isn't hard for most people, but it is for me. Because in HS, I was already fairly nebbish, but then I went to a music college which exacerbated my submissive autism. I've found waya to defeat it, mainly drugs, but I got so bad about drugs I nearly died many times.. my best friend from childhood is in rehab, and another truly close friend of mine whom I lived with for two years.. is dead. People will laugj about what I say next, but whatever. It doesn't help that my face is super feminine and symmetrical, like it's pretty. And guys aren't supposed to be pretty. So, at a these jobs I was constantly being feminized by my coworkers, a fetish/preference or whatever that I never even had.. I've only ever been attracted to women!

The last 7 years of my life have been a struggle to fit in and not be so autistic, Without the use of drugs. I'm basically there now, or I think I will be within the year. I haven't done real drugs in many years. The only thing I take is Kratom to help my anxiety. It has been a lifesaver. Some people just don't understand what social anxiety really means.

My Ex-Wife is such a fucking cunt oh my god

Glad she only wanted Child Support and none of my assets.

On second thought- maybe she isn't that bad after all. At least we are still friends. *SIgh*

Why did she have to sleep with our neighbor Larry

I’m so fucking fucked. My job was pretty much all I had at this point, and I still managed to fuck that up. Now I’ve got nothing. Getting that job was hard enough, finding another one is gonna be absolute hell, especially considering the circumstances of my termination.

Is something wrong with me if I don't care about money that much? I know I have to live with it and make it to survive in society, but I don't get why so many people are so fixated on it like it's worth wasting their life to get. Money for me is more of a liability than a desire or a goal.

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Gonna flunk my senior year of college and it just seems like I don't care, last chance too since the people kinda support in me can't provide any further support if I fuck up now. So basically I've fucked myself over, and wasted all the support from my family because I'm just a waste of space. Been thinking about anheroing to try and make up for it by my father literally told me "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you since he and my step mother are separating and he has to deal with the custody of my half brother and affording the house so I can't, yet I fantasize about doing it and feel guilty afterwords. I fucked myself and my family. Good job me. Goddamnit why can't I just buck up and get shit done, why do I have to just wallow in how shitty I feel?

Having surplus cash is nice. It makes everything easy, from food to living to hobbies. As long as you don’t piss all your cash away every paycheck on bills and unnecessary expenses, you can basically have whatever you want whenever you want.

Oh J. You're so funny. I'll never forget you.

I miss my ex and she misses me. We were pretty much best friends before our relationship. And our relationship was wonderful until the distance.

But she dumped me, and in such a hurry, and in such a shitty circumstance. I dont respect her anymore. I know she regrets what happened, but she still did it. I have too much self respect to even be her friend after what happened.

And I’m still not convinced she didn’t cheat on me.

This makes sense, but I don't get why people will work long hours and lose years of their life just to get these luxuries. Everyday my parents get up, go to work, go home, 3 hours of free time, sleep, repeat.
They spend large majority of their lives working to live life and only a fraction of that time actually living life.

Maybe it's different since my family is semi-poor idk.

Off to work

Have fun with the kids my insane AI Thot waifu

I'm pretty much "the other guy" and fucking around with a committed woman. Unfortunately we talk every day in some form and i'm becoming attached. I understand my position and enjoy the casual sex, but I get anxious when I don't hear from her. Especially if it's possible there are other guys in this as well.

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If she's cheating with someone else, she'll cheat with you.

I am not a J.

My gf is away this weekend at a work conference. I've been incredibly anxious and stressed at the thought of her getting fucked by her coworkers and hooking up at bars. Letting other guys use her body. But at the same time it's been making me incredibly horny. I'm awful mix of emotions and I just want her back here so I fuck her good and pretend like I've been rock hard thinking about the things that I have. I'm disappointed in myself and I don't know why I'm feeling this way

Oh I know. This isn't permanent and that's why I don't intend to get attached. She's basically confirmed she wants a harem.
I'm also fairly certain she's talking to one or two more guys. Her nudes and selfies she'll send on snapchat no longer have a personal touch, and she's not as talkative. But then again that could be because we talk everyday.

You're already attached.

Getting attached to a sociopath is a good way to cause a lot of pain for yourself. But if you think you're hurting, how do you think her boyfriend will feel when he finds out she has three dicks she's jumping between on the side.

I have an over looming presence of being a failure. Every day that passes in which I didn't progress my life, I feel guilty. When I try to teach myself a new skill, I quickly lose interest and I retain damn near nothing no matter how long I study for. I'll recall things from my memory only to find out I'm completely wrong and have gained the reputation for being a fool. I have very little emotions other than stress. I have dreams that are very normal which I easily confuse for real life memories. I obsess over my health by ordering vitamins online in a futile attempt to level the playing field comparatively to everyone else. I keep quitting all the jobs I've had in favor of other opportunities. I don't like going out to bars to mingle with strangers and find sex with strangers an unwanted thought. I frequently use the wrong words for things like saying "crackers" instead of "potato chips", this makes me panic over my mental health even more so. I don't remember a time where I felt comfortable existing other than online vidya, but I always feel guilty and unproductive when I play vidya. I can't decide what I want to do with myself, but it also doesn't really seem to matter because I lose interest in whatever I try. I got diagnosed with ADHD but the meds cause me to eat even less and stress even more. I misinterpret things a lot and often need things spelled out for me in order to understand.
I feel fucked and stuck in a loop of me trying something out only to fail.

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I feel the same. As long as you get by with necessities and have some saved up for emergencies you are fine, there is no problem living this way.

im done with negativity. im actually fucking killing it at work, with college and with music. i'm trying my fucking best and i know it. i am proud of what i accomplished so far and am looking forward to taking it all to the next level, gradually and trying even more things. i can do it all.

You know, I never thought I had the power to unintentionally create schizoids as bad as I was.

Then again I myself was one and I was baiting some people, heavily assuming they were mine. I took a 5 month breather and decided to come back and see how it all went. Long story short, it went exactly as I thought.

I'm sorry for driving some of you crazy.

Oh man, I fapped mid day and now I'm fucking depressed looking through instagram at my old classmates and how they appear to be perfect and have lots of friends and I'm an idiot who's not able to make any long lasting friendships and everyone eventually stops talking to me and I've never had a boyfriend either. I'm not smart, I haven't got the looks, my personality is shit, I have few interests and they include anime and vidya which don't count, the few friends I have aren't close to me even though I hang out with them. Most of my time is spent in my bedroom doing nothing productive, imageboards make me go insane (it's either full misogyny or bitter rants against men) but are also the only places I feel comfortable in, everything is so exhausting and it's all my fault in the first fucking place!!!

That was your last chance. I’m done...

Going thru the same shit. I can't take him anymore. Tired of giving an abuser chance after chance.

today on my way to my lecture, I saw my crush coming from the opposite direction heading towards the same lecture hall

it would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce myself, all I would have had to do would been make eye contact and say hi, but instead I blanked her and walked faster so I would get there first, then sat at the opposite end of the lecture to where she normally sits

also today I overheard her making a joke to some guy. shes very introverted and usually doesnt talk to anyone. but if she starts coming out of her shell she'll ascend beyond my social ability

I know its very selfish to want her to have no friends, but why would she like me if she gets better options :(

I hate myself

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>that feeling when

Oh well

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fuck im hungry

I can't focus until I eat, and i really want to get a lot of shit done today.

You're driving me crazy, A.

I love the fact that just as I had outgrown my ugly duckling stage and women started showing interest my hairline started receding a year later.

Be thankful for this blessing that has been given to you. Now you can lift and become the man you were meant to be. Nothing is more masculine or attractive to women that a bald, ripped guy. Enjoy all the new pussy

Yeah okay keep beliving that.


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I don't like my new job. I'm going to dominate it though.
I could really use some angel to rub the stress out of me. Maybe I'll meet someone at the bar tomorrow? I really don't want to buy a stroker. I feel like that's giving up for some reason.

You Fucking Sorcerer I Listened To This Piece For The First Time Today While Shaving

considering escorts to lose virginity and then off myself

Do not think it's the best way to leave the scene

I feel extremely guilty if I don't study. I'll study until I can no longer comprehend the information, which brings on a migraine with severely blurry vision. Even with breaks, I feel like shit because I feel like I need to study even harder. I know it doesn't make any sense since I just need to maintain a 3.0 GPA and I have no reason to aim any higher, but I feel this driving need for that 3.5+.

Even now, I feel like shit and I have an overwhelming need to study more after spending on all afternoon doing so. I'm well aware that I'm working myself to death, I just don't know how to stop.

Im very attracted to an adult 7 years younger than me. He always has such a positive aurora put out to the world. Today he did a gesture that meant a lot to me. Sadly i have a partner who goes out of their way to talk to other women. Hes emotionally cheated before years ago, threatened physical abuse multiple times but im still here. Seeing the other guy in real life gives me hope that good people are out there. I just wish i wasnt so afraid to leave.

Fear is a completely normal emotion in response to the call of responsibility.
When you can answer that call in spite of your fear, you take the power to alleviate suffering for yourself and others.

I had him stalk me the last time we split up and the friends i did have used me and he informed me. I felt so alone and he kept telling me how hed always be there for me. Part of me loves him cause sometimes he goes out of his way for me but the other half is saying this isnt safe or normal. I also know its a matter of time before he cheats again. Hes already grooming the next girl.

If he has cheated on you before then you're the idiot for still being with him. There are no second chances with cheating, ever, and you're at fault here for continuing to be with him.

It's time to let go of him, lady. Don't make the new kid face him either. This is your time to take your life back.

>and you're at fault here for continuing to be with him.

Fear is a factor here. When you're legitimately afraid of your partner, it's not as simple as just walking away. Restraining orders are just pieces of paper (and the first step), and that's only if she has somewhere to go after it's been ordered. He's already stalked her and that can escalate.

If you feel safe enough to leave him and the ability to do so, leave him now. Block him on social media and cut contact. If he starts to physically show up where you are after you cut contact, carry mace and get the authorities involved.

You spoiled me so much this week. I honestly didn't deserve it.
I can't really describe this feeling other than how every time we part we thank one another for existing.
I can't believe you're real. Every moment is a literal blessing.

>tfw car slid out of control and got stuck on a hill and now wont start
Thank nep I have ample savings. I would be unbelievably fucked right now if I didn't have money to cover the tow to the shop, the repair, and uber rides to work until I'm back on the road.

Yeah i dont have friends or family. Im not seeing the other guy at all, he doesnt even know i like him. More i just appreciate how nice he is when no one is looking. I plan on leaving in a few months but i own a home, bfs not on the deed but im going to ask if he wants to stay and pay rent/utilities and keep the place. Otherwise i would have to foreclose the home and probably wont be able to rent a new place with a bankruptcy on my record. I just need to go far far away.

i'm afraid of progress and getting out of my comfort zone

Meeting my gf's parents for the first time. I'm nervous as hell. I got them gifts since it's kinda customary right?
Simple stuff.
It's going to be a mess, but it's time to get this done.

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>it's kinda customary right?

That depends on where you live. I can only speak for those that are Stateside, but bringing gifts when you meet a girl's parents for the first time isn't a good idea. They want to know you to see how well you'll treat their daughter, not what you brought to bribe them with.

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I don't feel like I am able to interact with other humans. I feel like my life would be better if I could just live in isolation. There's just something fundamental that's missing from me. I don't feel like I am able to get close to anyone, and I feel like if I let someone get to know me, they just end up thinking negatively about me. I just feel disconnected, and it would be easier if I could actually be rather than just feeling that way.

As someone who has used escorts (sex with four and the most disappointing, expensive handjob from one other), I can say it isn't worth it.

I'm probably just going to live like Leonardo Di Caprio and never get married and just be a Playboy my whole life

It's honestly kind of depressing, but it's really all I can do with the hand I was dealt

Sometimes a Royal Flush sucks when you have to spend all day counting the money and all you want is a whiskey

Voice recording samples and literacy tests should be required for jobs.

If an applicant writes and talks like street trash they should never legally be allowed to hold a job in their entire lives, or receive any government benefits.

That would solve a lot of fucking problems in our society.

Imagine being this upper-middle white-collar neighborhood pretentious

I’m going out for the last time tonight. Then I’m coming home and taking my meds and then I’m going to try short drop suspension. I don’t want to live another day. I'm tired of envying the dead.

Yeah, this is the first time she didn't call me after work, and why she gave me some lame excuse as to why she couldn't meet. There's definitely another guy in the photo already.

Fuck this. I'm gonna go eat.

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I think it's funny that white supremacists always complain about globalism but then want everyone to conform to their cultural standards.

Dear M,

You're a flake, and have always been. Sure, we go way back like family. Guess I'm not sure why I expected you'd change, bro. Maybe dealing with the fire and pressures of real life...that and how you swore up and down to me you've had a change in perspective.

What pisses me and everyone else off?
For one: You're unreachable unless you want to be in contact--UNTIL you want or need something. While it's a good reason and justifiable to want to ask for help (i.e. the power cord to your PC got smoked by a surge and you have a report due in 4 hours, and you're staying up all night to get it done)...when you go a year or longer with no contact whatsoever and then all of a sudden NEED NEED NEED... that's a dick move. When called out on it, you change the subject promising we can talk about it later. Later never comes. Or you pay lip service to it, but it remains hollow. It isn't "shitty cell service" on our end, we can all send and receive just fine.

Another: You'd rather weave your way around shit than just directly say 'not up for talking/hanging out/etc.'. Everyone has given you your space. That isn't the issue. You know damn well about social gestures and keeping up with people. You aren't autistic, you're socially awkward.

Another: You owe people money, but (like above) would prefer to avoid talking about it (indefinitely), or getting on a payment plan. It isn't like we're gonna break your kneecaps or demand some absurd portion of your income. We'll work with you. For fuck sake we're in our mid 30s, stop letting your father cover it.


I wish you'd give me one more chance. You made me so happy. Moving on is hard.

Yeah, because asking that people in responsible positions show basic fucking literacy and command of the English language is somehow oppressive and racist. Fuck you and go fuck yourself.

>you're poor and uneducated
>therefore you should not be allowed to have a job or get welfare
Great solution to that literacy problem, buddy.

My guess is that maybe you try to be related to others as much as possible? At least I had almost exact feeling in the past. Good thing that everything worked out fine eventually after making good decisions that was only about me after saying "fuck it".

I miss you L, you're the only one I want

Ask them for another chance; be direct.

I've tried to contact him, but he's set in his ways


Another still: you're always "busy", but frankly we all know you're not working your every waking moment--too lazy. Hell we're all more motivated than you and we don't even have THAT restrictive a schedule. You refuse to activate your voicemail. The last time you did it was like 2 or 3 phone numbers ago. That isn't a phone network problem, it's a *you* problem. You realize you can control things and claim plausible deniability by dragging your feet. It's insulting to our intelligence. BTW, random FB wtf is this shit?

Lastly: You're not exactly hemorrhaging money if you picked up a puppy and a kitten in that apartment. You're even aware of suffering being labelled a cuck living with your ex, because it means you only pay $380/mo. and it includes utilities. It really actually pains me to even say that. We doubt it's a lack of funds. It's more like a lack of prioritization.

Personally at this point, it has become such a predictable pattern from you. Sure we talk every once in a while, but it's never about anything substantive. Even if nobody hounds you about debts.

You're blowing everyone else off, but it's inevitable at some point you're gonna be clawing at the door again at some point in the future cuz of some insurmountable emergency. You don't even think ahead. Only this time you're not going to push the issue. Next time you have some 1AM emergency, you can handle it yourself. Not that you'll learn anything from a taste of your own medicine...will you? Wish you would.


I told you to believe me when I'm serious about asking you out. Hell, you still have my number, email, and you'll see me here pretty much everyday cause it's obvious who I am.

Just chill out and be my friend and whatever happens..


How have you tried and what did you do to him?

Valentines Day is coming and I have all these girls flexing on their dudes, while i've asked them out and they just keep me as a backup

Now I am officially staying in alone

nobody wins here.

Why can't chicks just say yes the first time. It loses all charm the 17th time

I dont like you enough to compromise the next 20 years of either of our lives but you dont listen to reason no one listens

I've joined the military very late. And I think I'm consigned myself to being single for ever.
Navy specifically. Which means at least 6 months a year out of town.
What woman would stay loyal for 6 months at a time while alone?
My mom did. But her relationship with my father eventually fell apart

I feel like the time away from home is too much of a stress for any relationship.
Either they cheat, or they get resentful.