Bisexual gf

How do I not get cucked by my bisexual girlfriend's lesbian friends? I can't compete with female energy and lesbian love, im just a dude

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Be confident in your gf's love for you. She's with you because she wants to be with you. Don't be afraid to sit down with her and talk about how you feel and ask for reassurance. But most importantly, trust and love her. :)

no reason to not trust her until she gives you one

if she cheats, you dip. Simple as that

If u really, really love her consider taking hormones

start a tren cycle. trust me.

Why do trannies try to push their lifestyle on everyone. like we accept you. Chill. Convincing people to take hormones is just going to turn liberals on you and then you'll be fucked.

>Degenerate concepts like bisexuality
Suck a fat cock fag that whore's gonna cheat on you what a fucking joke

All women are bisexual.


ur gf reeks of masculine energy. that bisexual excuse for a lesbian has already cheated on you once upon a time my friend. there's nothing more disgusting than your significant other living in this lesbian world. its such a social trap and u won't find a way out unless you leave her.

quit being a fucking faggot and curse her the fuck out and leave.

kill yourself tonight faggot

>has masculine energy

>its such a social trap

Explain please

I had a bisexual girlfriend of 2 years and one night she hanging out over her bisexual friends house who also had a bf

Apparently the bi friend invited her lesbian friend over they all got really drunk, specifically the friends working together to get my gf blackout drunk and then tied her up and raped her

I don’t trust gays or bis

>friends working together to get my gf blackout drunk and then tied her up and raped her

Lmao is that what she told you? You got cheated on bud

Maybe if you play your cards right you could persuade her into having a threesome with some other girl.

I wish my gf was bi too

>Taking the bait

>OP rightfully skeptical of a bisexual girl leaving him for lesbian women who hate straight men
>hey why don't you invite one over to fist your gf while you watch in the closet

>Bishit SO
Not even once nigga

>Leaving him for lesbian women who hate men

Where did you read this? Also

>Hey why don't you invite one over to fist your gf while you watch in the closet

Where did you read this? Also, how retarded are you?

What is your agenda?

user, are you alright?

What is your agenda

Trying to overcome your autism, user. It won't be easy, tho