Getting an older gf?

when i was a teenager i dated a woman in her 40s and lost my virginity to her. i'm not particulary close with my mom so it was nice to have a mother-like figure in my life i could be close with and make love to. how do i make the same thing happen again? does anybody here have experience dating older woman?

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The easy ones aren’t hot. The hot ones aren’t easy. If they’re single in their 40s then somebody else didn’t want it and there’s definitely a reason.

Get yourself one with a bad heart condition. Make her cum so many times that she has a heart attack in bed. Steal everything and then call 911 to report death by penis.

Wack. Dishonorable. Gay. Just grow up.

>If they’re single in their 40s then somebody else didn’t want it and there’s definitely a reason.

This x 100

Past the age of like 25 if you see a single woman theres a 90% chance she's got a cluster of deal breaking qualities only the most patient betas will be willing to deal with

For men it's the same but at a later age. If you're past say your early 30s and you're still single you will be seen as undesirable and/or gay

go on a dating site look for women seeking toyboys.

how can i tell if they're into that?

>there's definitely a reason

yeah, but it's not always a major clusterfuck of a reason. A lot of times it's just that they spent 15-20 years in the same relationship and the other person just wasn't compatible with them in the long run and eventually they break up over "irreconcilable differences" which are just a laundry list of nitpicks like they snore too loud or they don't wash dishes properly or whatever or it's simply just they fell in love with a 20 year old back in the day and 20 years later it's a completely different person.

Personally though I wouldn't go for an older woman but if you're open to that there's nothing wrong with it.

read their profiles?
I found this after a few seconds searching
good luck mate, hope you find a good one.

>eventually they break up over "irreconcilable differences" which are just a laundry list of nitpicks like they snore too loud or they don't wash dishes properly or whatever or it's simply just they fell in love with a 20 year old back in the day and 20 years later it's a completely different person.

Excuses excuses excuses to take the path of least resistance.

As I said. A cluster of deal breaking qualities. If yours such an inflexible person you can't deal with a persons flaws (sans things on the level of physical/emotional abuse) that you've already committed to, you're an immature and privileged turd. A true product of americanism.

We live in a society where you can divorce your husband because he snores too loud and the courts will actually back you up on it.

If you're so fickle don't get married in the first place, or otherwise deal with the consequences of your vows.

i set my tinder girls age from 25 to 50 and i had no matches older than me but got a few late 20s matches.
It went nowhere and i uninstalled anyway.

uh so what do you care if some 20 year old kid wants to get some milf pussy from them?

Do older people use tinder?
I don't know.

Wanting to date an older woman and wanting "mild pussy" are totally different things and you know it. Pull your head out of your ass.


but why do you care personally

is your mom single

Why does anyone care to post advice here?

>you're an immature and privileged turd. A true product of americanism.

solid advice and totally not you being mad for no reason

I understand it's not the same, but I broke up with my ex boyfriend after 9 years, at 24.
I fell in love with him when I was 15 and he was 17. We grew up, and despite caring about him a ton, we just didn't work out.
We had different wishes and desires, we had different interests, we wanted different things, we weren't compatible personality wise or sexually because we grew into different people.
We cared for each other truly, but it made me so unhappy. I broke up with him, and I'm now with a person I'd die for.
Relationships aren't easy and people aren't always a good fit, even if at some point of their life they were.


I'm talking about marriage and the shit people do at 30+

You don't know shit at 17 or 24.

>marriage and the shit people do at 30+

I don't know a whole lot of people who get married at 30+ unless it's a second marriage.

Also guess what, you don't know shit at 30+ either not when it comes to relationships. Every relationship is starting from 0

Interpals has a variety of women from different ages, countries, interests

Again, most people I know got married around my age (25), often to partners they had since they were in their early 20s.
It's plausible that at 40 you just are a different person.

It's hard to find older women who aren't train wrecks.

I've dating one older woman and I met her from when I was tutoring on the side.
Thing is that it was pretty much all dumb luck.
Pretty much every milf was either married or showed 0 signs that she was interested in me.
Only one showed any sort of interest and was visually appealing in the first place.
