I’m Mexican. How do I talk to white people? It always feels like they’re belittling me

I’m Mexican. How do I talk to white people? It always feels like they’re belittling me.

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It's all in your head.

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Where do you live? How old are you? What kind of white people are you interacting with? Where do you interact with them?

Are you legit a person from Mexico, a Chicano, or a guy that happens to be brown?

The devil is in the details.

You're Mexican. Banter is in your blood. Belittle them back.

is not mexicans white either .?

it's like usa, 50% mutts

Upper middle class
Anywhere. In the store. At work. At parties.
I am from Mexico. I speak English very very well but I have an accent.

What state so you live in?

Also, are
you frequently the only Hispanic guy amongst a group of coworkers?

Because white people are like that brew.

Yes. All of my “friends” are also white. They tend to make sure I don’t forget I’m a Mexican.

yo im also white but you're probably just boring as shit otherwise lol

How do you figure?

because all they talk about is ur literal surface quality. I bet you talk about it a lot and don't make it known you don't like it.
Idk why im even typing. You're a little bitch. KYS

I don’t talk about being Mexican hardly ever though. I talk about all kinds of different stuff. They laugh at my jokes too. Still always bring up the fact that I’m Mexican somehow.
>idk why im even typing
Because you’re a bored loser with nothing better to do with his time so you insult people anonymously on the internet.

no i mean like why even type to someone this fragile and filled with white rage

You sound intimidated.

>duuuh u sound scared huhu

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Pues con dos cojones y no como una maricona.

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If I were in your situation, and one of your "friends" just oddly mentions the fact you're Mexican, just try to make a witty joke out of it, If they're intelligent enough, a few of them will laugh and just get on with whatever the occasion is, but if none of them laugh that'd be kinda alarming. Americans are like peaches, only a few of them show you who they truly are.

Yeah man, race is fucking weird in the U.S, if people choose to ignore it when your amongst friends, it creates this weird kind of tension. However, people are even more afraid to talk about it than ignore it, so maybe your friends wanna get a little closer to you when they talk about your background.

Honestly, all Americans are kinda the same when you remove skin color. They like talking about fucking stupid TV shows, sports, their job, their pets, their car, their kids, a new road being built or being blocked off, about drinking too much coffee or too much beer, about drinking other shit, how hot some girls are, how kids are spoiled, but they never talk about personal finances.

Also, you shouldn't give a fuck about how people think of you when you're purchasing something at the register or trying clothes on or buying a new phone, they're just trying to get on with their own shitty lives. That's most likely your own anxiety.

However, If someone actually has a real problem with you being Mexican in Illinois, they'll probably be stupid enough to say something in public and create a scene, and usually it ends up with more people being on your side.

Hope this helps

What do non Americans talk about?

they talk about the same shit, they re just less obsessed and autistic about race

European here. Talk to me like you'd talk to any of your mexican friends. If we click and laugh together at stupid things we can become friends.

>It always feels like they’re belittling me.
Then you're in the wrong group of people famalam

>I'm foreign
>I feel like an outsider

Human brains are wired to see anyone who doesn't look like an "us" as a threat. Most intelligent white people see anyone different as just another person with a different point of view

That's one hell of an image.

Easily 2/3 of white people hate themselves for being white (or at the very least, are horrified of ever assigning themselves a positive group identity), especially in the places where there are sizeable nonwhite populations. Chicago is in parts just a Mexican exclave. Odds are that you wield a large amount of power over whatever normie white person you interact with, since they will racially emasculate themselves to avoid being called "racist".

>all Americans are kinda the same when you remove skin color.
Race is hardly restricted to skin color, and there are wide gaps in statistics across the board--leftists love blaming "institutional racism", but the fact remains that the differences are there and quite persistent despite all attempts to "fix" them.

You try living in a mongrelized monstrosity like the US. If you live in a place where 99% of people have your ancestry, you can treat the one guy who isn't as, well, one guy. When everybody is mystery meat but where different kinds of mystery meat get different priority on the progressive stack, it gets messy.
Also, it really does help when the "less obsessed" countries don't have archaic constructs like the first amendment to hold them back in imprisoning people saying naughty things.