>Girls flirt with me when they're drunk but not when they're sober >When I go to clubs I get approached by at minimum 2 girls during the night without any prompting from me >When I go to bars I get random girls complimenting my clothes >Also female friends always compliment me when they're drunk >But no one ever flirts with me sober >When girls are sober they barely pay attention to me
What does this mean Jow Forums? Am a kissless virgin
Because women are shy too and alcohol removes inhibitions and makes people more bold so they'll approach you instead of waiting for you to approach them.
Grayson Harris
Michael Brooks
>girls show interest in you >refuse to interact with them You’re digging your own grave
Daniel Roberts
Alcohol has few nicknames, notably >social lubricant I know many dudes who would be unable to score a girl without help of alcohol. They either make her drunk (less defensive to advances, lower her standards), or make themselves drunk (lose inhibitions, less anxiety, more "jokes") >truth serum People dont say or act on their feelings for 9999 reasons. Mostly aboit social conditioning. For example you will never say to your boss what you think about his leadership skills while sober unless you already found new job.
Tldr women are fucking cowards, they are scared to death to ever innitiate anything with men. And even when they actually do, the signals / flirting is so small you usually never notice it as man anyway.
Tldr stop being idiot and ask for their numbers whenever chance presents itself. Ask them on date via text when they are sober.
I dont refuse to, I just cant because of fear of rejection or of doing something wrong. Im a kissless virgin, i dont know how to kiss or do anything intimate
I guess im just gonna end up a KV forever... I need a girl who is willing to make the first move on me because im too much of a pussy to do it myself
>Tldr stop being idiot and ask for their numbers whenever chance presents itself. Ask them on date via text when they are sober.
I cant do it, im too scared. Im scared they're gonna be offended that someone as ugly and/or pathetic as me asked them out...
Jacob Evans
>drink more alcohol to the point you wont be scared anymore >hire prostitute >die alone
Pick one OP.
Michael Perry
>I need a girl who is willing to make the first move on me Goddamn, you’re not just digging your own grave, you’ve got an entire construction crew helping you. YOU have to make the first move. It’s the social/biological role of the man to purse the woman. Don’t expect it to change.
Isaiah Hernandez
Why are you looking for a girlfriend at the bar and then complaining that they're always drunk when they interact with you? That's what bar whores do. They want free food and drinks and if you fork out enough money, you might be able to take them home and see how many STDs they have and never see them again afterwards.
You might as well go to a brothel and look for a nun because the long term potential for bar thots is the same ratio.
Connor Thompson
I cant do it bros. My self-esteem is so low due to me being a kissless virgin that I just think its impossible for me to imagine a girl ever saying yes to me.
You’ve already had girls showing interest in you. You’ll never get experience with them until you try.
Parker Wilson
Strange as in not an acquaintance or otherwise previously known.
Jose Bell
I feel you Bro, I've decided I'm just gonna be lonely too. Life doesn't have to be fair but that doesn't mean we have to play.
Nathan Hill
Why not try finding a hobby and meeting women through that? Go to the gym and find yourself a treadmill bunny. Get a dog and go to your local dog park and let the dog do all the attraction work for you. Chicks fucking love cute dogs and will come running over to you "to say hi" and that's a great start.
Dominic Nelson
But im a kissless virgin. Yeah I might try and might succeed. But I could also fail >I might make a move on a girl and she rejects me still >I might make a move on a girl and she likes it, but because im so inexperienced i fuck it up by being a terrible kisser, or worse, actually getting her into bed and being god awful at sex
How can i win? There is no way i can win
Lincoln Stewart
>How can i win? There is no way i can win In that case, be a better loser.
Kevin Edwards
Don’t you see that you’re upset that you don’t win at a game you refuse to play?? Either one of those possibilities will give you some experience on how to deal with women, so that next time you can try something else and learn what works and what doesn’t.
Zachary Phillips
Not OP, but I'm terrified of asking girls out because either result fills me with dread. >If she says no, I'll think of myself as a failure >If she says yes, she'll expect me to know what the fuck a date is supposed to even be
Better to just give up.
Jaxon Perry
Yeah but both of those possibilities are really badly embarrassing. If I get rejected I'll feel humiliated and pathetic. If she says yes but I can't kiss or have sex properly, I'll also feel pathetic and even more embarrassed.
One of the reasons i dont bother initiating anything with girls who flirt with me is i can tell from the looks on their faces that they expect that i'm a normal guy with a decent level of experience. Imagine how disappointed they'd be to find out i'm a kissless virgin with no idea how to do anything intimate
Hunter Rogers
I feel like a few moments of embarrassment would be preferred to a lifetime of loneliness
Andrew Watson
Its not just a few moments
I mean imagine if I actually got a girl into bed. That'd be at least several minutes of prolonged awkwardness. Not just the failed act of sex itself but also the awkward atmosphere and conversation afterwards
Jace Williams
So if you're never gonna fail at it, are you just never gonna date then?
Don't tell me you genuinely expect us to care or pity you knowing that this is basically just you doing it to yourself
Luke King
You’d be surprised at how awkward normal sex can be between two drunk people. The girl will probably blame it on the alcohol. And my point still stands, one night of embarrassment is better than an entire lifetime of >tfw no gf
Logan Davis
Its not me doing it to myself, I didnt choose to be so scared of rejection...
I dont think you anons know how badly i want to not be a kissless virgin. Its ruining my life. When these girls flirt with me it feels like i'm being taunted... Like god is torturing me by constantly showing me things I want but cannot have
Not op, but I just can't see any girl being interested in me. Like I know intellectually that "there's someone for everyone" and it just wouldn't make statistical sense for me to be completely untouchable to all girls, but with any specific girl I just don't have any reason to believe she'd like me, and several reasons to believe she wouldn't.
Dominic Adams
Don't you think that before wanting someone to like you, you should start to like yourself, realise wich place you are right now and move forward to the one you want to be.
Women generally comes when you are not expecting it, wich actually means when you are focusing on yourself, you progress, women dig that.
Jaxon Barnes
>Women generally comes when you are not expecting it
OP here, thats a really misleading thing to say. Telling someone like me that "girls only come when you're not expecting them" is ridiculous cause I'm never gonna have the natural charisma and balls to ask a girl out even if she appears into my life
Josiah Baker
Same, and I've never had a reason to believe otherwise.
I'm 27 and I have a stable job. I don't know what else I'd want other than a family someday.
Lincoln Moore
>Girls flirt with me when they're drunk but not when they're sober
This is normal and it is a great sign they approach at all. Alchohol impairs general judgement, but does not impair attraction. Women do not normal approach because the dynamics of their attraction make them more scared to do that; they don't "know" they like you until they talk to you so its a big risk usually.
Jacob Ortiz
Aaron Sullivan
Also, women are small and vulnerable, whereas men are big and strong and sometimes some of them rape people (not social commentary, just history, biology broadly...), so that bleeds into an almost bunny/cat-like quality to their personality. Its hard for them to approach. If they do at all you should probably be super impressed with her and flattered.
Jeremiah James
You don't want it very badly, you want convenience A path of learning and trying is the literal only thing between you and women but instead you'd rather bait out threads for 40 posts by running in circles about shit you can clearly and totally fix and are absolutely doing to yourself.
Fix it or fuck off, I say, there's nothing useful coming out of this thread as long as you're in it.
James Parker
Okay well how do i ask out a girl without humiliating myself?
Chase Ramirez
Sounds like you're physically attractive but either brainlet / asshole / crap personality that makes you unapproachable.
They might fuck you drunk but they probably don't want to be around you after that.
Alexander Wright
>Dude you can't show too much interest in girls, they aren't attracted to pushovers! >Dude you have to show interest in girls wtf! Dating advice is retarded and makes no sense
Joshua Parker
How does that not make sense? You have to show some interest, but don’t overdo it.
Alexander Johnson
I'm back. >Don't you think that before wanting someone to like you, you should start to like yourself, realise wich place you are right now and move forward to the one you want to be. I do like myself for the most part, and I am moving forward. I'm going to school in a program that interests me and I'm doing pretty well.
>Women generally comes when you are not expecting it, wich actually means when you are focusing on yourself, you progress, women dig that. I often hear this advice but I really don't understand the intent of it. It's not as though a girl's gonna just ask me out if I work on other things for long enough.
Gabriel Davis
Jason Brown
Anthony Cruz
Don't listen to that "when you are not expecting it" drivel. I'm an attractive man can make a girl smile blush flick her hair whatever and I've been a virgin my whole life because I thought it would just come to me on a silver platter (well, that and I was indecisive and shy with progressing beyond really mild yet obvious flirtation)
No. You have to make yourself available to women. You can focus your whole life on self-improvement and not get a girl. One thing at least: try and get a social life. I'm still kinda trying to work on that... I almost get laid before because I had guy friends a while back, but they all left a while back (and the girl that one guy recommended was really, REALLY, autistic and ugly).
Benjamin Hughes
Oh and another thing, PLEASE stop going to Jow Forums. I know this is quite obviously not something a lot of you agree with but hear me out OP. Jow Forums is not a good place for relationship issues. Think about it: people come here with problems or the desire to get entertainment.
This is not a board conducive to good mental or social health. It will advise you wrong and repeat that bad advice and bad mental ideas over and over. Give up on Jow Forums. Find some other way to get help with this stuff and don't make the mistake that left me in despair for months at least.
Juan Ramirez
>But I could also fail You are already failing. Why can't you people understand that?
Nicholas Moore
you are a stupid fag, kill yourself you pathetic fuck