How to find bullets?

I've find a way to kill myself with gun in my shit country where its not allowed to buy it legally, I might will buy an old gun :
is it enough in your opinion?
The next question is how to find bullets thought, any ideas? or where I could buy a real gun in europe ? After research it seems to be the most painless way

Attached: __00013_Superbe-revolver-broche-cal-7-mm-signe-coffret-fonte-cuir-munitions.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Attached: anti suicide gf.png (401x402, 11K)

Don't kill yourself OP.
My exes brother who was 17 shot himself with a rifle last year and it destroyed their family, I wasn't even close to him and I think about it every day and wept for days.
Please don't kill yourself. Just start living your life like you don't care, do crazy shit, but don't kill yourself.

If you want to kill yourself, why the hell do you give a shit about the law? Illegal guns exist in your country. The black market.

But, I still don’t think you should kill yourself

You are willing to pay 2.000 euros for that shit plus the bullets.
Seeing that, I must ask, user, are you gonna ky because you are retarded or is there any other specific reason?

I don't give a shit about law, I'm searching for blackmarket and I even asked where to find in my original post. Sorry for the bad english maybe

When you want to die you don't care anymore about money, I just want to find a painless/fast way to do so

Have you considered exit bag over guns? Don't do it tho, suicide is permanent solution for temporary problems. Would you burn your house if there were spiders you're afraid of inside ?

There is no painless/fast way. Because the planning is part of it, and it's long and painful. And even more long and painful it's gonna be for the people you leave behind.
So unless you have a incurable disease I'm guessing you have no real reason to do it and you're just a massive faggot.

Suicide by gun is the most surefire way to die. OP just wants to make sure he does it right.


Lol at that 150 year old revolver. It's kinda pretty, but not really. Just super fucking old. Headbutt a screw driver.

Matthew 11:28-30 ESV
28] Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

John 3:3-5 ESV
3] Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
4] Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?”
5] Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Is this bitch serious? How can she be a "gf" when she's the one whose dumping you and driving you to commit suicide.

>driving you to commit suicide.
You have agency and whatever choices you make are 100% by your own volition.

Problems in life do not control you. You control, and react to them. But it's up to you 100% to determine how you react to them. Try and learn agency, user, it'll liberate you in many other areas of life too.

Unfortunate for European pussies. They gave up liberty to have firearms. Maybe you could enjoy life if you could shoot some bottles. That gun is a 7mm pinfire. You will not find or make bullets for that. And if you find them, they cannot be trustworthy.

You are a product of your environment and there is no such thing as choice.


Letting yourself be a product of your environment is a choice in and of itself. It is a conciliatory action of the spirit, meant to abdicate the responsibility of self to destiny, in such a way as to remove the burden.

You are the spiritual equivalent of a man who has refused to stand for so long that he has become a cripple. And in your self-imposed jail you have declared that this is how the world has always been.

Même si tu réussis à te procurer un revolver d'un calibre standard assez puissant pour te tuer , sans licence de tir aucun armurerie n'acceptera de te vendre des munitions pour aller avec (même sur internet).

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Quoiqu'il en soit ne ravise toi , tu te débarrassera peut-être de tes problèmes mais tu te privera de toute possibilité de les résoudre et par conséquent de profiter du bonheur qui t'attend après ce mauvais moment à passer.
Garde toujours en tête que la roue fini toujours par tourner , te donner la mort c'est te priver de ta chance de décrocher le gros lot

Attached: 1539942115470.jpg (2080x1544, 692K)

If that's true, then you're akin to animals and bear a slave mindset. It's a philosophy of despair and there's no hope for people like you.