Is it worth going to therapy to try and get over depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts...

Is it worth going to therapy to try and get over depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts? Do you actually have a good life when it's over or are you just living the same boring life but without the things that used to hold you down?

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Well, I mean, if you're gonna end your life you might as well try everything once first. If you still can't get over yourself then you might as well die in a cool way. Like, death by tiger or something rad and meme-able.

Probably valuable because when you're sucidal your brain cant think past like 2 minutes into the future so its not a good long term strategy. I like to watch this when i want to kill myself

I hear a lot of people who believe in the afterlife and reincarnation that if you kill yourself and give up early you'll just be brought right back into the same situation and the same shit until you learn how to deal with it.

I think about this when I get suicidal. I don't wanna have to redo all this shit again. I don't ever wanna come back. I'm fucking done with this planet and these humans.

I've already tried to get better before and it just didn't work, maybe I wasn't doing everything I could but still I don't know of its worth putting the effort in

Were you born and raised in the town you live in now?

For me, it just helped me to overcome those real dark clouds. I was much worse before therapy than I was after.

But it was just my therapist basically pointing to shit in my life and saying "wait user that is very abnormal" and me being like "wait wut"

Yeah, moving away eventually is the main thing that keeps me going

I feel like its a waste of money, psychology is pseudoscience and they just manipulate you to make you think you feel better.

All my previous experiences with therapy have been like that

I think the mental health care system in the US is broken. I'm really apprehensive about giving it another chance.

Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I found that this can be a HUGE source of depression for many. There is a huge wide beautiful and crazy world out there that you gotta see before you go. You're probably surrounded by the same motherfuckers your whole life too. These people can be stuck in their ways and think you're XY or Z and keep you in that mental state.

Get outta there. Explore the world before you kill yourself. Fall in love with life and see everything it's got to offer you before you end it. The sooner, the better.

I don't think I'll have the money to leave for a while

What type of work do you do?

Dead end retail

Retail jobs are a dime a dozen, friend. Load up your car with every bit of precious you can fit, mark a spot on the map and go. It's easier than you think.

My therapist said today I'm look older based on my age and other mean things, that's what you get on a free healthcare country where government doctors and all other govern enployees can't be fired boys ;)

They also don't have to be worried about their reputation

Why would they even say that

That’s why private practitioners exist and aren’t free to visit.

If the therapy works, your depression won’t be as severe, and maybe you’ll feel better about life.

>Is it worth going to therapy to try and get over depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts?
Yes. Keep in mind there are a lot of shitty therapists though. If you don't click with the first one you try, keep looking.

>Do you actually have a good life when it's over or are you just living the same boring life but without the things that used to hold you down?
It'll help you manage and reduce depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts so they won't hold you back so much. It won't make you happy.

So all the studies and shit that evidence the benefits of therapy are bullshit?

read the new testament. God is real