>oldest sister had a guy fall so deeply in (unrequited) love with her that he moved out of the country just to escape the memory of her >other older sister devastated a friend so much whenever she turned him down that he went to a mental hospital >I, on the other hand, have no such stories to my name despite being a cute girl
How do I crush someone's heart? It sounds fun to own someone's soul and know they're being tortured inside because of their desire for you. I want some legendary stories of my own about the desperate things men did after being driven mad by love for me.
Kek how ugly are you? It's a natural art, one which a fugly girl like you will never get to experience, I pity you, to have to try at something that comes naturally to our sex
Brandon Wright
You're sick, lady. I lost a cozy gig because of this shit.
What the fuck is wrong with you and your family? Jesus.
James Russell
Some dude that dated my sister changed his name and moved far away after she broke up with him. Some dudes are nuts
Liam Wright
How am I sick?
My sisters didn't mean to hurt anyone. They deeply regret what happened. I'm the only bad seed that actually wants to hurt people.
Asher Mitchell
>How am I sick >I'm the only bad seed that actually wants to hurt people Sort of answered your own question there, didn't you?
Liam Price
Add a random 4channer on discord, imagine him to be a really hot Chad and chat with him and let out an aura of attraction to him while imagining the hot Chad. Then when he posts a pic of himself, ghost him. OR maybe he will turn out to be a real Chad and you'll get a real bf :)
Landon Martinez
>loved her so much he moved out of the country just to escape the memory of her Ah, how my heart aches for the male gender in the current year.
Luis Gutierrez
This was in 2009 lmao
Logan Clark
Jesus this is pathetic but I've completely cut myself out of social circles just to avoid women I've failed with so I can relate more than I want to
Dominic Myers
Let me date both you an your sister at the same time and I can give you observations. And by date I mean sex.
Let's date. I'll fuck the shit out of you and then you can leave. I'll be sooo devastated! I'll probably never call you again!
Jose Williams
some dork thought he was badass for telling off a g.i.r.l. lol
Jonathan Jackson
some faggot taking life seriously lol
Christian Walker
holy fuck you’re oblivious, and retarded
Hudson Thompson
This is nasty
Any young vulnerable guy is gonna be heartbroken if you give them lots of attention and then suddenly or slowly break it off.
But they're only gonna do something crazy if they're weak. Any decent guy will probably just cut you out of their life and move on after a while, and then you'll realize you just wasted everyone's time.
Stories about the desperate things men did for your love? They're gonna come from weak minded, lonely, or inexperienced guys, and you'll be able to label yourself as an emotional manipulator, since you did it all on purpose.
But as said in another comment, there's pity to be had here, because as a "cute girl" you have to go on Jow Forums to figure out how to attract guys.
Eek I hate when people like their own evil it just makes me want to get away.
Jaxson Robinson
youre still just a pile of flesh and bone.
Sebastian Brooks
Have a beautiful face and a pussy/ass that makes a man’s heart skip beats.
Well I want to actually get heartbroken, but I have a feeling I won't take it too seriously at this point in my life so fuck. Sometimes I wish I was one of those pussies
Thomas Barnes
"Behind every great man is a great woman"
This is the spirit that produces greatness. It's this itch women feel knowing what incredible lengths a man is going through just for her. When channeled positively, you can really reap the benefits of this feeling.
For example, what you're asking, will produce no net gain in the end. You'll have a cool story, but empty hands.
Whereas, if you find a man who's incredibly, madly in love with you, then you influence him to go out and start a company, or invent something, or work himself to the bone; then you'll be left with the satisfaction that a man is utterly ruining himself for you, while at the same time being smothered with more gifts and power than you can handle.
It's perfectly normal to feel this as a woman. It's a shame your sisters' egos short-circuited and left them empty-handed. But don't let yourself feel jealous over nonsense. Who, in this world, is ever jealous of a fool?
I'm tempted to advise you to read "Think and grow rich". I'm not sure if it's up your alley, but I think the principles laid out in that book will be relevant to you and your life. Best wishes OP!
Samuel Murphy
For those that are wondering, this should be removed as it is not asking for advice but trolling.
Ironically I'm banned from the Jow Forums myself for not being an obnoxious cunt.
Eli Sanchez
>crossposting is kill Everything only ever gets worse.
Joseph Hill
Every guy falls in love with me. It's kinda a curse. Too much of something affects your mentality.
James Sanders
The best method is to take a bath and video yourself dropping a toaster into it. Plugged in and turned on btw.
Gavin Rogers
Your sisters did want to hurt them and why your sisters know about the guys and it now part of your family saga.
You on the other hand probably do have several broken men scattered in your past but you didn't care for them, didn't wonder what happened when they disappeared and therefore have no clue.
Your sisters are keeping score
Josiah Carter
confession of a tease.
In HS I could get any guy I wanted but my focus was on the big guy on campus type. Despite all their bragging and posing they chased like a puppy and were so pathetic when I let them almost catch me then came the kick. The crazy thing is they knew everybody would get the kick yet their arrogance made them try.
But I got mine and still not over him. My father owned a business in town and a guy worked part time while he was at university. We went to the same HS but I never really looked his way though he was goodlooking, just not one of the popular types. Since he worked for my father I was bored and tried to get him to chase and he didn't. My parents loved him, my brother and sister loved him, my mother especially kept telling me he's the kind of guy she prayed I could marry and it fucked with my head. I fell so deeply in love with the guy I couldn't speak in complete sentences around him and one night begged him to kiss me. He did and in my mind started planning our life and kids and told my mom to help. I changed everything about me and then one day he wasn't at work. I go ask my father and he said the guy was always going to leave after graduation and moving to go to law school. I blew up his phone, I went by his apartment and he was already gone and he didn't leave any information though I found out later my father knew.
6 months later he came to visit his parents and I found out he was in town and found him and told him everything and begged him to stay and love he and he laughed. All he would say is "with someone like you not in a million years"
Joshua Watson
Leo Nelson
Anthony Sanders
You must be really ugly. I've crushed guys their hearts without any intention to.
Anthony Garcia
>he's the kind of guy she prayed I could marry and it fucked with my head. Notice females have no agency
Jayden Mitchell
Well i haven't met many guys that want anything more than sex.
Tyler Powell
No wonder he didn't want you
Jordan Gomez
You surround yourselves with those types because that's what you want. That said, this is probably a bait anyway.
Angel Cruz
Don't want that at all. It just seems most guys are very infatuated with sex or the thought of it.
Blake Morris
Follow up: i havent had sex in 2 years.
Bentley Baker
Played you like a damn fiddle
Josiah Morris
>Animeposter Bait. Sage.
Asher Morgan
Though I tried to string him along at first, not only did he not give chase as I got to know him he was an incredible guy and I fell in love. I didn't even know what was happening to me and would argue with my family he wasn't that great But he was.
Carter Butler
you guys answered an impostor but oh well.
It was my mother that hoped I would settle down eventually and not play games and she believed this guy would make it happen. It did, though I resisted and denied but it was for nothing in the end. He flew away