What is this on the back of my neck

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Dude take shower regularly

It's one of many bonuses to being morbidly obese.

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Fungus? Is there a doctor in the house?
Put some ring worm cream on there. "Its not really a worm, its a fungus. Ask dude at pharmacy store.

wash your damn neck dude. fucking gross

Take a shower you 3rd world fuck.

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Don’t listen to these other fucks, it’s called a keloid. These are caused by a mutation that cause over growth of scar tissue. It’s usually set off by a bad hair cut or shave. These don’t really go away as they are genetic but to manage it take cold showers and scrub it a bunch. You’ll want to use this cream called Kiti Kiti after every shower to help reduce the size of the keloid.

Quit posting and look up ringworm treatments. Its a do it yourself deal. We don't need to see that shit. You need an anti fungal cream. "There are also shampoos" keep it clean and let it breathe. Use some of the shampoo in the laundry. Throw away your pillow.

Fuck dude, skin tags or warts? Just pease visit doctor, OP.

If that is true, couldn't you remove it with salicylic acid such as compound W? Available at anywhere.

i have no money for a doctor

If I were to guess. Probably skin tags
Something that comes with being fat as fuck

Jesus fucking Christ forgive me but that is disgusting, it looks like your neck is growing a nutsack.

Holy good God please go to a doctor and get it fixed. No money for that? Then sell something. Stop eating so much. Don't make an excuse, get it fixed

This dude got a neck pussy

Bro clean your fucking neck rolls every once in an aeon, Jesus Christ.

A nussy

El ogro de las Americas

it's Keloids as this dude said, a connective tisue disorder. you can get it surgicaly removed but it will prolly grow back and look even worse. Talk to a doc about it.

Looks like pre-diabetes to me

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