Have to pay most of my salary into my insurance plan and rent

>Have to pay most of my salary into my insurance plan and rent
>left with only 20-80 dollars to spend a month

How do I fix this? My rent and insurance are as cheap as they can go in my area and I can't afford to move.

Attached: 610621_rtx1658o.jpg (1000x610, 262K)

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That paper cost probably 4 dollars

Two ink pens cost 7

that's 11 dollars

that's 5 boxes of flour

that's a lot of bread

people need to learn to cook again instead of bitching about not affording happy meals all the time.

We have it so rich now it's unbelievable people are asking for even MORE when there just isn't anything more we can ask for on this Earth

>left with only 20-80 dollars to spend a month

This is the amount of my allowance for a week

How can you survive a month?

Imagine being this middle class and out of touch

>This is the amount of my allowance for a week

If you're that rich, what are you doing here instead of out in the world buying yourself a good time?

Attached: society.jpg (814x578, 128K)

This is what millennials who pretend not to be millennials sound like when they imitate old baby boomer and gen x geezers

I don't know what you do for work or what education you have or anything, but the best you can do is bear and wait until a social democrat gets elected.

Do you need to have an insurance?
Are you in college?

I haven't been in college for years.

Ignore the shit heels that don't have to pay their own way.

Go for assistance if you qualify, while you're at it get a food box or two to tide you over and look for better paying jobs. You have an earning problem, not a spending problem. I don't know what kind of work you do, but if you have room for advancement-- even if you don't think you're qualified, bust ass to get that advancement.

In the meantime you can grind on sites like mturk, click worker, rev, crowdsupport, etc. to make a few dollars here and there to get you some gas and food. Crowdsupport and rev can actually pay pretty well if you keep at it and have decent hearing and typing speed.

If you have more space than time, rent it out. I've rented my couch for a week at a time for about $150. Read your rental agreement and if you live with anyone else make sure they are cool with your guests-- also do some due diligence to make sure you're not going to be murdered or robbed while you sleep. If that's not feasible look to share resources with others in similar situations, barter, trade work/crafts, that sort of thing.

Best of luck.

What country? I bet you can do the same elsewhere. USA ask work or go on line for work to change tax form W-4 and claim more dependents. You get a ballpark of eleven extra bucks a week for every (1) number that you go up. Stay within reason so you don't owe a shitload when you do taxes.

The answer is simple. You need to make more money, brainlet.

The Democrats have Divided themselves so much that their Socialist Platform will never happen-ever

This Capitalist America

Don't like it- go to Germany

Free School there

Stop paying insurance

>Just stop being poor!

Not that guy, but you suck. This guy works for a living. All of your bitching about gibs and nogs and immigrants falls apart the moment Americans, born and raised, who are educated, have work ethic, and work for a living, can't make a decent life for themselves. That's a failure of the system no matter how you slice it.

>Doesn't know we're about to go to war with Socialism- again


>Blind leading the Blind trying to buy a Stairway to Heaven

Think of how hard your grandparents had to work

Free school if you speak German. Otherwise fuckoff

No, they teach in English too- retard

Try Googling

Go Buy a plane ticket and get the fuck out-Socialist

We wouldn't give a shit about le socialists in Venezuela if they weren't sitting on the world's largest petroleum reserves.

>Free school if you speak German.
Oh, but you forgot about my Trap Card:
"Syrien, Asyl."
There, now you have free shit. Bonus points if you came straight out of Somalia, the Swedes will pay to import you and then apologize for not having done so sooner.

>oil isn't worth fighting for

What do you think people are fighting for these days? Let's not beat around the Bush.