Is there such a thing as friendly teasing, or is it all really just bullying?

Is there such a thing as friendly teasing, or is it all really just bullying?

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Bullies do their work out of love for the collective. They tet the president on how society is supposed to act.

Sorry. I was chewing tobacco while I was typing.

>Is there such a thing as friendly teasing,

let me tell you there is a distinct difference between friendly teasing and active bullying. the biggest difference is that bullying as spite and aggression behind it, and will often relentlessly target your weaknesses and faults. friendly teasing isn't serious, and is often played more for laughs than subtly trying to hurt you.
You should be able to tell the difference. and if you can't than you might have to ask yourself if the things people are saying are actually hurtful or not.

Bullying is bullying and teasing is teasing.

Bullying is when you're physically scared for your own safety or the safety of your belongings.

Teasing is when kids call you a faggot or something that rhymes with your name.

They're very different things. Sometimes they overlap but they're still very different.

and also yes friendly teasing does exist it's 90% of all PUA flirting and some regular flirting as well

My aunt likes to make passive aggressive "jokes" that are hurtful and then when she sees that she's not getting the jovial reaction she wanted, she'll laugh and claim that she's only teasing/joking. I ain't fucking laughing, so obviously it's not funny. It makes follow up conversation awkward too, because I wanna tell her to stop being a cunt, but I also love her and don't wanna stoop to her level of petty.

Yes but sometimes even teasing will make you cry :'(

>Bullying is when you're physically scared for your own safety or the safety of your belongings.
>Teasing is when kids call you a faggot or something that rhymes with your name.
So both are characterized by people being mean to you, just that one is more physical. I suppose if you're the living embodiment of "stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" it's a significant difference. To normal people, though, the fact that you're surrounded by people who think so little of you that hurting you physically or emotionally is their form of fun is a problem.

If your friends are aware of your flaws/insecurities and exposing them for their own benefit and pleasure, that's bullying.

Are they still friends at that point?

My parents do this and then get offended when I don't laugh and tell me to "lighten up" like it's my fault I see through their personal attacks. It's really fucked up.
If I ever tried the same shit they would punish me. They never understood the empathy behind how it feels to be under scrutiny.

"sticks and stones" doesn't actually work, otherwise yelling "NIGGER" in public wouldn't get you arrested, beaten up, or asked to leave the premises

That's for you to decide

I've heard that called "schrodinger's asshole". Actually an asshole but hiding it behind "just kidding"

In response to OP, yes there is such a thing as friendly teasing. But friendly teasing is built on a foundation of trust and real communication. If someone is accidentally hurt by the teasing, the response isn't "I was just kidding, lighten up"; the response is "I'm sorry, I won't tease you about that again."

e.g. Me commenting that I'm going to file for a divorce when my spouse doesn't like a game that I like is teasing. We know we're crazy about each other, we would never fight over something so stupid, and it's funny to both of us.

Something that is said with intent to hurt or belittle or humiliate is never teasing. That's always bullying. People will just try to cover it up and claim it's just a joke because they don't want to be outed as a bully.

bullying or is something done to be hurtful. teasing is something done to be playful.

In text form mostly no but its possible. IRL or with voice, yes for sure.

Sticks and stones only helps so far, user.
Teasing should be reserved for playful teasing IMO.

*the word

If there's malice to it, that can and will hurt you.
If they're not serious, if they just tell you to stop being a faggot when you're being a faggot or they joke around with you as friends, that's different from bullying.
But you can verbally bully someone and if those words appear to be meant, they probably are meant and if they are meant, you are not well liked and if you are not well liked you are NOT treated well.
That's just plain logic.

People who do this with a clear conscience are typically as morally bankrupt as they get. Don't get your expectations too high about people who can stomach hypocrisy without taking a good look at themselves in the mirror and being okay with who and what they are

Absolutely this.