Please help me Jow Forums

Please help me Jow Forums
I have been dating a girl for a few months and it's getting serious. I think we would be ready to say "I love you". She is planning vacations, I want to introduce her to my family, etc.
What concerns me is that she doesn't know my political opinions. She's a big leftist which I don't mind. I'm apolitical but I used to be conservative. If she met my family any one of my siblings or parents could mention that I voted for Trump or liked Jordan Peterson. These things were in 2016, now I don't really follow that stuff and am content leaving all that up to people with more energy and passion for it.
How can I get by this issue? If I told her I used to be conservative at the start she would not have dated me. I desperately want to just erase that period because it's not descriptive of me anymore, but my family knows my history and could expose me. Is it wrong to continue to hide it and become closer to her? I want her to like me enough by the time she finds out that it's understandable to her.
Maybe I'm overreacting? People with leftist/communist friends, would they like you if you voted for Trump? I have a bad experience of close high school friends yelling at me and throwing me out of a party right after the election and now I fear that happening again.
She means a lot to me. Please give me your opinions.

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If your political stance would end your relationship then you shouldn’t be in a relationship

Your political beliefs are less important and more fluid than you probably realize. I was a big lefty. Then I moved to a small town where lefty ideas were no longer relevant. I drifted to the right. It’s more about context than people realize. Be nice to your girl. As you get closer and years pass, you will grow more alike.

You shouldn't be ashamed of liking Jordan Peterson mate he isn't extreme at all. I also voted Trump I don't regret it at all but I also haven't followed his presidency much and am not conservative. Just call yourself an independent and say you vote for whoever you feel like. Usually if the person isn't crazy they won't hate you just because you sided with conservatives last time. But if she is seriously a hardcore leftist then who knows but if you can't be honest about opinions with your girlfriend something is wrong in the relationship you should be able to communicate with each other.

>You shouldn't be ashamed of liking Jordan Peterson mate he isn't extreme at all

He's a bit extreme only because of his anti feminist and anti trans and his hot take on incels and everything

I doubt that you went from Trump and Peterson to genuinely being apolitical in the span of 2 years. Especially when you're posting frogs and talking about communists with no irony whatsoever.

But if that's true then just don't talk politics. Easy as that. I was with more than a few girls that I didn't see eye to eye with on everything.

>He's a bit extreme
Not at all. Most of his “extreme” opinions you listed are typical conservative ideas. Actual far-right people don’t like him because he refuses to engage in nationalism and racism

>Not at all. Most of his “extreme” opinions you listed are typical conservative ideas.

For Americans maybe. He's Canadian though. Just cause he's not a full blown racist doesn't mean he's not extreme. If it weren't for his extreme views he wouldn't have a following.

I mean she calls herself a communist so it wasn't ironic. I think it says more about me being apolitical that I don't really mind dating someone like that
I haven't been talking politics but I can't control what others say. I really fear having her for dinner with my family and someone mentioning my old politics.
As for the frog, I just think it conveys my emotions when picturing her breaking up with me over it. I think I'd quit socializing for a while if I not only lost friends, but lovers too due to politics.

>The Harper Scheer party
>Not being further right than Peterson on social issues
Do you live in the 1980s?

One day you are going to say something that triggers this girl and cause all sorts of drama,
Or one day you aren't going to be hardcore leftist enough for her tastes and will be dumped.

Go back to being conservative and find a conservative girl. Then you won't have to do stupid shit like pussyfoot around what you think or say.

I don't really fit in with conservatives because I don't talk outrageously or really have conservative values. I was only that way because of Jow Forums at the time. I'm probably more leftist if someone forced me to care but only because I'm overly empathetic. I recognize that, which is part of why I can't get into politics
Anyway, I remember her saying "you don't talk about politics at all. I respect that" so I'm going to stick around.
Maybe I can move away with her before my family gets a chance to meet. I wish she didn't care but I know she would

It'll come back to haunt you, but maybe you'll get a backbone and some values after the ordeal.

Stop being gay for politics bro

Values are what got me into the mess to begin with. I think as this guy does. It's all fluid. I don't really care to follow politics when I know I could just as easily be on the other side of the wedge
I have a backbone, I'm principled. I don't think about social issues like abortion or welfare but I am principled. I would rather die than capitulate to a robber, for instance. I would defend someone being bullied even if it meant my death. And so on.

Remember when Peterson said it was women's fault that incels go on killing sprees

Pop politics are so fucking retarded. People dissolve important relationships over reality TV garbage. Trump is just a symptom of the Presidency being a social popularity contest. Peterson is just a psueodintellecual shill with bipolar disorder and probably some weird sexual issues. Peterson knows about clinical therapy and Jungian psychology, what he studied.

OP, the problem isn’t that you’re a conservative. Conservatism itself isn’t controversial in most circles. The problem is that you voted for a patronizing conman in a spraytan, and that you’re impressed by Peterson’s pseudointellectual babbling.

So basiclaly this all comes down to p0stm0dernism, and the manifestation of the brainlet wojak archetype in North American youth.

But anyway, this isn’t all your fault. This is the way of the culture you live in, and I think said it pretty well. That being said, the ballot has a curtain for a reason, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

You're pretty condescending. Makes your opinion worth less to me. Maybe you're one of those guys who is so smart he can't weigh his words correctly and never convinces anyone?

What's the full quote?

beggars can’t be choosers. and yeah, I am an idiot. but can you at least appreciate the truth?

now you’re blessed with the insight that when youtube goes on autoplay and plays a bunch of peterson shit, it’s not actually benefiting you.

And I’d tell the same thing to people who watch those DNC propaganda shows on network TV all day, but they’d probably attack me or something.

>they'd probably attack me or something.
At least experience the "libtard" stuff before talking like that.

>“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Peterson said of the alleged Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

What the fuck? He actually just advocated for institutionalized rape.

Why should I watch 4 hours of television a day about how bad the Trump administration is when most people knew that from day one? I’d be better off starting a secret family.

Stephen Colbert was a lot funnier when he had his own show. He made a “joke” super pac (whatever that is) and, basically, viewers ironically donated him 1,000,000 real US dollars.

But now, whatever alien force is controlling our government and making everyone sheeplike comes down once a week to eat another part of Stephen Colbert’s soul, which is a fate worth no amount of money.

And what makes Peterson a pseud is that what he’s saying here is completely unempirical. It’s just something he said because he felt it to be true, but he has a fake air of someone who knows what he’s talking about.

No he’s saying that marriage was created because there were too many ancient mall shooters.

>Enforced monogamy
That's not normal marriage.

I think you should watch 0 hours of television and wait until you experience discrimination before you assume it

Peterson is basically advocating shariah law lol

What does this mean?

He should go on MEMRI TV.

You're a faggot and you deserve to be divorce raped.
>People with leftist/communist friends, would they like you if you voted for Trump?
Statistically it's much less likely for leftists to be okay with a right-leaning friend than vice versa.

>If it weren't for his extreme views he wouldn't have a following.
Ah, the knuckledraggers have arrived. He is the most milquestoast you can possibly get. The only thing anyone has to do to be labelled "extreme" by leftists is simply to hold the same beliefs for more than two or three decades. For fuck's sake, Obama was still against fag marriage in 2008, now anyone who dares to oppose it is instantly called either hard or even far right. California outlawed it by referendum that same year.
JP is a guy who (amazingly) picked a timeframe about 10 to 15 years behind the latest in social deconstructivism, wow, so extreme.

>Conservatism itself isn’t controversial in most circles.
I beg to differ. "Conservatives" who meekly profess to believe in everything leftists do but just "differently" are tolerated out of pity or for the sake of having an easy punching bag available. Someone who suggests we actually, you know, conserve something besides a pocketbook--be it a way of life, a nation, or God forbid a bloodline, they're reviled as the most despicable creatures to possibly exist. Seriously, the best way to get a leftist frothing at the mouth is to say "I want my grandkids to look like me".

To borrow from Noam Chomsky, the best way to restrict thought is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable thought, but allow very vigorous debate within that spectrum. And said spectrum is by design drifting "left" (i.e. destroying rather than conserving).

See: >We must enforce monogamy and force women to fuck incels so they don't shoot up malls!

“I want my grandkids to look like me,” is not even a political statement. It’s just a way to signal that you’re a white supremacist (sorry, “nationalist”). Now please kill yourself.

JP describes himself as a classical liberal, so that is extremely unlikely to be what he meant. I don't agree with him, anyway.

> It’s just a way to signal that you’re a white supremacist
Exactly my point. There is a strictly delineated spectrum of acceptable opinion, beyond which you don't even acknowledge it (i.e "is not even a political statement") and simply substitute blind outrage. It's an effective strategy, to be sure, but not for those who are actually acting it out. Instead of evaluating a naughty opinion, you can simply substitute a containment program written by the Good Shepherds.

Think rationally for a second, hard is it may be to the intellectually stunted sufferers of leftism: how on earth can one desire a white nation, and then simultaneously demand that nonwhites exist to serve them? It's nonsensical. From day one, slavery was opposed by the forerunners of nationalists now on the (obvious) grounds that it undercut poor white laborers. Apartheid in South Africa was also opposed by Afrikaner nationalists for the same reason. You know who wanted it? The greedy industrialists who could make way more with the cheap labor, the wannabe aristocrats in the South who bought their own serfs.

That's of course why you have so-called "revolutionaries" supporting exactly the same thing--mass importation of nonwhites into white countries--as the fucking Bilderberg Group. What Chomsky was referring to (and I in referring to him) is a method of control, pure and simple.

All of this is needless noise, though (there, now you have a sound bite to quote in your dismissal). My point was that it's incredibly easy to get leftists frothing at the mouth, and the bait worked beautifully when you went ahead to do precisely that.

I still want my grandkids to look like me, should I ever have them (to spare you the exertion of thinking, you can insert the zinger "you'll never get laid" here)

>It's extremely unlikely that's what he meant because he considers himself a classical liberal
Okay? Lots of people consider themselves "classical liberals," it doesn't mean they aren't radicals. In fact, the actual ClassicalLiberals would probably agree with that statement, considering their force-feeding of woman protests.

I can desire a white nation like it’s a pizza topping everyone is insisting on. I’m not going to get some fucked up form of ocd/autism that causes me to constantly post Nazi propaganda on Yahoo Answers. anyone who does that must just be allowed to do so as a joke.

>Has never heard of Scotland or the Irish war with the UK

History is still going

“how do I unlock thr secret igloo in club penguin???”


>Lots of people consider themselves "classical liberals," it doesn't mean they aren't radicals.
Yes, that's why they sat on the left of the assembly during the French revolution, but the point is that unless you're looking for a reason to get upset, "forced sex with rejects" is not the first thing to assume from what he says.

>considering their force-feeding of woman protest[er]s.
What? Do you mean hunger striking? I don't follow your wording.
I'll assume you meant that, and in that case these are the same people who saw no issue with killing rapists. They'd argue that there is a very wide gulf between keeping somebody alive and actively harming them. I'm not a liberal, classical or otherwise, but it's hard to see how you can claim Peterstein meant forcing anyone to have sex with anyone else.

Enforcing a standard, yes, but that's comparable to a law. Negative versus positive rights and all that.
>I can desire a white nation like it’s a pizza topping
You could say the same of essentially any political position as such. Some, however, are relegated to the naughty bin as in the example I provided. I don't think I would be called literally Hitler if I asked for the pepperoni to be kept separate from the pineapple toppings.

That's literally how you do it. What are you, an NPC?

How about why you are posting 100 years outdated political propaganda on Yahoo Answers every day?

>100 years outdated political propaganda on Yahoo Answers every day?

If anyone here is an agent sent to be disruptive to American society, it’s you. Jow Forums is pretty popular, you’re here every day like clockwork, and the real effect you have is that you bother people. Are you paid hourly just likely anyone else?

>disruptive to American society
Anything doing that ought to be praised. I have no desire to conserve that soulless bioweapon.
>you bother people.
Good. People don't like when someone comes hammering away at their worldview, regardless of how that worldview came to be. If I wasn't pissing at least some degenerates off it would tell me that I myself still had their mindset. This comes at the risk of sounding smug, though, so I hope you'll forgive me for that.

> Are you paid hourly just likely anyone else?
Obviously not, we get paid by post and/or character count. I'm one of the better ones, so I can make as much as three thousand rubles an hour on important projects. Duh.
Gennady ran a trial of being paid by (You), but then he just started spamming cuck threads on Jow Forums.

If you are for a fact being paid, that’s satisfactory. The idea of someone trolling this sad board with the same bait nearly every day for over two years, without any pay, is kind of disturbing.

Posting statistics is not trolling nor is it bait.
I wish I was paid for this shit, but if there was actually a market for it that would mean my purpose was either redundant or hopeless.

>If I told her I used to be conservative at the start she would not have dated me.

Did it ever occur to you to say, "Yeah I used to be conservative but then x and now I'm y, don't really follow conservatism anymore."

If she can't deal with that then you both are too immature to be in a relationship?

>anti feminist and anti trans
How is he anti trans? Dude there is no such thing as pangender or whatever pretentious crap the they/them people believe. He only insulted those people which are frankly narcissistic. He never said anything bad about other transgender people. Also there is plenty to criticise in feminism. Fuck man have a backbone.

Okay this is an extremely odd opinion. Is that seriously the state we are in now? Everyone wants there grandkids to resemble them how is that supremacy?

I don't know what happened to this thread but everyone is ignoring things I've said.
I have already been ignoring politics and I do not talk about it
I did not tell her at the start my previous political position but if I did she wouldn't have dated me

With that in mind, is there anything I can do? Should I become a big leftist? Should I stop dating her because it's wrong to omit stuff? Should I tell her now? Should I tell her when we're close and hope it matters less?
Please give me advice and please stop arguing about politics in this thread with a tripfag troll that anyone who has been on this board for longer than a day can recognize as a waste of time to talk with

Then find moderate people to associate with. Believe it or not leftists actually don't have that much empathy either they are selective with it. People that are more fluid like other anons said are reasonable people. If your gf is a commie it might be worth challenging her views just to see if she will freak out or be okay. If she freaks out I would say she is not a good gf and you should re-evaluate your relationship.

Don't become a leftist just to fit in that is a huge mistake. Also you definitely need to communicate better with her. It's not like politics are the most important in a relationship but if she will go from liking someone to hating them because of who they voted for she is not a good person in my opinion. You definitely need to be able to communicate with your girlfriend about serious things like politics eventually.

Okay people enforced monogamy is not what you think. He means culturally enforced i.e. grandma gives you shit that you sleep around all the time. We already live in a society with mostly enforced monogamy.

Talk to her about your beliefs and if she can't accept it then, break up with her. Don't change yourself for other people; if she actually likes you then she'll accept you have different ideas but that's fine because politics doesn't dictate a relationship (generally).

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Thanks for the response. I'm just worried. I've been in one other relationship and that person was emotionally abusive to me. The current gf is much better and we have a great connection. If I lost her because of something stupid like voting for someone conservative years ago I would have a hard time establishing a bond with someone else.
It took a long time in this case, I couldn't even have sex for a few weeks(ED) because I was distrustful. I'm really scared of this one thing, in a relationship I otherwise feel safe and secure in. I'm also scared of breaking up at this point because we're positive influences on each other.
I will try to figure out a way to tell her.

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>We already live in a society with mostly enforced monogamy.
No, we don't. Serial """monogamy""" isn't monogamy.