I Want to Cheat

Here’s the deal:

I have a girlfriend. We’ve been together for 2 years now. I’m happy with her. That’s not a problem.

Here’s the kicker, I have a co-worker that I am absolutely attracted to. She flirts with me often and we have our own little jokes and she is just my type.

I want in that badly. I want to cheat, but deep down I know I shouldn’t.

Honestly, what should I do?

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Don't cheat. if you aren't happy with your relationship than leave, or if you are then stay. you cant have both. than you just scum

Here's what's gonna happen to you:

You're gonna get some coworker pussy, things aren't going to work out between you two and then things will get really uncomfortable and awkward at work when she starts whispering to her lunch buddy about how tiny you are and how sad your stamina is, even if it's not true. The whole office is gonna know eventually. She's probably gonna sabotage you or call HR because of sexual harassment and you're gonna get called into their office, sat down and basically given a speech about how you're no longer working for their company and that you gotta leave.

Your girlfriend's going to eventually find out - and she WILL fucking find out someday and you're going to break her heart because she loved you and trusted you and was making plans for a future with you but now it's all trashed because you didn't think about her or her feelings and acted in a completely selfish manner that ruined everything.

You're going to get kicked out and/or she's going to leave and then you're gonna be back here with half a bottle of cheap brandy whining and bitching about women being stupid and that you deserve better in life.

Watch and see if I'm wrong.

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smoke crack

Thank you for being my conscience while mine has been failing me.

This is so helpful. Thank you for your blunt and honest answer. Thank you so much user.

No thank you :)

I’m actually going to save this answer and read over it daily while I’m at work if I have to

Hot coworkers are low-hanging fruit. We all got a coworker that we imagine bending over their desk and pumping them full. But like what said, you don't want any of the consequences of shit goes sideways. You can lose your job (good luck explaining in future interviews why sexual harassment was the reason why your previous job fired you.) you can lose your girl you can lose everything good you got going on with your life. if you GOTTA smash dat ass, I would break up with the girlfriend so that you don't hurt her and then i'd look into another job or transferring into another department of your company so that you're not in direct daily contact with your honey pot.

This is wrong. OP will slay mad hot tight pussy and walk away when the job ends and most likely never have to deal with any of this. The chances of any of this happening are somewhere around 1 in a million, and will only happen if OP is stupid enough to leave used condoms in the car or similar.

Coworker sex is so stupid hot and glorious and will always happen. Yes your partner trusts you, and most likely fuels connections elsewhere that aren't exactly "pure" either. If the woman in question starts to cry #metoo or something because you aren't leaving your wife for her, focus harder on your work and the company will most likely just move her or she'll leave if she sees your reputation is solid.

t. fucked my coworker for 6 months before she got married shit was cash

> Trading what you have for something uncertain

unironically kys

Yeah, go ahead. Listen to this guy. What's the worst that can happen?

is your coworker still married to this day?

I believe so. I am too, we're still on good terms and I guess you'd call it flirting, but we get on along fine. Partner's don't know never will, just think we're work buds.

I don’t think that I GOTTA smash dat ass, but goddamn do I wish I could make babies with her. But I know I should listen to better reason. I definitely don’t want to lose my job.

I think it’s the chance that there is possibility there that also gets me excited, but as you pointed out that’s comes at the risk of losing the good things I already have

Bump for interest. My wife is celibate.

Here’s the other side I haven’t heard yet. Idk, I think the risk may be too much for me. Bc I KNOW my gf will find out. We live in a small town and although they don’t really know each other well, they know OF each other

You won user. You lucky bastard

Why is she celibate?

You keep doing that, it's useful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter, even if I am not OP and I don't have a similar case, these answers are the reason I come to this board.

And OP, don't do it. Don't risk happiness for some dick-thinking. Everything will be so complicated that you'll end with your ass kicked to the moon.
Stop the flirting slowly, return to day 1, your coworker will get the hint.

She spends all her time at work long hours, then she spends hours with her 25 cats, then she spends hours spoiling rotten the brats. We barely talk.

>somebody on Jow Forums totally dressing up garbage behavior
You really think somebody would do that?
Just go on the internet and tell lies?

This is what's gonna happen, and to be honest IT REALLY ISN'T THAT BAD.

If you're thinking about cheating on your partner, you don't really like her or you aren't really attracted to them, and it's fine because you can't help who you're attracted to. It's better to cut off the relationship right then and there though, instead of cheating. OP, if you don't love this girl, then go ahead. There are always fish in the sea.

Okay. You’re right. I need to stop the flirting, bc I don’t want other co-workers to get the wrong impression either. I have a feeling people are catching on. I gotta end it before I get called in by my boss to discuss what’s been going on

I’m sorry to hear that. I have no experience in this area. I hope others can provide useful advice

I DO love my gf. Here’s the thing, my co-worker has all the things I like about my gf MULTIPLIED. But I think what I’m really taking away from this is that there’s a big chance my co-worker and I won’t develop a serious relationship and then I’ll end up hurting my gf and at the end of the day, have my reputation ruined and alone


The person you are more attracted to will have the bigger reward.


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I keep telling myself imma do it, but I’m gonna hold back. Thanks for all your help guys

Couldn't have said it better myself. Anyone else that thinks it wouldn't play out like this is delusional or retarded.

truly spbp, but fp is also good too.