Men flirting with my GF

So, as a manlet, what exactly are you supposed to do when men openly flirt with your gf in front of you and call you a manlet to your face and ridicule you? How do you avoid an escalation if they're persistent even after you tell them to fuck off? This happens pretty often.
Hell, last week some guy grabbed my gf and I jumped him but he proceeded to beat the shit out of me because he was 6'7 and fairly built. I'm not even a couch-potato, either, he just has height on me, and thus is superior.

This is getting ridiculous. Being a manlet is fucking horrible.

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Time to hit the gym.

If they call you a manlet than use it to your advantage. go for a dick kick.

i already do

I don't believe this shit. If you knew how to obtain this woman you should know how to take care of yourself.

I'm on fucking Jow Forums on a Friday

dirty fight
knee in the balls, fingers in the eyes, get pepper spray, whatever works

also where the fuck do you hang out that people just come and grab your gf then beat the shit out of you, like this ? call security idk

Do people actually use the word manlet irl?

Don't go out with your gf where there are people like that. If they try to ridiculize you because of your gf, tell her in some way not to act like she's available. If it's her shit (jealous 'friends', guys who think low of her, etc) tell her to deal with them herself. If it's you they bully, don't fight in front of your girl. If you can't avoid it, rely on your friends. If you are ugly, weak, friendless and clueless, try to work on one of these points.

OMG! I guess I should be more self-conscious about my height if THIS stuff happens!

but do you even lift, bro?

I legit think this is a bait thread. Sorry, user, but this is just a bit too ridiculous for me.

This happens pretty often

This. Also short (5'6") and my gf ended up cheating on me.

This is why concealed carry is so good for society. People don’t act so rude.

>6'7 and fairly built
Lmao just get a gun

where the fuck are you two hanging out? please dont tell me you take her to the bar for dates.

Stop going places where hitting on women is so common. It sounds like you two bar hop, which is fucking stupid. If you try to insist it happens everywhere (a lie) then you already know the answer. You become a bigger threat (enjoy jail) or you get creative. Read Cyrano de Bergerac. That play is basically the nose version of being a manlet. You have to defuse and defang without trying to be macho. Which btw is the number one reason people actually don't like manlets. You're insecure and quick to anger. Nobody needs that drama.

This shit was solved right here.

Read between the lines.

Low quality bait. OP is so obviously 6'4" and a bitter virgin.

Rape the guy.(serious)

actually the number one reason why people don't like manlets is because they're short. most manlets I know are pretty passive.

if you gf wasn't advertising to every guy she is available you wouldn't be dealing with this shit

if you're not quick to anger when some guy is literally grabbing your gf or asking her to suck his dick, you're a cuck.


There is this gif where a manlet ko a tall black by punching his chin

You are faster than tall guy, fast punch their chins from under

you need to learn. manlets main problem is they never learn.

>thus is superior

*is thus superior

Manlet AND a brainlet.

You gotta kick them fuckers balls and bring them down to your level

Wait for him outside and shoot him.

Based ESL retard.

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Hit the gym. I'm 6'2 and I can say manlets have some sort of natural strength. You'll get quickly built. And next time that happens you need to rise above his aggression. Do something wild, open your eyes wide start growling. Just rise above his aggression level. And if your girl is okay with this and doesnt yell back leave her, that's a red flag showing shes a weak woman.


You gotta learn to box, bro. If you're small, get fast and learn how to throw hands.

The other thing is, fold their fucking knee backwards with a good kick.


I know what you mean OP. I'm 5'11" and when I see my gf around guys 6'+ I tense right up.

They’re testing you. Find anything they might be insecure about to jab them back. If you can’t think of anything, then casually comment on their nose or head shape or something. Basically anything that they haven’t thought much about in the past will awaken any insecurities, thus making them doubt themselves and back off

2nd Amendment was written for expressly this purpose.

What a surprise to see the incel future school shooter say such a thing.

What, that you have a right to defend yourself from angry manlets?
Sounds like something an angry manlet would say.