"Ugh that's like being a pedophile user"

Is it in any way, shape, or form, pedophileish to call a girl hot who is legally able to drink (in America), but plays a "high schooler" on TV?

Pic very much related. Someone raked me over the coals for calling the girl from Punisher hot, and she's 21.

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Of course it’s not, most actors playing “teenagers” are in their 20s and 30s

It's an American thing. You can't consent until you're 18 and can't drink until 21 and they also came up with that half your age times seven or whatever that dumb equation is for what they think an acceptable age gap should be

bitch looks 30

How old is the role shes playing? 16? Does the fucktard you talked to even knkw what pedophile means?

It's not really specified, but high school/college age.

Just remember the old saying, "if her age is on the clock, she can get the cock."

Depends. If you meant the actress then you're good, but it sounds like whoever you were talking to thought you meant the high schooler character. Maybe just specify the actress and not just "the girl from Punisher" which is vague enough to be either.

Also it would be kinda weird if you're over 35 and saying she's hot. That's the only other reason that comment would make sense.

It’s not pedophillic to be attracted to actual high school girls. Look up the definition.

It's half your age + 7 but that rule's pretty retarded anyway because it says 60 y/os should be able to get with 37 y/os and that's some serious craddle snatching. The 60 y/o is old enough to be the 37 y/o's parent.

People generally accept within 4 years up or down after 22. Any age gaps 10+ years are fucking weird, even if both people are over 18. Not pedophilia, just weird and socially awkward.

I'm 32. I was sitting next to the person, watching the show, and said "that girl is super hot." Then they flipped.

Why is it "weird" to find a 21 year old girl attractive, when the we parade a ton of even younger girls around as swimsuit models or worse? They're adults. It's not like I'm out there saying "wow I really want to date a 21 year old."

ephebophilia is controversial in the states, and most people use pedophilia as an umbrella term for both pedo and ephebo.
shut up reddit

you’re a complete nigger. it does make a difference because just about everyone would bone a high school girl if nobody was looking.

therefore the question itself is fucking stupid and a thread died for this.

Did this “person” happen to be your girlfriend/wife?

Then don't make those kind of comments in public? You can says young girls are hot around fellow guys but in this political climate you don't what kind of crazy will get mad at you for being a normal heterosexual man, especially if you are white.

I'm not getting onto you, I'm just trying to help you avoid these kind of dunb situations.

Also, do you consider yourself young or old looking for 32? If the latter then she probably thought you were over 35.

>Why is it "weird" to find a 21 year old girl attractive, when the we parade a ton of even younger girls around as swimsuit models or worse?
Not everyone agrees about what people do to their kids or allow their kids to do. Pic related.
A lot of people do morally questionable shit for money and fame.

But I'm also a correct nigger and you're just mad I'm telling the truth.

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Nope, just a friend.

Young, and this was with someone I've known for a long enough time that they know I'm not fiending for high school girls (well, I mean, at least not really).

this is a real situation and not something you’re making up? I think those girls were just forcing themselves to feel outrage so they could be a little less bored and maybe feel superior to you. it’s meaningless.

Women cant handle the fact that young girls are attractive.

Dont ever back down or be ashamed for being attracted to girls 13 and up regardless of what age you are. It's a feeling that the vast majority of men feel.

>13 and up

Nah man I'm good that's a bit much for me

Yeah, too old.