I’m freaking out rn

Ok so I live with my parents and right now there is a cyst thing above my asshole and I picked it and it pulled out like a long loopy translucent string and the hole it was in started bleeding I don’t want to tell them what is it?

Attached: 49EBF37A-A86E-4CEA-A424-5B2495368EAF.jpg (3264x2448, 412K)

Probably just a cyst. Relax and disinfect

How would I go about doing that?

see a nurse

Anything I could do at home?

to diagnose it? I don’t know. to me it sounds like you just pulled a worm out of your ass

You could disinfect with alcohol, I'll hurt though. I personally would just tell your parents.

I’m fifteen though deadass

This was the only place I knew that would give me real advice

Then you shouldn't be on an 18+ website.

It sounds like an ingrown hair. Mix some kitchen salt with warm water, soak a cloth or cotton ball and apply it a few times a day.

I never really use Jow Forums a lot and thanks I’ll do that tonight

This. Disinfect and if it doesn't work or gets worse go to the doctor m

Your parents ain't going to give a shit because you got an infection.

then go to the school nurse.

she would call my parents

I’m gonna mix the salt and water right now

Hey what would peroxide do?


Hey I’ve had toilet paper on it since I pulled that thing out and this is what is looked like

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.47M)

It wasn’t moving so I don’t know

Alcohol. And don't shit for two hours. Ingrown hair. Your body will recover.

We don’t have alcohol fuck

Wtf you can you have no alcohol? You have no rubbing alcohol or liquor?

All we have is peroxide

This happens when you play with your butthole or take it up the ass a lot, OP.

What about mouthwash?

Mouthwash. Witch hazel. Peroxide. Nothing. Anyhow. Ingrown hairs are often transparent and coiled. You'll be fine.

Is that so?

So that’s a go on peroxide and I can use it?

Yep. Go tell your parents and get the medical help you need. Hopefully the psychological help, too.

So I can use peroxide? That’s great thanks I’ll update later

Is there a way they won’t have to know?

Sure. Why not. Its a little better than water. Cold will stop your insignificant bleeding and you can blast in a hot shower tomorrow to speed healing. Dont be surprised if it gets a bit of puss in a couple days. Its just a zit now. Your body ahas already created a defensive barrier.

The blood on that paper was the last of it, I’m getting our peroxide now. I’ll take a hot shower tomorrow and wash it

No, you have to tell them. It's definitely an infection from unsanitary buttplay. It will probably reoccur (like a bad cough) if you aren't prescribed antibiotics, which will require you telling them everything.

I dont see anything but tissue with blood on it

Be nice to it for a couple days.

I looked it up and I think it is a pilonidal cyst but a small one

Not a big deal homie

I just cleaned it up with peroxide, I’m about to wake up and if it’s still the same way I’ll take a hot shower everyday and clean that spot extra everyday

Not waking up I’m going to bed

Tomato tomato. Those are caused by untreated ingrown hairs and or debris. You already got coil out. "Treated it."

It wasn’t like a spring shape though it was straight

Lucky for you. Same shit tho.

Ok so I shouldn’t have to tell them

Update:just leaked a little blood but that seems like all

Nah. Just monitor the sitch for a while. The worst is over.
