Have a committed, loyal, sincere, and supportive woman who will do whatever he wants

>Have a committed, loyal, sincere, and supportive woman who will do whatever he wants
>Cheats on her anyway

Woman here. Why do men do this?

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men are thirsty and would fuck every woman on the planet given the opportunity, even if it wouldn't actually make them happy

For the same reason women do it. Some people are just fucking retarded.

Everybody wants to pick up the shiny penny they see in the gutter - But only an idiot throws their wallet away to do so.

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Because the woman in the relationship doesnt keep things interesting. Even though it is the man at fault for straying like that, that behaviour doesn't stem from nowhere. For example: if you had a man who would practically do anything for you at a whims notice, but lacked assertion and dominance which you craved.. Would you not crave that? And especially if you opened up to your partner about this, and they refuse to; but still go belly up for you, would you not look at them with pity? The same can be said vice versa. You have a woman that you have limitless access to, cooks you food, and supports you morally but lacks respect for herself or has personality problems like anxiety or crippling depression despite your best efforts to correct them.. would you not check out the grass on the other side?

A relationship is a two way street. You give and you take, lacking one of those attributes will cause it to collapse. Nobody wants somebody who takes and takes, just as nobody wants someome who just gives and gives.

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I literally wouldn't, date me I am horrible lonely.

>despite your best efforts to correct them

People don't need you to fix them. That's up to them, and if anything your attitude towards them like this is 100% the problem. Cheaters are always 100% at fault for their cheating, fuck off.

Somebody cheat on you?

I don't think you understand how human interaction works

>Somebody complains about stabbing
>Says there is no good excuse for stabbing people
Somebody stab you?

I don't think you understand how human interaction works.

You must not be as great as you think

Nice strawman argument. If you read what I had wrote, I acknowledged that blatant "cheating" is unacceptable; yet there are many factors which lead to that. Give my original response a re reading and rethink your answer. There's always two sides of a story.

Because they're trash, in short.

Often the same reasons chicks do it - the thrill, the high prize of someone "better" coming along, them placing their "needs" first.
Ultimately, it's shitty people treating other people as nothing more than dirt to be played with, in the grand shitshow that is their life. Leaves bile on the tongue.

Frankly, adulterers deserve the fucking rope. Either gender. Disgusting subhumans.

1. Women prefer men who cheat on them

2. You’re not a woman, you’re a guy from Jow Forums

3. Men are naturally polygamist, boo hoo

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Married man here. It's purely for sexual conquest and exploration to me. However, I'm just speaking on urges and have never cheated on my wife, probably never will cause I'm basically an incel in every other aspect of life. Seriously, don't know why she's so into me but it rocks.

His lady is boring and has no sex appeal.

Women are only impressing for the first few dates.

That's the answer. There will always be retards and assholes in this world

Men like control and conquest. When they cheat it’s hardly ever because their gf is lacking in any way. They do it because they can. Although guys always have to fuck across or down to cheat. Or better put. Women can fuck whoever they want, men fuck whatever they can.

>committed sincere blablablabla
he cheated on you for sex so clearly you weren’t fucking him enough times or you were just plain shit at it. im gonna guess you hardly ever serviced him with a blowjob and when you did you spit his cum into the sink rather than swallowing like a good slut. i’d cheat on you too desu.

What's it matter why? You have a type and it'll happen again. If you try to understand it's because you want to justify it. To hell with him and his reasons. Change the type you go for.

>Why do men do this?
>Why did he do this?

This is a common fallacy I get from women. Like one girl I know, who's really insecure. I told her,
"You're just being insecure"
and she replies,
"I'm a woman."

It's like this constant shifting and deferral between the individual and the group label. There's rarely any sense to it. It's almost always idiosyncratic to the woman and her perspective of the world.

Anyway, OP, your question is not clear and can be answered from many directions. If you actually want help and advice, the most important thing is to ask good questions. The only way to get really good answers is with really good questions. So please think about what you really want and ask again.

Pick your men better.
There's probably a ton of guys you rejected that wouldn't do that to you.

What a nice thing to say to someone that just got cheated on

Probably because they're just not that into the relationship and it doesn't mean as much to them as to you, even if you do everything "right".

But I'm a lonely permavirgin so what do I know

While im sure there are emotionally crippled people that cheat for the fun of it I'm convinced that the majority do so because of issues in their relationship. And it doesn't excuse it but putting the sole blame on the cheater is wrong.

Men just want to fuck, what's so wrong with that?

Based and redpilled. There's really no justifying cheating, it just means you're a weak, selfish human with no morals or empathy. If you're unhappy in a relationship, just break up. Don't betray someone's trust just because you were too cowardly to break it off and chose to go behind their back instead.

None of that matters if you're fat

because society these days tells people that they can and should have whatever makes them happiest without consideration of anyone else

>Woman here.

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the Jews tell the that is how to value themselves. Score over money or happiness

Because they think they can get away with it

or they think they will not
all people are weak, it just manifests differently.
has a point, but who wants what you do not want. though OP probably will be happier if it compromises on it's highness
see above you dump fuck

What's the difference between
>breaking up and immediately start dating someone else the next day

As someone who has been the "other man", and from what I've heard from women who were "the other woman", the short answer is boredom.

They'll never leave their relationship if you're as good as you say. But the monotony makes them feel life is dull. Or maybe the sex is dull. Whatever the reason, they're driven to find sex elsewhere while enjoying your stability.

Probably because the hot people everyone is attracted yo have options and it goes to their head.

how do I become the woman at home without those problems?

Challenge each other. Dont stand still. Keep things interesting. Dont be a doormat but not a bitch either. Make him desire you and dont give up everything at his whim. Dont let shit grow stale.
And most importantly: dont get fat. Unless he likes bbw.

Don't get fat
Cook well
Know when to be a bitch
Learn more about his hobbies while getting him to partake in your own
Drain his lizard

We think with our dick.
It differs per person, but if I go a day without a lay or at least 2 faps, I want to fuck anything that has a hole.
