How do you recognize toxic/negative people? And at what point do you cut them off instead of trying to help them?

How do you recognize toxic/negative people? And at what point do you cut them off instead of trying to help them?

For example, if I go on a first date with someone and she rather complains about her parents than finding out about me, thats a bad sign right?

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If she is feminist and liberal cut everything. Dont even speak to her.

There is no such thing as toxic people.
As if right winging bible thumpers can't be 'toxic'. Real feminism is about equality. How is that toxic?

but what about people constantly spreading negativity and bringing you down? like talking about suicide, complaining about her body etc

Why are you complaining about people complaining? Is it toxic to abandon people just for not wanting to help them? Do you see how ironical you are? Toxic just means you personally don't like someone. It isn't real, just another perspective.

>Real feminism is about equality. How is that toxic?

Kek. time to cut contacts but with you.

14 year old girls aren't allowed on Jow Forums OP

>Real feminism is about equality. How is that toxic?

Wut. Feminism as of now has stoped being about equiality long time ago. I wonder how you beta faggot cucks even get girlfriends. I know that white women are capable of fucking dogs but dogs have at least little bit of logical thinking left in them. How are they capable of fucking you left leaning parasites is beyond me. They truly must be trash.

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>left winger cities are the parasites
>not the rich right wingers in their white gated neighborhoods

Men cause more damage in society, hence their attack on them. It was warranted.

>kek. i has no argument

>>kek. i has no argument
>>Men cause more damage in society
Indeed. Stay retarded left leaning faggot.

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lol. maybe thats my problem, dating teenagers

Men are arrested ten times as often. Spend time in jail three times as often. They commit virtually all violent crimes. They graduate college less often than females.

*sips soi intelligently*

Yea? Blacks even despite making 13% of American population are causing 50% of crimes

*sips semen*

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Because racist male cops arrest them due to male instincts to destroy competition. See how often males get triggered by blacked porn, it's just instinct to keep them away from their wives. Even my 85 year old grandmother would say the 'once black don't go back' shit before she died, and was white.

If they were really harmful they'd be like the Italians were with their mob. They're just smoking weed and minding their own business like some white trash redneck would.

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First wave and second wave feminism was pretty good, today’s third wave is more about pushing for free shit and perks/ more Favor than others (for example, look to the Family Court, majority of the time the mother wins no matter what.

>This whole post
>not bait

Fucking kek. And you still wonder why people dont take you seriously.

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The mother needs to do the child rearing. The guy doesn't give a shit. Not the same instincts.

If anything them taking a boy's job, killing sweatshops, so that they could do the job, was their original mischief. That was like a century ago by now. It was never good if you consider rioting in the streets as they did to be a bad thing. They stopped businesses, so they were placated in response to that. In today's times rioting neve works.

But it did then, so it is what it is. You'd have to riot again to get rid of feminism, cause more mischief once again by stopping business by stopping traffic. Toxic that would be.

Men have always instinctively soft served females, for that reason feminism was not necessary. It would already be there.

>implying this post has a point

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yes yes. Indeed now go back where you come from. The reddit

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Here's yet another (You).

Okay but you still need to go back

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I'm only here because I was banned from the Jow Forums for calling someone a kike.

Jow Forums is reddit.

>time to teach jewgle AI turrets to not target store fronts

I dont comprenhend. You called someone jew on yotsuba red and you STILL follow the jew doctrine as feminism? What are you even thinking you idiot? If you are NOT trolling me right now i even might get slightly mad. Holy moly.

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Someone said to find friends in the military. I chimped out and called him a kike and that I had gas for him for shilling that loser robot introverts would fair well in the military. Some shill always tries that shit on that site.

>just go be whipped into being a dog of war

It's ridiculous. War is murder also. Comprehending yet?

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>>It's ridiculous. War is murder also. Comprehending yet?

War is indeed terrible but where do you even find feminism and shit in this? If you want to blame someone for war blame kikes. They are issuing unlimited immigration from third wrold shitholes into western civilization which will cause another war. Blaming males for this is ridiculous.

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Males are the majority of political power you realize. It was always males that waged wars and still is.

And on Jow Forums calling someone a kike isn't meant to be that much more than shill, it's just that Jow Forums is full of reddit moderation now so I was banned for some teensy comment on a dramatic board.

>>Males are the majority of political power you realize. It was always males that waged wars and still is.

Whites comprenhend this especially white males. Such as yourself. But dont you realize that thirdworlders are only like this? Dont you seriously realize that only they are such savages to go on such low level to wage war just because MUH EMOTIONS and RELIGION and shit? If you want to continue being deluded go on. But be assured that you will fight in war which you WANTED to go in. Support jewish doctrines and you will see yourself in war which they vehemently want.

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yeah, because the bush family wasn't white nor male and didn't do it because of religion

They were jewish supporters. The more you know. Same with hillary clinton. What is now serbia? Just another child trafficking country.

No, they were just racist against Muslims and shitskins.

Jews had nothing to do with it.

Yea that's why whole czechoslovakia and russia with poland and magyars had to get their shit out of Serbia. Because they were racistic not like Ameirca gave them ultimatum or they would get nuke.

Maybe you Americans deserve your fate. Deluded retards. I was thinking wrongly about jews but now when i see posts like you i understand why are they doing this. You are all arrogant and selfishs faggots.


Personally I'm agnostic and would nuke both Mecca and Israel to stop people from having faith and being no fun allowed with Abrahamic religion, but you're naive if you think that'd stop the cogs from turning. Rich is as it does. The jews are not all rich people.

Jow Forums - Geopolitics

>but you're naive
>while supporting jewish doctrines

Okay retard.

This thread has gone full retard

>jews are smartest race
>don't do what smart people say that's retarded

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>smart people are good

Let me tell you about metaphysical evil even despite it "evil" or "good" doesnt exist.

First of all. Only askenazi jews have high IQ because their culture is literally beating kids to read their shit book which is in fact everything they belive in and that is goyims are only cattle to jews.

SECOND of all let me tell you about jews and their lies camouflaging themselves and their doctrines as something "good". They pretend to be saints while doing all kind of horrible shit. Feminism is just another propaganda tool to keep them afloat and keep white males down. Even thought i sound like SJW this time it's nothing but a brutal truth. I unlike SJWs posses strenght which keeps me going until i fucking die. Can SJWs die for what they belive in? They indeed can. WIll they win? They indeed wont.

Stop being retarded. Even if i will command you. You wont stop being retarded. So anime girls are and Japan is your only salvation. Retard.

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I mean that anyone who uses the word toxic is a teenage girl