Dear Jow Forums i live in a 3rd world country(Brazil) and have completed high school a while ago...

Dear Jow Forums i live in a 3rd world country(Brazil) and have completed high school a while ago, for reasons like family(shitty dad) if need to get out of here as fast as i can, also since im not from a wealthy family i need to go to a country that would pay me to study
Do you guys know good countries and how do i get into these universities?
I dont really know where to ask, but i really need some Jow Forumsice

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If you guys know where to search for this kind of thing it would be very helpful, thanks in advance

This thread is depressing. I hope you make it somehow.

If you think Brazil is a 3rd world country you're retarded.

Brazil is one of G20 countries. Brazil IS NOT 3rd world country!

You are just weak pathetic entaitle looser who wants everything for free in this world.

>Brazil 3rd world country
>i need to go to a country that would pay me to study
You are one dumb entaitled idiot.

Not op here but desu if I was a poor person living in Brazil in a dangerous crummy neighborhood I would probably kill myself. Iv visited Brazil so this is a first hand opinion.

Same in America
Same in Russia
Same in India
Same in Argentina

True I agree. Idk maybe its because I'm an Aussie. Over here even the worst, poorest negbourhood is still a good standard of living lol.

It doesnt matter if you consider this hell a paradise, but i need to get out even if its not that bad, i have family issues, and the point is that i need to get a better life for fucks sake
This board is called Jow Forums for a reason if you gonna go to thread and start insulting people because of their problems you might as well leave, if it was only beacuse of the country i could live here being a public agent

Come to Australia op. You will love it here. High standard of living. A lazy bum like myself lives the good life.

European countries mostly have free education and a lot of scholarships. Try to get into an European well-developed country like Sweden or Germany.

Thanks, I'm gonna check Australia, was thinking of Netherlands and Portugal too

USA has ghettos amd niggers too, doesnt mean its 3rd world cuntry. And to expect that aome other country will PAY that piece of shit to study there? ...Hes retarded.

No problem. First hand iv seen Arabs come over here to Australia. Plenty of government assistance and unemployment checks at least for a year. Free educational cources to learn English and other basic skills ect. Even if they will never make it rich, they still live relatively comfortable lives. Free health care ect

It seems you dont know what a scholarship is, and as I said, if you gonna go to a board ,where people are looking for help, with this kind is mindset just leave

Not the guy youre responding to, but you do act as entitled bitch. And you dont own this board if you dint see an advice in hes criticism of your view then oh boy youre really a mental case.

I live in EU, few countries do offer free education. But mostly to other EU citizens or only to their citizens.

Maybe there are some programms for those outside of EU, but i doubt that those will be any of degrees of value.

And to work in EU or stay in EU is not that easy. You need a workplace (in most countries even before you are even here) or you need a student visa.

They dont take everyone. Only few countries in Europe offer that and usually people from other European counties use that opertunity.

Besides unless you are athlete, had very good grades in highschool or you excel in some particular subject... you wont get scholarship.

To educate someone it costs money and they prefer their own citizens then EU community and only then others and those others are taken in based on merit. I doubt that you had betrer grades than desperate asian kid from ACTUAL 3rd world country.

Arabs usually come from war torn contires. Brazil is not like that. Dont give him false hope, ausbro.

Another low IQ leech wants to rob civilized country.

lol true bro. I suppose op is fucked lol

Why are you running away from your problems? I think that it would be healthier for your mind if you tried to solve them rather than running away. And unless youre refugee or someone with highly regarded skill noone will upen up border for you.

Calling someone reatarded isnt a advice, your post is good because it actually says something
As i said, being here inst exactly the problem,its because of family
Still need to get out of here, so Europe is out of question then

I agree woth these. BUT you still can escape Brazil. Become illegal immigrant and go to USA befor they build that wall. OR join French foreign legion or become mercenary. There are a lot of other options.

Pretty much what this guy said. Your only real options are becoming illegal immigrant. Noone will let you into their country unless they HAVE to. If you were refugee or some sexual minority or smth like that then yeah you could escape to any part of the world. But since you are from Brazil then noone will give you refugee status.

Maybe you have some skill or talant?
Play football? Or other sports?
Maybe you are very good at something. Editing video or writing code or smth like that?
Theoretically you could learn these skills watching YT and from other sources. There are big demand for IT guys around the world. If you can learn one of those skills that are in demand then you have a chance. Otherwise you dont.

Try Portugal.

Generally, public universities are cheaper, but some private universities provide discounts of up to 100% of the lecture fees according to students' evaluation marks. One thing you should remember is that if you attend a public university, fees are payable annually and at most private universities you will have to pay a part of the total tuition monthly.

Most Portuguese universities charge higher tuition fees to non-EU/EEA students.

Additionally, public universities decide their own level of tuition fees (propinas), which in some cases, are higher than the minimum recommendation.

Average tuition prices:

Bachelor and Master programmes: between 950 and 1,250 EUR/year
PhD courses: fees can lead to approximately 2,500 - 3,000 EUR per academic year.
An exception is Coimbra city, where tuition fees are smaller, around 700 EUR/year.

Brazil maybe 3rd world in some parts only

Well this is only "kinda" true. There are ALOT of other expenses and if you work then you lose the tution discount and you have to pay from your own pocket.

Im Vietnamese student. Spent 4 years in Portugal getting my degree and i can tell you one thing - if you want degree in STEM, Law, Finances, Business or other high paying degrees then forget about it. There are so many people that want to get in. You must be very smart with very good grades to get in. Of course there are some low tier degrees like theology and other degrees noone wants, but you wont get a job after graduating, its like wasting your time and paying for it.

I think OP left us.

Feelium if true

Here; had to do stuff I'm planning to go to a job in the field so it kinda works and I know how to code
I'll try; I'm pretty confident in my grades but who knows

And I still want to be legal

The only problem is that I dont have money to pay tuition fees, so probably Portugal is out