ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Previous thread: #
Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>[insert humble (or otherwise) brag]
Fuck off.

>Why is there no new thread?
Just make one. You can use these macros:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tl;dr: I want a dude but really don't want him to know. What behaviours shoulds I be watching out for to remove or reduce? Are there any behaviours a woman could give, other than ignoring you entirely, which would guarantee to you she's not romantically interested?

Guy here. Would a law degree and the apparent high IQ that comes with it add to my smv(sexual market value)?

>>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

Please fuck the fuck off before I put your head through wall. . . .

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Threadly reminder not to listen to Peanut Nigger. He's a women beating narcissistic pedophile who endorses cheating and gets off on attention.

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I second this notion and add don't fucking respond to tripfags at all. People who come to Jow Forums for attention are not people you should be interacting with.

to women:

how do i start a conversation with females on date sites without sounding edgy nor cringe?

like. i say hey/hi)) ... they reply with a hi...

what next? i don't wanna ask "how are you" because they just ignore me when i ask it..
help pl0x

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I previously posted about a girl I met on OkCupid who I thought was ghosting me. She finally got back to me, and told me that she hadn’t been ghosting me, but had been closing herself off to everyone due to anxiety issues and that it “wasn’t personal”. Despite that, she said that she’s not ready for a relationship now due to “everything going on in her life”. I told her I understood, and to hit me up again if she ever felt like she was ready for a relationship again, or even if she just needs someone to talk to.

I’m inclined to believe she wasn’t bullshitting me cause we had 3 great dates previously. And cause she previously told me she was going back to school after dropping out and working in retail for several years, which I imagine would give a lot of people anxiety.

Basically, did I do the right thing? I am pretty disappointed I won’t be in a relationship with her anytime soon cause we had a lot in common and I really enjoyed the three dates we had. I’ve been thinking over the past few days if I should have pushed for a relationship and said I’d be willing to support her with her anxiety.

Or would that have been a selfish, stupid idea that would have doomed us to a bad relationship?

Should I try messaging her again in a month or so?

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Have you anons seen the infograph he made about us? I was literally amazed at how autistic one individual can be.
He made pic related himself. Let that sink in. He spent his time doing this.

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Women aren't a monolith. Women who like educated, driven dudes and women who like rich guys will love you, every one else will need some other facets thrown in.

First, unless you're a doctor, a vet or a soldier, referring to women as females is cringe. It comes across super clinical and has become a red flag for bad behaviour recently. Second, Google The 36 Questions That Lead to Love. They all sound dumb as shit but they work pretty well, especially on straight women.


I had accidentally ejaculated outside of my girlfriend’s vagina. On her labia iirc. What are the odds that she will become pregnant?

Facts to consider:

>girlfriend is on day 7 of her cycle. She had just finished menstruating 2 days ago. She has a regular 29-30 day menstrual cycle, and her period started on the 26th of january.

>i already ejaculated two times before this happened. The first from masturbating, the second one from having intercourse with her, and the third also from sexual intercourse. (All of this happened today.)

>the 3rd ejaculation is what landed on her labia.

>she is not on any form of contraceptives.

Responses are appreciated! Thank you very much.

zero percent chance shouldnt have sex if you don't know this

I am paranoid and have severe anxiety. I cant really stop overthinking my friend.

Can we please not derail the thread with PB when the crazy cunt isn't even here? Yes, he's an idiot who thinks defending his past positions counts as learning from them and that it's completely normal to be attracted to 14 year olds, but we're on Jow Forums, retards like that are a dime a dozen. If you ignore him entirely, he will go away.

Did you piss between ejaculation? Cos the labia isn't an issue, but if you didn't piss, sperm from your previous ejaculate could come out with your precum.

Although I am not quite sure if yours is a serious question, yes I did.

Low. Anyway, if you're in a committed relationship, not using birth control is unreliable: use the pill, IUD or a condom.

100% serious. You should be fine.

Yesterday I fingered the girl who I've been with for about a week and afterwards she said no one's ever made her cum so fast. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

C'mon, a thread full of dudes and not one can give me some help?

I met this girl about a week ago, we hit it off a little bit. I didn’t get her number but yesterday she added me on Facebook. Anyways, tonight ill see her at a party.

What is my move here? I’m not trying to hook up, I really want to date this girl I think.

Your question confuses me. Why do you not want this dude to know you like him? And honestly, a woman not being straightforward with her feelings would give me a negative impression of her.

>Women aren't a monolith. Women who like educated, driven dudes and women who like rich guys will love you, every one else will need some other facets thrown in.

Are you a girl tho? Need a girl to answer plz. If you are could you give me the non little miss know it all answer. If you are a girl, would YOU find it a plus that a guy is a law grad and if so to what extent?

It depends if she was expecting to have a longer sexual encounter with you, my friend.

Because he doesn't want me (confirmed by third party with no horse in this race) so it would make things super awkward. I don't really care if it gives him a negative impression of me desu, currently I'm ding my best not to ghost him out of panic so anything else has to be an improvement.

A girl from uni just messaged me asking if I had plans for tomorrow and if I wanted to have lunch with her. She's got nice tits but she's also got some sort of disability - she has a speech impediment and sometimes walks with a stick - so I don't know if I want to go out with her. Advice?

What does is matter what that bitch specifically thinks, you will never speak to her IRL so her preferences are irrelevant. You cant throw three rocks down the street without hitting four women with different tastes in men.

Yes, I'm a girl. Being a law grad is about as impressive as any other difficult degree, altho I think STEM is better honestly. The dedication is impressive. High intelligence is also one of my favourite things, but those who are insufferable about it actually bring down their points. If an average person (5) had these things, they'd probably go up to 6.5 I guess?

Nothing wrong with going out with another human being.

If you do go out but you find out that you arent compatible or she just isnt your type, you’ll end up having made another friend. But if things click between the both of you, well there’s no other way to find out then?

Very good point here

Any form of intelligence is attractive in a man. It doesnt matter if he’s a law grad or some vocational degree he took for 6 months, as long as he knows what he’s doing with his life, and knows how to carry his own weight, then why are there so many standards?

Gotcha, here’s some things you can do:

>Never respond to texts with “heyyy” always use “hey”.
>Take a long time to respond to his texts. When you do, give one-word responses.
>Pay more attention to his friends when you’re hanging out with them
>Don’t laugh too hard at his jokes
>Smile less when speaking with him
>Use closed-off body language when talking to him such as crossing your arms
>Avoid all physical contact, if he steps closer to you, take a step back
>Talk about how hot you find other dudes in his presence

Hope this helps. Now would you mind giving me some advice for my situation?

It was supposed to be a quickie, since we sneaked out of a party to do it

Because everyone on earth has a different one you retard. All intelligence is not equal. Some girls are outright intimidated by people with advanced degrees and wont go out with them because they feel inferior. Some people wont look twice if they dont have the same level of graduate degree as they do or better. It is never the same.

Thanks for responding. So a law degree will make a 5--->6.5, what about two degrees, a law degree and finance degree? Would that put me at a 7?

Also why do you think STEM ----> Law? I thought girls liked lawyers and not nerdy engineers? Isn't law more prestigious than engineering?
1)medicine (keeping to separate to science)
What makes you not agree with this?

Girls, why do you despise nice virgin guys like me and wish death upon us, yet at the same, complain about guys being jerks to you, and guys who just use you for sex?

Answer to your ok cupid question:

Find another one. Even if you find her attractive and whatever it doesnt necessarily mean that she’s “the one.”

Imagine if you actually commited
To that person and she ends up doing the same thing. She shuts people off at random times, doesnt seek help or advice for her problems, and leaves you hanging and wondering what the fuc just happened.

Its gonna be a toxic relationship so dont think that youve doomed yourself my friend. Great dates do not equate to a great relationship.

Even if you were going to support her through her problems, the dying question now would be if she was willing to
Support herself and not just isolate herself from the world???

Both genders,
How can you tell if your significant other is getting bored with you?
What are some signs?

Been seeing this girl for a month now and I can't tell if she's getting bored of me, or if i'm overthinking it and we're far in enough that we don't have to talk all day, every day.

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How’s the single life going for you my friend

Also i am indian

Dont think about her getting bored with you instead try thinking of ways to introduce new things in your relationship.

She will much appreciate you exerting effor into your relationship instead of overthinking things like these. Those
Times yous spend thinking about her gtting bored of you would have prbably been well spent into thinking of ways to improve your relationship by discovering new things with her and by extension yourself my friend

>I'm nice
>I spent the last three hours trying to kill somebody over http in an argument online, but I'm nice

You're not marrying the girl. Just take her up on the offer. At best you connect and get some pussy. At worst, you make a new friend.

You are not as nice as you believe yourself to be, my friend

Stop this delusion now

Stuff like them not engaging in text anymore, not wanting to hang out with you as much, doing the same shit over and over, shorter replies, etc.

Alright. I've messaged her back and said I'd get lunch with her so there's no going back.

Well i wouldnt be so proud of that achievement my friend

>i-it doesnt matter what kind of smart! I can get any degree and people will think I'm smart for it! Everyone is the same!
Poo in loo, pajeet. You're not smart. Your parents gave you the answers through the window and your degree isnt worth the shit-stained curry spice wrapper it was printed on.

You make a lot of good points user. I was still planning on meeting other people via OkCupid, but now I’d say I’m more committed than before.

One follow-up question though: if in a month I haven’t met anyone else I have a lot in common with (because honestly all of my other OkCupid dates so far have ended up like that), should I text her again asking how she’s doing? Or would that still be a bad idea? I made a thread with this question before and two people advised me to let her contact me first.

I will never insult a cow but you my friend are a disgrace

My friend okcupid is not the only one dating site available at your disposale!

Have you tried Bumble? Its only for iPhone but if you are an android user you can download apk for it my friend. The catch of that app is that the girls (or boys if you are homosexual) will message you first.

And an answer to your question would be: it would be a bad idea my friend. You will seem desperate, not just to her but also to yourself since you will be locked in this prison of disappointment that she did not respond to your advances!

Based FKMT poster

I am a lot nicer than the serial killers and women beaters girls get wet for.

Also if she did mail you first after a few months, that means she doesnt care for you at all my friend and chances are that she is a manipulative narcissist

She shuts you off for an inordinate period of time only to pop up again like a mushroom? My friend she revels in the attention you ever gladly give to her. And more often than not, that is all you will ever be.

You have to stop this delusion you are trapped in my friend and look in a mirror that is not stained by the lies your mother has smothered in your years of growing up!

Her replies have indeed gotten shorter but she does reply at least, and will send me random pics on snapchat (some sexual, some normal). But it's not as consistent this week as it was when we first started. I'm not going to pretend i'm super interesting, and I notice we fell into a routine already.
I don't see her in person often due to her job and kid and other responsibilities, which I totally understand. I saw her briefly after work on Thursday for conversation and a nice makeout session. But before that I hadn't seen her fir two weeks.
She does want to see me more and expresses how much she does, so that's a good sign I feel. Haven't had sex either but she's eagerly awaiting that too.
Again, maybe it's just the lack of hangouts and monotonous routine conversations that are slowing us down.

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"I'm better than the other guy" is not a productive strategy. Relativism is gay as shit. You may be nicer than a wife beater but that hurdle is on the fucking floor. Gordon Ramsey qualifies for that even in a tirade.

>I'm nicer than Ted Bundy!
You're probably also thinner than Ralphie May but you're still breaking chairs faggot.

Go on a vacation with her my friend the maldives are cheap this year! I go there every weekend my friend

Gotcha, I won’t try messaging at any point though.

And yeah, currently I’m using OkCupid, Bumble, and Tinder. I’ve been on at least two dates from Bumble, but honestly I don’t get that much matches on Bumble, and I seem to be getting more dates from OkCupid. Also, I should probably be messaging more people on OkCupid. Currently I’ve mainly just been messaging people where we both liked each other.

Try responding to the infos they put on their bio my friend

It works more often than just saying “hello” or messaging people who you have mutualy liked!

My point is that if those guys get attention then I should too.

I agree entirely with what you've said, although I'll add on he has to be passionate to. Not "so many standards", preference. Not all preferences have to be met for happiness.

Finance degree itself would be a seven, reasoning for law degree may take you higher. Again, this is all confusing that everything else in your life makes you a 5 and is entirely my opinion.

Some girls may prefer law because women are not a monolith. People tend to be attracted to what they understand and as I'm more STEM inclined than anything like law, I like researchers and engineers more than lawyers. Doctors are also really overrated, long hours and being on call are not attractive qualities. Only other doctors, saints and gold diggers there.

Guys, would a girl having hairy armpits make you reconsider having sex with her if you were otherwise into her?

Oh I already know that, I never just say “hey”, I always ask a question related to their profile. Like I said, my main problem is that I’m lazy and haven’t started clearing the huge backlog of girls I’ve liked but haven’t messaged.

Or hairy legs?

Had a first date a few nights ago. It went really, really well. We have a date for tonight and we set one up for Valentine's Day.

At one point during the date she asked "so what are we". We've been talking for about three weeks and this was our first date, isn't it a bit soon to put labels on things? I said "I don't know, what do you want it to be." and we ping ponged that back and forth a few times in a really good natured way. I would love to have her as my girlfriend t b h but I didn't want to move too fast and scare her off?

Nah, I prefer shaven pits, but I’m not going to throw away sex just because of that. The only thing that may turn me off is if her pits really, really stank (but some dudes are into that).

A little hair no but if you got a jungle why wouldn't you shave that shit? If you're having to ask I say go ahead and shave it. I would be disgusted personally.

No my friend

Although it is not aesthetics to have hairy armpits and legs, it is all natural! I do not mind if my girlfriend has not shaved recently i will still give her the night of passion i always have and tell her maybe to shave if she wanted to!

Same thing goes for legs. Most dudes prefer shaven legs and pits, but I also think your leg and armpit hair would have to be wildly long and unkempt to get to the point where a guy wouldn’t have sex with you (if he found you attractive otherwise).

Thanks for responding. Some invaluable insight indeed. I very much so agree with you when you say > People tend to be attracted to what they understand

On another note when you said this
>Finance degree itself would be a seven, reasoning for law degree may take you higher. Again, this is all confusing that everything else in your life makes you a 5 and is entirely my opinion.
I don't think you understood my previous post. I wasn't asking about a finance degree alone, or a law degree alone, I mean someone who has completed two separate degrees. One law degree and one finance degree. Would having two such degrees be better than having let's say a single law degree, or is having also a degree in finance in addition to a law degree a welcome boost to ones social status?

>why wouldn't you shave that shit?
Because I like being natural and don't feel ashamed about having body hair?

My friend today is your luck day becaue whatever you asked here is what you can also say to her when she askes yoi again.

More often than not, she will respect what you hav to say and she will admire you for having the guts to be open to her. Just assure her my friend that you do like her and you are looking forward to having a relatio ship with her, but also assert he fact that you want to get to know each other on a deeper level than before!

That's my fetish. But from what my friends have said both are deal breakers for them. It's up to you if you want to find a guy who's into it or if you'd rather shave constantly for guys who prefer shaven girls.

If she is mature enough to handle that in a good mannered way my friend then for sure she is alo mature enough to take yourprocess slow but sure! Its like a seed my friend, you dont rush it. And she also knows this. Just be there for her every step of the process my friend and everything will turn out for your best interests

>But from what my friends have said both are deal breakers for them. It's up to you if you want to find a guy who's into it or if you'd rather shave constantly for guys who prefer shaven girls.

I don’t think she even has to find a guy who’s “into it”, she just has to find a guy who doesn’t mind it. Any dude who considers armpit hair, leg hair, or pubic hair a dealbreaker is being a stupid faggot.

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Well said, fellow knight! *tips sallet

At least in california, guys do not like body hair on women. Almost every guy I've talked to about it has expressed distaste for it, and several have made fun of girls who have nothing more than visible hair on their arms. You can sugarcoat it if you want to, but most guys I know would be really turned off and probably stop seeing her if she didn't shave it.

Not trying to white knight, I’m a dude, and I honestly didn’t know there are this many dudes who despise hair this much. I live in Pennsylvania though, so maybe body hair comes up less in discussion here since we bundle up more and are only at the beach once or twice a year. I’ve always preferred women clean-shaven, but I’ve never found hair “disgusting”. So yeah, user you should probably ignore my advice and just shave.

>like girl, she doesn't feel the same way but wants to be friends
>doesn't text me at all, takes 2 days to reply to my messages
>invite her to a gig I'm going ti with some friends, she comes along
>seems happy enough, though friend says she kept saying "why am i here?" under her breath
>at the end of the gig she says she had fun and instead of rushing to get her last train, she stays to have a few drinks with us
>had invited her to another gig on valentine's day beforehand
>tells me she had fun and would like to go to this gig as well

It is very clear that she is not interested in me at all, however why would I girl travel to the other side of a city to see a band she doesn't know and then agree to go see another band? She said she doesn't feel the same way and the fact she takes so long to reply to me further proves this point.

I'm just over-thinking this, right?

Guys and girls please

Should I just leave her alone?

I had a crush on a girl for the last 2 months at work and she has picked up on my body language and have tried many times to strike up a conversation but I would respond with 1 word answers. I stare at her a lot and a week ago after she came up to me with some friends, I was so nervous I couldn't even muster a word. I was with a co-worker and I just stood there in silence. Afterwards I was getting weird stares from her friends throughout my day at work. I think she is now turned off by my passiveness and now thinks im a creep. I've just got off from smoking weed 24/7 for the last 3 years which is why I'm so terrible at socializing.

The job has helped me recover from my weed addiction and I plan on leaving the job maybe in the next month.
After last week I lost a lot of my lust for her but the only issue is I feel like a complete douche for unintentionally playing mind games. All I want now is just break the ice and laugh it off together but I worry I have already done enough damage.

I don't think I'd be into a feminazi.

Arm hair and hairy legs are the only thing I'm turned off by.

I'm not in this position but I'm aware it happens but I just want to be aware of what to think of it in case it ever happens to me.

See, I've never been with anyone or had sex but lets say I meet this girl who turns out great for me but she had a history of being wild with the guys and fucking around with people of all ages, which to me may be a bit disturbing. Even though she may have changed and its still early in the relationship so you're technically not in love:

Would it be better to find some girl thats less "wild" and is more into just having sex with people she loves (if girls like that even exist, I don't know, kissless virgin here btw) or would you stick to this girl because she's with you now and whats in the past is in the past and she's different now?

I fear that I'd have a hard time trusting a girl like that to be alone with random guys in lets say, college or at work, and prefer someone "nicer" but I fear that if I want to look for that perfect girl I might look forever. But at the same time, if there's girls out there who don't ever have episodes like that, I think I would prefer that in the long run. So far I've only been gravitating to girls on the wilder side, thats just how things work out and idk if I should look some place else entirely. This may be a reason why I'm still single, because I'm always too skeptical and afraid.

You haven't done any damage. Make sure you do some before you go. I never regret stupidity in the long run. If I could do it all again, I'd be as stupid as I could.

Am I boring or am I just unlucky/attracting the wrong people? I frequent a lot of the discord threads and I don't ever hit it off with anyone. I'm not just talking romantically, just a connection in general.
I don't really know what I'm doing wrong. I really can't tell.

>stick to this girl because she's with you
Sure. Love the one you're with. Jealousy is a spice that can add a bit of flavor and show that you care. Too much spice ruins the taste. It is as much as a distrust in yourself as it is with tel other. It is interesting that your insecurities are so strong against a hypothetical person. You do the best you can and don't worry about that kind of shit. This is a place for logic, not emotions.

>Because he doesn't want me (confirmed by third party with no horse in this race)
That third party probably doesn't know shit. Just ask your guy out.

I was actually referring to a situation one of my friends was in and I got to observe their relationship. His girl, in her behavior and circumstances was very similar to this girl I'm starting to like, but I've a weird feeling that she's fucking around right now after her break up because she seems innocent, but she likes to get attention from random guys she met. She's been doing that because she was after a break up and my friend's girl was doing the same after her break up except I know for a fact she was fucking random guys. With this girl I'm not sure if she just likes the attention but something tells me she actually has sex with these guys and I just choose to pretend it doesn't happen. All in all, I worry that if I end up dating this girl I might find out she's actually not that innocent and her getting attention from so many guys isn't just her getting attention, but she actually has sex with these guys and I don't know if I'll be able to accept that, especially since she still seems to be doing it and I don't think she got "bored" of it yet while my friend's girl was sort of over that period when she met him.

But he (your friend) is not you. You are a variable that you need to factor. And truth be told, if you can't make something work, its practice for the next. I don't like even saying that because usually the main problem in a relationship is you. If you know what I mean.

do men have lower standards because women have higher standards, or do women have higher standards because men have lower standards?

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I would consider myself a decently attractive guy, but I'm not that social, kind of awkward, and quiet. I never approach women the way other men do. How does a guy like me get to know girls who I may be interested in without looking like an idiot?

So how should I approach her from now on? Thanks

Move your hips in circles

>piranhas swimming around this board
awww you guys are hungry!

Too bad I was out all day and couldn't post. I know it's hard for you piranhas to believe, but I happen to have a life outside of this board.

Check out pic related. Was me an hour ago at Montmartre (in Paris). Cool huh?:)

That's not a question, that's a statement. And a toxic one.

You're probably taking more than you're giving. Be there for HER, don't expect her to ever be there for you. It'll solve a lot of problems.

Even your very question is telling. YOU are anxious. YOU need security. You want ___. Just stop. Who cares if she's bored or not, just be the best you can FOR HER. If you're worried she's bored, then stop being boring; but if you're not being boring, then why are you worried if she's bored?

So you are, clearly overthinking it and trying to pull too much rope in the relationship. Especially as a man, you should always give more than you take. Freely give, with no expectation in return. Be "unfair" and selfless in this regard.


She's satisfying herself. It's not for you, obviously, you're opening a door to her for fun. Her fun. It's all about her. I think your love for her is making you overlook her obvious self-interest.

>I've only been gravitating to girls on the wilder side
Because you're insecure and you don't think you deserve better. Work on your confidence and assure yourself you DO deserve a good woman, and that you WILL get one. Trick your brain into believing it if you need to.

Anyway, yeah, a girl who's had casual sex is about as valuable as a pile of trash. I would never, ever take a girl seriously who's had casual sex. The mental lengths you must FALL as a woman, in order to facilitate that sort of behavior is just disgusting. And you're perfectly valid for having standards.

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Discord threads are full of underagefags. If you're older than 18 you're probably not going to connect with them.

I relate to Bojack horseman. He's a good guy on the inside and just doesn't know how to be good on the outside. Also the stuff about his mother... That show really hit me hard. i love that series.
I'm starting to feel the irony of my tripfag name. But it's all just a coincidence. My name is Peanut Butter because there was a jar of peanutbutter on my desk when I made my first post and couldn't think of a name. If I could change it, I'd probably change it to Bojack.

I'm weird/odd and I have trouble making friends with normal people. Only a small percent of people in the world are able to be friends with me. The rest is impossible. But those small percent always become amazing friends and I never lose touch. Some people, I've even met for one day, move on, and still keep in touch with email etc... So yeah, you just haven't found the right one yet.

Also if there's anything wrong with your personality, work on that too.

It's all about what you have to offer. If you offer a lot, THEN you earn the right to be picky. Women have the bonus of having boobs and vagina, because that alone is a lot to offer.


Ok I'm going to bed. Goodnight based smileyface poster!


My ex dumped me back in September. We both deleted each other off of social media. We haven't talked since then.

For the past three months, she has been viewing my public stories (I have them set public for work related reasons). This happens daily. Almost never missing them.

What gives?

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Fuck off pedophile