It does not matter what angle I take. She says that I turn every attempt to get her to do a chore as "shit on her time" which to me just sounds like she knows I'm fed up with her being lazy and shes panicking/grasping at anything she can to avoid doing it.
Yes I think shes lazy. Yes I've called her lazy to her face. Yes I've expressed how fucking pathetic she is compared to women of the past when the ONLY thing I require of her is to clean up after herself and to take care of the laundry. I do everything else, and work my ass off. She just sits on her ass and pretends to be a victim then cries about how I wont put a ring on it.
Why would I marry this woman? Why? What in her mind makes her think I'd want to marry a lazy crybaby that has a massive chip on her shoulder? She has a good job, sure. Better than mine I'd say. That doesnt mean she gets to just sit on her ass though and I make sure she knows how I feel.
What the hell do I do? I'm in the right but she pretends like I'm a terrible human being for this.