My Tinder gf is coming over soon, I've been faking that I smoked before and now she wants to smoke with me.

What should I expect?
I'm watching a shit ton of videos on how to smoke a bong but I feel like she will find out I'm a first timer and I won't be as "cool" anymore.

pls help

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You fucked up

Drugs are for losers. Don't consume drugs.

Welcome to the cancer club.

please, is there something else I'm missing other than smoke the smoke?

Do I inhale the smoke or do I chew

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oh I know nvm, I'm gonna tell her I never used a bong before

then she'll laugh and everything will be alright, phew

It to be really lame

>lying to impress a woman
When we tell you to “b urself” we mean don’t do stupid shit like that. She’s gonna know you’re a liar when you take that first hit and cough up a lung.

tell her the truth, she'll think it's funny, and will continue to use you if you pay for weed

You already fucked up. Unless you're like 6'3 300 lbs youre going to get ridiculously high or not high at all. Try not lying next time retard.

>yeah when I said I smoked I meant only crack

HA! bro tell her the truth. she’s gonna figure it out anyway when you start laughing uncontrollably at everything

What are you smoking? Cigarettes? Grab some and practice.

you definitely chew, how did you miss that from the videos?

Don't use a bong.
If you must use a bong, try to put as little in it as possible.
If using a pipe, also pack it as lightly as possible.
If using a joint/vape, take in small breaths.

If any issues with you taking small amounts, you can blame the weather and say your throat is sore.

THC is primarily absorbed through your lungs, so try to hold it in your mouth.

Have water handy *important*
Eating/drinking something sweet can help ground you if the high is too strong/uncomfortable (I like Arizona Tea)
Cough drops/warm tea is great for dealing with the sore throat/cotton mouth effect

Remember to relax; the effects are temporary so you might as well try to enjoy yourself, and the company of your girl

Tldr: drink plenty of water, and just try to relax and enjoy - those two things have helped me with every drug I have ever taken.

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even if you smoke right itll be a disaster. youll have no idea how to handle being high and youll tweak.

Take a small hit. Like 1/4th of a bowl. You don't want much as a first timer. DO NOT SMOKE MORE FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. Too much is miserable. The right amount will likely actually make your night less stressful and sex is easier high I find.

You'll cough for sure. Just say you don't smoke often. It'd be true. I smoke once a month max and I always cough.

Also this Also also,
>using tinder and willingly dating thots

okay I'm back, SHE BOUGHT IT!
she was already high after like 3 puffs anyway

we used a thing called a bowl, I told her I only roll so she'll have to demonstrate for me.

After my three, four, probably eight puffs I finally felt something.
But it was only when we laid down and started cuddling.
it was weird, at first I thought my right arm was dead because she was laying on it, then the numbness went everywhere and I couldn't move.

then she started describing what was going on on the tv and for some reason the way she said it was really funny, the crazy part was I wanted her to continue even though I could just turn my head, but I didn't want to turn my head, I don't even know if I could if I wanted to. She kept rubbing my back more and more, for like a t least 5 minutes.

man now I see why you faggots escape this hell hole of reality for this shit, can't wait until it's legal in my state.

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If it's weed: Smoke enough so that you feel it, if you only smoke a little then she'll be able to tell. Plus weed takes the anxiety away and you'll be a lot more relaxed. If it's dabs you'll want to take like 3 or 4 for your first time, otherwise if it's bud you may not feel it at first so you'll need to smoke a bunch to get to a comfortable level. Maybe like 4 or 5 bowls/bong rips or 2-3 joints. Just depends what she brings.

Lol bro don't worry about the police catching you while smoking, nothing to be paranoid about, they definitely don't lurk on Jow Forums XD you're good bro

I's going to burn like hellfire and you'll have to choke it down then have a panic attack whilst feeling like your soul is being exchanged for someone elses a few minutes later.

It takes more than abstaining from drugs to be a winner.

Bad bait.


>My Tinder gf
That was your first fuck up, Tinder is for No strings attached one night stands.
Tell her some shit happened and you had to leave the house to go help a friend, or family member if you're that scared.