Can you guys post photos of women who are 4/10, 5/10, and 6/10? I need to figure out what is a base for average women

Can you guys post photos of women who are 4/10, 5/10, and 6/10? I need to figure out what is a base for average women.

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Can we first start with the origin of women?

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This is absolute zero, now we need 1/10.

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Anyone who got the 2/10 ?!?!?

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very comprehensive

The third one on 3 actually looks pretty nice; definitely better than any of the 4s.

This is bullshit

They hated him because he told the truth.

This puts me at a six, a girl almost identical to me is in there. I'm a three whenever I'm rated. This is bullshit.

This is the important part. Even a small change in facial features can completely change where you are on the scale.

Some of these girls pictures are all over the place. Plus the 4/10 is entirely made up of middle aged women.

Also the typical 9/10 "stacey" is just visually boring cause they all check off the the list and end up all looking the same.

That's just me though.

Also I've seen some fat girls who had attractive faces, but it's unfortunate that they're fuckin fat cause otherwise the'd be very attractive.

1-3 is the same, so they can be all put under 1
4 should be split between 2 and 3
5 should be split between 4 and 5

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I feel like a 10 point scale is bullshit anyways. You can easily define attractiveness out of 5
>1 - deformed
>2 - below average
>3 - average
>4 - above average
>5 - perfect
1 and 2 are ugly, 4 and 5 are pretty. No need for debating whether a girl is a 5/10 or a 6/10 or whatever.

What score would Crispy be?

Attached: Crispy lips 2.jpg (640x640, 70K)

My views are very skewed, roughly 85% of women are 5+ and maybe 1% is 9-10.

That's a 2/10.

This is average, so on a 10 scale: 5.

Some occasional 8s here, too much effort to rank it all.

Like 1

You could scale it out of three even

-very attractive
-attractive enough
-not attractive

No it must be simplified

-would fuck
-no fuck

I don't know about that I've fucked people that I otherwise wasn't attracted to since I was drunk or whatever

This one is a 4 / 10 to me.

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stop posting my wife

Crispy is a 8.5 to me.

IGN rated this woman 5 out of 10.

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I don't find any of the 8s or 9s and only a couple of the 7s attractive? The 6s are cute as are some of the 5s and 7s.

Has porn broken me in some way or am I just weird?

Stop pretending you're OP faggot

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>I don't find any of the 8s or 9s and only a couple of the 7s attractive
Take that chart with a grain of salt because the creator obviously is ranking his personal preferences highest

plastic surgery gook alert

oh wow she's beautiful

That chart is basically "blurry candid photos" versus "makeup and photoshop/filters at selfie angles"

I could take a photo for every rating by just changing around lighting and angles. That's why the rating system is retarded. It's how guys keep their huge egos in check. Women have a simple system, attractive or unattractive. So simple.

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and that baby will be born with a flat nose, slanted eyes and a round Asian face. plastic surgery isnt brought to the baby.

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Imagine being the guy who saved these pictures to a folder because of how often he has to post them.

>in b4 200 more pictures and a long-winded manifesto about how roasties are destroying civilization

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Not sure why you are obsessed with announcing your yellow fever. There are beautiful Asian women but none of the photos you chose are even remotely natural and unedited. I live here, I know their secrets. That is not a natural look.

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Nobody cares.

Wtf they are all at least 30

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They're not ugly without the makeup

7-8-9 look like basic bitches

All of the 5’s are atrocious dude

they look like goblins you mentally ill freak

nah the chart is somewhat accurate if you give all the top tier girls (starting from 5 I didn't bother looking below that) a -1, or -2 score

I circled all the weird choices

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>would enjoy fucking when sober
>would not

Can I ask which one looks like you?

The guy who made this has shit taste

all women featured in this shit are crap.

Same, this puts me at a four or five but I get rated up of those. Still, I think this chart is comprehensive.

:( I must be a monster omg

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How common are bitches with this aesthetic?

wtf I thought asian women were pure, how could this happen to us fellow yellow fever bros?

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some of the girls below 5 are only there because they’re making stupid faces

You don't have to overcomplicate the X/10 attractiveness scale. It's very simple:

Ugly. If you see a woman and the thought of fucking her makes you cringe, she falls within this range. You don't want to hook up with a women who falls in the 0 to 4 range even if there are no strings attached. These are the women where you would think: ''I'd rather just jerk off instead''. You need to be incredibly desperate to be willing to settle down with an ugly woman. Thankfully for these women there are plenty of incredibly desperate men out there.

These are your totally mediocre women. They aren't ugly, but also not attractive. This is the girl you don't remember from high school, simply because you hardly ever noticed her. A 5 or a 6 is generally the lowest an average guy would be willing to settle down for provided she has a good personality. If the sex with a 5 or a 6 is cheap and no strings attracted, many even above-average guys would be willing to use her for sex but nothing more.

Attractive. Any girl you've ever considered pretty or hot falls within this range.

Your opinion of a woman is subjective. Looks are deceiving, our fleshsuits are just our outermost layer. It's always nice to have a hot lady friend but some of the most enticing and lovely women I've met have been "average" externally.

If you're seeking a lasting bond, a woman has to be someone who really meshes with you and who you can communicate with and understand.

If you just wanna quick fuck, well, go for it dad have fun.

The fourth from left pulling a stupid face

I lived in a small town where I never seen an actual Asian my whole life, and thought they were as cute as the ones on Jow Forums, and I thought they are better looking than white women.
When I left for uni and seen some real ones I was surprised by how ugly they actually are.

That's a chode list bro you literally have soft 8s listed as 10s. You have nigger tier standards

I'm right there with you, I find the 6s the most attractive as well. I think what's going on is that a lot of women that are seen as extremely attractive by a lot of men have very sharp, intense features, almost giving them an "aggressive" look for lack of better words. We're just into the more soft featured girl next door type, it's really a matter of preference because attractiveness to some degree is subjective and complicated but I don't think you're out of the ordinary, I go crazy for the "average" faced girl next door types and there's nothing wrong with that.

At least now I know I can label myself a 5/10. Peace of mind.

Rating looks on a scale of 1 to 10 is stupid. It's all subjective.

yeah, 6-8 is where it's at. 5s are okay, but get any higher than 8 and the girls start to blur.

Tbh everything under 7 could be a 3 for me anyway, and I agree with most girls in 7 and up so pretty nice list

Its like this OP if u ever feel the need to tell ur friends about her she's atleast a 6, anything under is because ur (rightfully) ashamed to brag about and isnt worth grading.
So 6 is the plain girl and 7 the plain sexy girl who's got a nice body and/or sexy personality.
If she's hot she's an 8, nice boobs/ass make her 9.
10s are relative so also not really of use in the scale and makes it unbelievable anyway

Do you have a guy version?

>Scientists Predicted What the Average American Will Look Like in 2300, and It's Beautiful

Reminder that 2D>3DPD

The thing is, the only dudes I know who believe in this trash 0-10 rating system are either guys so wealthy and successful that they have open access to a population of women who don't mind being treated like prize horses and shitty beta virgins. I think, generally speaking, human beings who fail to understand the basic concept of subjectivity are generally destined to a life of failure.

t. upset roastie

t. beta virgin

10 for face. Jesus.

Wait... she didn't get that weird anime eye surgery did she? I mean if she did they did, I guess they did it pretty fucking well.
Probably just make up tricks, though.
Not that it matters, but I bet she looks weird without makeup.

t. former 6/10

its just makeup. lookup the whole 'MakeApp' fracas, youd be surprised

It's hard to say. When I look at a 10/10 girl I'm also imagining how sweet her personality is and all that sappy shit. I automatically assume that she's nice or whatever I'm wanting in that moment because I get to fantasize if I'm just looking.

IRL 10/10 looks + 0/10 personality instantly drops even the hottest girls to undateable (though still fuckable) tier. 5/10 girls with personality, perky tits, and wife material traits are actually like the true 10/10s and the proof is in the guys fawning constantly over them.

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This thread has made me lose faith in humanity.

>Need a scale from 1 to 10 to begin with.
I'm a simple man. Let's make this simple.

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I mean seriously, once it gets to some of them in 5 I'm just like "You're good".
Just the same shit after that.

You're a faggot for coming in here with it

tfw i married a 9 and treat her like a 6

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5 or 6/10 I think

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Very interesting to see everyone's tastes differ this much, prettiest for me are the second on 9 and

The left 8 girl and the 5th from left 7 girl look more attractive than any of the 9s. And I honestly think quite some of the 9s aren't that attractive at all and should be pushed back to a 7.