Why do autist girls not date autist men?

Why do autist girls not date autist men?

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Gays would

Why do autistic men not date autistic girls?

Cause the two of you are autistic.

It does happen though.

Because autistic men have way too high of standards. Tard girls are often not hot.


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Honestly, I would say this contributes to it.

I mean, have you guys ever heard the autists on here rattle off their demands for a gf?

Way too unrealistic, especially for people who look and act the way they do

Because women just have a hole and men will flock to them. You have a pussy, men want to fuck a pussy, that's about it.

If by autist, you mean social rejects, outcasts, and the mentally ill, it's because they both think they deserve better than they do.
If you mean actual autistic people, then they do. It's easier to get along with a fellow high functioning autism patient than a neurotypical.

because autist girls have the choice to not date autist men

But they do? or perhaps do you mean - why don't the women who fall under nu-autism aka quiet/introverted/aspie not date you?

>be high functioning autist
>have a decent job
>can hold conversation
>told I'm at least somewhat attractive
>want an attractive girlfriend

Are my standards really that high?

>Are my standards really that high?

Probably, cause you haven't told us what your standards are

I literally said my standards: attractive girlfriend.
I.E. a girl anywhere on the "attractiveness scale" that lands on the attractive side.

No you have more that you're not telling us

like you want her to be a virgin or have the same political beliefs as you or she watches anime or something

Well I'm sure there are plenty of people who have standards like that but because I'm autistic I've been told I'm not allowed to have those standards so I only really care that she's somewhat attractive and like, able to take care of herself. I don't want to have to brush her teeth for her because she's retarded or something.

why would they?

Not him but that's pretty much all I'm asking for. In fact it would be better if she wasn't too attractive either.

Also she has to be born with a vagina and like me for who I am.

>but because I'm autistic I've been told I'm not allowed to have those standards


It's literally in this thread. Autistic people are less desirable so they must lower their standards in order to get a girl.

Why do socially stunted men not date socially stunted women? Because the socially stunted men constantly go on about how normal (functioning) people are awful, how anime is the best, and how they deserve a perfect woman in real life because something something about "Western Civilization."

I prefer people who are actually autistic. They're at least innocent and unique, most of the time.

The issue is that autistic people have twice the standards of regular people, like the whole virgin gf thing. So yeah they do need to tone it down a notch

I don't really understand why the virgin gf thing is considered a high standard. Most women prefer men that are at least somewhat experienced. So why can't it be that virgins get with virgins and experienced people get with experienced people?

Because men are chasers.
If the men don't chase at all, they may as well not be men. They're getting nothing. Whereas even the most autistic or weird women just have to put themselves out there and they'll get something. Probably just a pump n dump or to be taken for a ride, but that's something else.

Also the memes about confidence are 100% true. Nobody wants a resentful, needy autist. Confident, easygoing autist, maybe.

because why should a girl give her virginity to you? if virgnity is so special and it's something that you chase after to the point where it;s the only thing that matters in a girl, and she valued her virginity so much that she turned down all the "chads" and "badboys" out there - what makes you so special that you get to take a girl's virginity?

I don't know, I'm not a virgin. I'm just saying that it makes sense that like should go with like.

Why would someone date an autist man? I'm not saying nobody should, but what is the answer to this question? Maybe there's the key to the answer in your question, OP.

Not everyone likes the same things

Then why are the standards a problem?

You need to put in more effort, socialize more. Its required. If you haven't found anyone after a year you should consider lowering your standards of what is attractive. If you don't want to do that then you must improve your socialization and other skills to a level that's attractive to the type you're looking for.

>Why do autist girls not date autist men?
idk but until you figure this out the white race is doomed

double standards

but that's the truth mr. user!

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White race is doomed anyways. The only thing we can attempt to do is try to burn and destroy as much as possible on our way out.

At last year of high school last year there were to Autistic people I sorta knew (distant acquaintances) that dated for ages. Let me tell you, a fucking nightmare. Having arguments in class constantly, both get louder until I have to personally tell them to shutup cause everyones gone quiet and is looking. Their relationship is dominated by the female and the guy is a complete useless wimp, both too stupid to try and change anything or understand the obvious issues with the relationship. The girl has to end up looking after this dude because hes useless whilst also protecting him from any harsh truth with deflections that they are autistic, and as you know asd people already can't look after themselves. Both made each other feel worse by association and sitting in their feelings of how life sucks but deflect with their disability. They'll probably never break up. Makes me sad, doomed existence? Bad parenting? Personal responsibility? Whos to blame, we'll never know.

Because autism has a far greater negative impact on what determines male attractiveness as opposed to female attractiveness:

Male with bad social skills and no emotional intelligence = yuck, creeper
Female with bad social skills/no emotional intelligence = is she hot though

Thus there is no reason for female autists to lower their own standards when they have little external decrease in attention.

There are no austistic females. Autism is extreme masculinity, being so practical that you can’t function. Extreme femininity is called borderline personality disorder. They’re so unstable that they can’t function either.