What can make a Fight Club tier edgelord feel better about society?

What can make a Fight Club tier edgelord feel better about society?

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That society will collapse soon enough.

this, just hone your skills until the end of days come
Personally, I can't to play fallout IRL

Good people are extremely fucking rare but they exist. I hope you meet some but if you don't it's not your fault, meeting people is just based on random luck.

By changing society to suit you. Jow Forums did it when they elected Trump so you can too.

A combination of both of these. Get a useful skill, find likeminded people, stash up, build up, create strong institutions that go under the watchful eye of our current system, patiently wait out the end of days.
Don't be afraid to take women as a war prize.

Humans build societies. It's what we do. I guess there can be some kind of cosmic peace in knowing that one day it will all end, though that's not what I want to happen.

How should Fight Club edgelords try to change culture? What do you identify as, in terms of your attitude towards society?

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It's not a matter of what should or shouldn't. It's a matter of what is or isn't. Our society is failing and collapsing. Lots of people and institutions are trying to bury the bodies faster than they can make them, but it's happening, everywhere you look. Only those who accept strength, obedience, and virtue have the ability to create something alternative that can outlast the terror of the failing system.

Re-read or re-watch fight club until you know what it’s actually about.

What do you mean, more specifically?

I didn't read the book. Does it have answers to the OP question? If so, can you relay them?

It's hard to explain but you need to go looking for people that talk about the realities of civilization and start making friends with them, see if there are any in your area. I would start looking into the Hestia Society but they're very small so I don't know if they can help you.

You know that fight club is about being gay, right

that's why you gotta eat the lettuce

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People who think it's just about being gay haven't watched it or read it. Besides, even if it was, Death of the Author comes into account. It's whatever the people who believe in it think it is.

>just about being gay

It's not just about being gay, but being gay is definitely the meat of the sandwich.

I guess I forgot that the extended cut has a part where after Tyler Durden said "I envision a world where we hunt venison in the ruins of Rockefeller Center and wear deerleather pants that last our whole lives he then turned to the Narrator and said "actually scratch that, everything I just said, actually it's about just sucking dick all day."

Try reading the book

Who gives a shit about the book. The movie and the book are separate pieces of work that can mean separate things.

>Who gives a shit about the book

people over the age of 15 I guess

Watching some other iconic movie with a message which is antithetical to that of Fight Club's and swallowing it up like a 16 year old girl reading 50 Shades of Grey.

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If you read a Chuck Palahnuik interview, it's clear Fight Club isn't about being gay. I'm not actually a fan of the guy, I was just referencing the movie. So, basically, the story of the movie itself is irrelevant to this thread, unless any of you actually have something constructive to add about it.

>So, basically, the story of the movie itself is irrelevant to this thread after I've made it very clear that I'm right and only my interpretation of the book and/or movie is the correct one

Sure, you can interpret the movie or book to mean anything you want, but I don't think the author intended to write a book about being gay. In the end of the movie, the protagonist embraced a woman. Not only that, the financial buildings in the background exploded and collapsed, which shouldn't leave anyone questioning what the general message was.

like I said you should really read the book


It would be pretty painful to rewatch the movie. I'll get a Kindle sample of the book and see if it's sufferable. My ex recommended it heavily, and she was a Matrix rewatcher.

why are you shouting dude god damn

mini-spoiler: it's not the credit card building that gets bombs in it at the end. It's something completely different and so is the overall ending.

Oh I'm sorry, you can't take some caps lock on the internet you pussy?

Not to be funny or anything, but does it have anything to do with the OP topic?