What comes after 'happiness' ?

I have been told since i was Little that happiness was having money,nice job, banging girls,etc
>Be me,23
>Went out of shit latin country
>Work around the world
>Great,Comfy and meaningful job
>Make more in a month than people make in a year in my old country
>10/10 apartment, thinking about buying a house,could probably retire today with inheritance from family
>Capable of going to any restaurant and not look at the prices, could probably go to best buy and pick up anything without checking bank account,no debt
>Not gonna say i fuck daily ,but i fuck when i want to

I was told once i reached this point that life was at it's peak.but yet, this cannot be all life is about.
>Tried donating random amounts of money
>Give at least 50$ to homeless people weekly
>Purchased all the material stuff i wanted
>Tried helping people in need
Nothing fulfills me

I am not complaining,but, is this the peak of my life? At 23? Sure i could continue building exponentially increasing amounts of money,but like i don't see that much use of it. (Been raised to buy what was necessary,not stupid shit)

I cannot asks my friends because not everybody has such economical stability and i am worried they might start asking for money

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Happiness for a woman is money and stability. Happiness for a man is working towards a goal.

That's the thing, i am already at the 'goal' (according to people) but what else is there?

You need to find more long-term goals and work towards them. That will grant you true meaning in life again. If you have nothing to struggle towards, you'll end up sitting in the same, comfortable spot and it will become an unpleasant life. Reaching goals is a depressing thing if you have no further goals.

Figure out what you need to aim towards next and work for it. Once you achieve it, figure out what's next, and just keep doing that until you die. It's the journey that fulfills a person, not the destination.

You’re at a goal set by some people. Set a new goal, retard-kun.

Having a partner also helps. It gives everything a purpose (even working).

Fucking painful trying to find one that won't screw you over though.

it's like taking a drug but you need to do more to get the same feeling again

or maybe it's the drugs doing that?

Bullshit. You're fulfilled. You've just have no idea what real struggle is. You would never part with it all. You said yourself your inheritance would be enough to retire on. People like me have no idea if they'll have a roof tomorrow, people like me work 80 hours a week in NYC to pay his dumb father's debts and my own

I would do anything to have what you have. What your at, IS happiness. that's the peak. If you knew how deep the valley was you'd think you were a king.

I won't ask for money but I WILL ask for tips on how to make it on my own. How'd you do it?

>Fucking painful trying to find one that won't screw you over though.
This. NO MATTER WHO IT IS you'll know in the back of your head that if the money was gone that "love" would be over instantly and their bags would be packed that same day.

Tried buying shit, didn't work
Tried helping people in need, didn't work
Tried spiritual shit, didn't work
I don't have any knowledge in medicine to let's say, cure cancer

Any other suggestions?

I have enough people to call if i ever need anything,and some to have sex with...

To be honest all my life outside my country was builded up from scratch, found jobs by my own.
The most i have asked to my parents is like 500$ to buy a bed cuz my apartment flooded,i have been broke too (temporary), i said i can have the money from my parents but I don't need it. Reached financial independency at 19.

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You need a long-term goal to struggle towards, to make sacrafices for. You're not gonna be fulfilled by giving people money of buying shit. Aim for something that's difficult and move towards it.

What would be the solution to not having enough knowledge in medicine to be able to cure cancer?

>could probably retire today with inheritance from family
>The most i have asked to my parents is like 500$ to buy a bed cuz my apartment flooded

dude this shit alone essentially nullifies any of your struggles

Software is paying like Crazy, if you are good companies fight for you,and they start bidding salaries really bad.
Increased my salary by 80% in 6 Month's
To be honest since i moved from shit country i went from 300 to 5000 a month in about a year and a half

I would like to have my own company tho... Not so much for financial gain but for helping other people

I wanted to get to my position by myself,and i did it. What i am asking is, what's next? Buying ten more houses ? I can live comfortably with what i have now

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Don't belittle his situation, everyone struggles. He came here to get advice about the fact that he has lost meaning in life. Just because he's wealthy that doesn't mean he's always happy. You have a computer, and probably a few other electronic devices. You're extremely rich compared to most of the world. Are you free of struggles?

>I would like to have my own company tho... Not so much for financial gain but for helping other people

There's your goal. Work towards that. Aim high and see what you'll accomplish. Figure out what needs to be done. You can do it, just start.

> You're extremely rich compared to most of the world. Are you free of struggles?

I still take the commute to go to my work, do 8 hours a day and follow my boss, i like my work,Even if i have the opportunity to say fuck it and leave my work and just live out of rent.

Even i could just stay inside all day and fuck in the computer for hours that would make my life meaningless

Imagine being this broken of a person that you actually believe this. Better yet you won't even be able to reply without a "chart" you made in paint, an illogical and misuse of a "quote", or an emotional reaction via buzzwords and memes.

Create a scholarship or sponsorship program for someone less fortunate like you used to be to achieve their dream. Take up new goals yourself, learning new things and something to towards. What you have is success in a comfortable life, but happiness is something everyone defines for themselves and has to make themselves. It is a fleeting feeling, normal state is just consciousness of existence. Happiness is not a constant, you are content with life and have no worries. And this can always change too, illness, tragedy, breakup, a number of things.

I have a lot of things i wanna do, i wanna open a school for example, i am just getting more experience in work to apply it to my own startups and stuff, you can only teach what you know after all

Hey op, maybe looking at other peoples ideas of happines will help

Im 20 rn and happiness to me is
Spending time with my pet bunny
Learning Computer science, math
Working out
Spending time with friends and family
Listening to classical music

The great majority of goals are not consuming but crafts that take time to master. Go find a passion. You cant buy happiness, what retard told you that and mindless fucking is just a step above jerking off. Go find a hobby or craft and try to master it over your lifetime.

That's great! So while working towards that it is also wise to have short term goals as well. I can suggest sports, instrument, foreign language, art, dance, photography, writing, sewing, coding, I mean there's a lot to try.

Thanks user,i am just getting some knowledge at work before i do my big jumps, it's not like I don't have goals, it's just that once i achieved "the peak of my life" so Early i was feeling kinda empty

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Lmao money as peak? Dont worry about it op, you'll peak way later once you set your eyes on real goals that take time and effort. I wish my goals were even plausible in my lifetime.

Why are you obsessed with trying other people’s generic goals? Work towards something that you want. Let’s be honest, you don’t give a shit about curing cancer or helping people in need. Work towards something that you actually want.

I’m not going to respond with a meme, chart, or buzzword like “broken” because I don’t even know what you mean. Why don’t you think that’s true?

Volunteer for a charity. Like a food bank or a homeless shelter.
Might help you feel that your life has meaning.