Is it better to be unhappy or alone?

Is it better to be unhappy or alone?

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I am alone and unhappy.

I'm both.

I am unhappy and alone.

Alone, because at least you can learn to make small talk with people you don't actually want to make friends with, such as store clerks and people at the library.

Some people have no idea how to mind their own business and other people are at their most comfortable alone.

Im happy and surrounded by people who love me

Unhappy, I hate being alone

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i dont think you can be happy if you're alone, but if you're taking about girlfriends then I would say there's no point in being in a relationship that you're not happy with

I dumped by fiance because we couldn't live together. I loved her but we were both unhappy, constantly walking on eggshells.

Now I'm alone and I feel like all the things I used to like to do have no meaning, no more fun. I feel like I'm lost, I can't see what the future holds for me.

depends on what exactly you mean by alone.
Like just "tfw no gf" alone or "I live in Alaska and see 5 people a year" alone?

If the former you can definitely find happiness and be alright, not so sure about the latter though.

Better to be alone. You can be happy and alone, though more than likely only temporarily.

I'm OP and this hurts a lot

why can't you be both unhappy AND alone, like me?
kms in 2020 btw

It depends, i'm alone but not lonely. A lot of my friends and family don't get it but i find great enjoyment in doing things for myself or hobbies that don't require other people. I'm happy when i'm alone. Most people crave some sort of appreciation or affirmation in the things they do.
I would say it's better to be happy no matter what but other people have different priorities I guess.

I have at least several interpretations of this OP and several corresponding responses:
>General broad statement
Ehh... its impossible to really say. Judging from your pic though, I think there's more to your post than this...
>I am alone and think that relationships will make me unhappy
I'm in a somewhat similar position, but I think its logical to conclude you just have to find the right person, really.
>I am in a relationship that is not working out
In this case, it is better to be "alone". I would guess and probably argue that being in a bad relationship makes you more alone.
>I want sympathy from people who are in a different situation than me. I want to know how they feel as well because misery loves company
That's nice of you.
>I'm deciding between doing lonely one-night stands and marriage that I'm sceptical of
I think its best to just try and be social. Get to know a girl, maybe if she's not into you she can be a friend, though... in my experience that can kind of suck sometimes when you have no friends to talk to about women.
In any case, good friends can you get you laid or in a relationship in my experience. Too bad they left me too soon...
>Differentiating between unhappy and loneliness generally
Human beings are social animals. Loneliness is unhappiness. A very deep unhappiness and probably one of, if not the, most common, even perhaps sole, source of emotional pain.
...That I can think of right now. But loneliness makes you unhappy. They are not separate. Sometimes being alone is a good thing, but that's not loneliness.
>Philosophical idea of whether unhappiness is worse or being alone is worse (regardless of how you feel)
...You would feel unhappy if you knew you were alone and had your humanity, I think. I think being alone is worse, then. Because once you feel alone, it can be worse. However, in a way we are all alone and there's nothing really wrong with that.
We are alone, but together at the same time.

>Missed these
Wait hang on. OP are you saying these are both your posts or just that the fiance story hurts a lot?

alone, because if you are alone there is always hope, and you are more open to new possibilities
if you are unhappy in a situation which draws more than it is worth: get out

Alone, always.

I don't know if a winning situation actually exists to be honest with you.
>be in relationship
>your gf is only there until something she perceives as better comes along
>even then she'll cheat on you for ages with one or more prospective partners while she vets and tests them instead of breaking up with you and doing it single
>still uses you along the way

>be single
>fine for a time, but end up lonely, questioning your worth and secretly wishing you'd die

I am happy and alone. I prefer being alone. Happiness should come from within yourself. Don't rely on other people for it. You are your greatest ally.

It's better to be proudly independent than some desperate skirt-chasing miser.

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I was alone, chatting with my friend once every week, aside from that no communication. And on a happiness scale from 10 I would say I was at a 6 or 7. So, It Is definitely possible to minimize contact with people and still be somewhat happy

No they're both me. We talked a bit last night and it just sucks. I just dont feel sure of anything anymore. I feel like I'm in free fall in my life. And I'm old too. All these personal fears and issues I opened up to her about. We're apart now but I have no one to open up to about this stuff. It's a very lonely apartment now. Even the pets are gone (they were hers to begin with).

They go hand in hand. But obviously alone if it's an alternative to unhappy. Unhappy is unhappy. What are you dumb?

I'm simply not relationship material.
So i'm making the best of a solo life.

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Alone, by far. Being "alone" doesn't mean you have to be "lonely," given that I'm assuming you're in an unhappy relationship. When you're single, the world's your oyster. Go have fun on your own terms, make friends, jerk off when you want, never worry about someone else's feelings when you decide to stay out an extra hour having drinks with the boys.

I love being single. I wouldn't mind a relationship with the right person, but single life is fucking awesome.

Alone. Nothing is worth your happiness. It's the most valuable thing in the world. Life is too short to be unhappy

I can only stand being around my friends for 1-2 hours before I tell them they need to leave.

You can absolutely be happy being alone. If you're feeling lonely that is much different.

takes time man. good luck to you and may you find your spirit again.

im so sorry user. may you find someday happiness.

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its better that i dont involve my shitty life with theirs. so yes. both. unhappy and alone.

you can't be happy alone. humans are social creatures. They need contact with others to live a happy and fullfilled life.

Where is the cring amv link, you retard?

high five


>Be me
>Didn't feel any emotions except happiness, sadness, boredom, fear and self love
>Was never attached to anyone
>Had trouble understanding emotions of other people and how to react
>Most happy when studying maths alone
>mfw some user thinks that people can't be happy alone

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>you can't be happy alone
100% false

Some people can’t comprehend the possibility of being able to find joy by themselves without being reliant on others

whats the difference?

being alone makes anyone unhappy eventually

Get help, incel.

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Well, it sounds like you answer your own question. Can it be a, "You don't know what you have 'till you lose it" type situation? Get the bitch back. There all pretty much the same anyhow.

I'm alone and happy... I'd rather be alone.