At what age does a girl's pussy feel the best?
At what age does a girl's pussy feel the best?
scientifically, 10-13
Don't mind me, definitely not an undercover cop
unironically 18 and below
14 16 17 18 21 24 30 36 46
Ive had a go at all of those ages and by far the 21 and 24 had the nicest pussies and overall great sexual experiences.
you just fucked different girls you retard, of course their pussies will have felt different. try staying with the same girl for like 10 years and compare how her pussy changes, that's the only objective way of doing this
What made them great?
Over 18
Not falling for your trick, mr FBI
But then he's fucked her before, and thus his sexual habits have affected the girl's quality of vagina. For a real scientific test, we would need to test this by making identical women in a laboratory and putting them in the exact same environment for their entire lives, which is sadly impossible and illegal right now.
Honestly, Mrs Mei's magic hands from the Chinese massage parlor are all the pussy I need, and she's in her 40s.
Can't get a STD from a handjob, either.
Yes you can.
Its called HPV and it can even be transmitted by simply holding hands with someone who has one of 8 possible strains, one of which causes cancer. 6 out of every 8 men have HPV. And women be holding our hands. And those women be massaging you at chinese parlors.
Just get the HPV vaccine and youre good though.
Half your age plus seven.
Here we go with tired ass incel trope.
>le funny meat sandwich meme
It's a good thing you'll never get inside a *woman's* pants. You people actively seek young women (essentially girls) because you literally cannot handle the beauty and independence of a college educated woman.
Here's my professional advice; kill yourself before you end up killing someone else.
>tfw turbo kissless virgin hairy roastie
>no hymen cuz tampons
am i the equivalent of a microdick robot
Lots of guys like hairy pussies. How come you are a kissless virgin? Autistic shut-in?
no friends either, not even online cuz it always ends in conflict
its all good, i just live my fantasies in animoo and mangoo and vidya but sometimes i feel that need itd be nice to feel the real deal, feel human warmth and contact and scent
Fucking whore
kill thyself
Ok, this is interesting. Unless your negative traits are overwhelming you can easily definitely find a bf. Irrelevant of being an autistic shut in.
Also, of course it feels nice to be intimate with someone. Lol even some relationships/marriages happen because people want to be intimate and dread not having it. So they just latch to the closest carbon based life form that fits certain bare minimum.
This is just the truth. Millions (billions?) of years of evolution and history won't change the reality.
I'd say a woman's sexual prime is age 18-21. In that range her body is fully developed, in peak fertility but not completely ragged out yet by random Chad cocks.
>in peak fertility
That's 14.
That's a generalization that is not always true. You bump that up to seventeen and it can be applicable for all.