Why is:
>tfw no gf
So...powerful? So damaging. I haven't been on Jow Forums for years, yet I see very clearly the effect tfw no gf has on people. Why does it turn them into what they are? Why is it so powerful?

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I prefer not having a girlfriend unless the relationship is intended to lead to marriage. I used to have casual sex and dysfunctional, immature relationships, but I lost the taste for that. I’ve been with an average number of girls and my sex drive and hormones are normal.

so, to summarize, no gf is the most preferable option to me. I’d choose it over gf.

How do I even get gf?

by forming an intimate relationship with a girl you have mutual sexual attraction with

Because society has made it so that its a sign that you're a functioning normal human.
But it ain't true op, if you want a gf, you must become a person who is attractive and capable of having a gf

If you're not having some life where you're on an epic journey or something your primary goal with a normal psyche will always be to find a mate above all else. Priovided you have food and shelter of course. Now you are to share the shelter with someone, instinctively.

Human connection to the opposite sex, and the validation that come with it, are very important things in everyones life. without female companion men feel worthless due to lack of intimate connection, and anxiety they feel thinking they'll be loser forever
>t. 22yo KHV who's given up on dating and marriage

because you are and always will be an animal, no matter how many clothes you wear or thumbs you have. and animals exist to reproduce. humans are just 'smart' enough to convince themselves otherwise

>... intended to lead to marriage ... dysfunctional, immature relationships

Oh yes user. Please tell me your fucking secret of magically finding girls that you instantly know are not marriage material.
Please tell us how it is you are some how not bothered by the idea of being alone despite wanting marriage and sex.
Please go on and fucking tell us.

>humans convince themselves they don't need sex
Do they really?

>Because society has made it so that its a sign that you're a functioning normal human.
That is not why or if it is, that is the natural evolution of our society.
>must become a person who is attractive and capable of having a gf
All men are single because they are unattractive and not desirable. Okay.
Kill yourself.

Not him, but...
Humans were pretty much made to reproduce once they reach maturity like most animals, so it's less so they convince themselves they don't need it, but more so that there's more to life that distracts us from our one primal goal.

>finding girls that you instantly know are not marriage material
This part is pretty easy. You probably identify women you wouldn’t want to marry all the time. Most women. But it’s not like someone just is or isn’t marriage material. We all have different compatibility with people, and we all change over the course of years, right?

>Please tell us how it is you are some how not bothered by the idea of being alone despite wanting marriage and sex.
Please go on and fucking tell us.
First off, I’m not totally alone in life just because someone isn’t fucking me. Neither are any of you, necessarily. Second, it doesn’t bother me that I don’t have a 3D waifu, because I don’t want that responsibility at this particular moment in my life, nor would I be able to handle it.

As long as humans have been humans they have learned to make tents and cook anc clean and such before marriage. It's not changed what type of animal we are. Like the dance of a sting ray.

I'm so fucking tired of...
I can't... fucking bullshit... all this shit about... all this confusing contradictory fucking bullshit... all these sour grape flavoured lemons forcefed to me people assuming I'm not attractive... going on to say shit about...
I can't fucking stand...

Jow Forums just tells me I should not want something to want it.
Even though life has proven me otherwise.

You’ve never heard of wanting something but not being in desperate anguish at the fact you don’t presently have it? That’s contradictory?

This guy was just saying you should rise to the occasion and do what it takes to get a gf before getting this about not having one. But he got told to kill himself and it seems as though it went over your head.

An important part of feeling like a man is being able to acquire what you desire. In this case, either sex or human affection, or both. Although your intentions have been pure all your life, seeing all the malignant and deceptive people around have no trouble achieving that while you with your moronic devotion to honesty must stay content feeling like a spiritual beggar that needs to loot trashcans for a sliver of empathy, is incredibly emasculating and creates a vicious cycle of desperation which makes you less attractive in the eyes of prospective women, further enforcing the emasculation aspect, and so on. After a few hundred cycles, it takes on suicidal proportions.

I mean, the user wasn’t accusing you of being ugly. He was insinuating that you lack a romantic relationship because you didn’t go the whole distance necessary to form one.

This but haven't given up yet. Still no results.
How can you be not desperate when you can't even imagine having gf?

Women are a moderating influence on men, they suppress our anger and our self-destruction. They make us want to work towards something. Look at countries where women are heavily repressed, the men are animals and will riot and form mobs all the time.

Women also lock us down and kill our dreams because they care about security and hate risks. Women are generally very risk averse. But you gotta take the good with the bad.

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Literally everything you said is false. Tfwnogf is an extremely weak and rare effect that is only present in the lowest tier of males who never leave the basement.

It confuses me that one would not feel at least occasional anguish that they don't have something like that.
I don't know how you can just be like "Oh that would sort of be nice" when you realize everything that can come with that.

Maybe its just a feeling/situation more particular to me because I don't have many close friends to begin with.
I wake up to find I'm getting older. Suddenly I find myself easily attracted to women and it feels as though its not just some thing like mild depression I can control. It just happens. So I never know if I'm over it.

I don't really understand how I'm expected to control my feelings like that.
And then when I think that I wonder how long this could possibly take. I can't seem to get over that.
..I want to experience something and take more risk than I have because that seems to have led me down a worse path.
But my mind can't find a balance. But I don't know how the fuck do I find that balance if I'm not trying to understand it.

I've had friends before. I've been around girls. Hell, I've been around a girl who OVERTLY SAID she would have sex with me during a time that I would've accepted that and didn't get laid or anything then.
Same with some other girls.

When I get worked up though, I say I can take it. I don't know.
This is confusing me.

I don't even know how any of this is just all of a sudden happening. Nothing of this makes sense. Its like I suddenly had parts of my brain replaced with shit I had when I was 15. Things that I have somehow forgotten I'd never experienced since then.

This doesn't seem like it should happen. I've never even heard of someone ending up like this before.

>they suppress our anger and our self-destruction. They make us want to work towards something.
Speak for yourself, loser.
>Look at countries where women are heavily repressed, the men are animals and will riot and form mobs all the time.
Like france/usa? Shut the fuck up you turd

I guess. I guess I just don't like feeling vulnerable or something.

But yeah, I'm probably pretty much just responding to issues inside of myself rather than the poster.

>tfw gf
it sucks - can't plan my days, she invents issues and things to complain about, any misstep is a direkt insult to her, cant travel with friends because she'll be angry

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You can blame toxic masculinity. We live in a culture that defines a man's worth by how much pussy he's gotten.

Imagine if we lived in a society where people weren't judged by their sexual status, that people can be okay with being celibate.

>define's a man's worth by how much pussy... okay with being celibate
But I don't feel okay with being celibate. That means I'm not getting something that is supposed to be fun and good for my health if done right(?).

I don't feel like my worth is determined by how much sex I get. Maybe at times, I feel like questioning certain aspects of my worth, specifically my worth as a sexual or romantic partner, but that's a different story.
I don't understand the "toxic masculinity" argument about this subject. Maybe some men think like that, but I doubt that's the real reason behind 90% of this.

And, as I've probably shown myself, trying to act like there is this whole "toxic masculinity" thing can just make men feel worse sometimes. Its not to the point.
At least for me its not.