>be me 19 >muster up the courage to finally ask someone out >She says no and specifically says it's because of my height
Like fuck this world. It's not even that she's taller than me. I'm like 167cm and she's 162cm. She's literally shorter than me and doesn't want to be with me based on my height. "Sorry user but I like taller guys" "But I'm taller than you" "Yeah but I mean taller and you're kinda bellow average"
Like how does one NOT become an incel after something like that. 99% of girls are shallow. How do I cope
fuck other qts, don't get mad at girls for acting like girls
Luke Wood
>fuck other qts I would if I could.
I literally chose her specifically for all the traits she has. I thought she wouldn't be that shallow.
Jeremiah Turner
By becoming successful and better than her or anyone pathetic enough to be willing to date her.
Turn the emotion into something productive not something sad and destructive.
Samuel Cooper
But I want a girlfriend now not inn 10 years time when it's only about money.
Eli Garcia
>I literally chose her specifically for all the traits she has. I thought she wouldn't be that shallow.
this is autistic, you're supposed to get to know people, not make an assumption and pray it fits
Hunter Long
Yeah, it's called natural selection. Women are inherently biased towards traits that nature has told them will produce the best offspring. I'm rejected, but for different reasons. I'm tall, blue eyes, light brown hair, my face isn't awful, but I lack social skills. I'm stunted and this means no females shows interest in me. It's a shame, but oh well. I've been trying to focus my sexual lusts into other activities. Mostly been ignoring them but it's hard. I can't tell *you* how to cope, I'll tell you how I do, though. >reading >college >videogames >ignore the fact that the vast majority of people I pass on the street are NOT virgins >r9k, pol, and here >attempting nofap None of these work all the time, but it's the best I can do
Josiah Garcia
I forgot one other thing: rape fantasies. I've convinced myself that if society collapses and I don't die immediately, I'll have the ability to "rape" a woman and get away with it. This is comforting
Thomas Thompson
I did get to know her, I wouldn't have asked her out otherwise. I'm already doing all of those, except nofap that's a meme And no rape fantasies what's wrong with you?
Justin Ward
Girls are incredibly shallow user. They will never admit it to you.
Jordan Walker
Got news for you... It's not your height.. she doesn't like you.
Nicholas Roberts
I realize it's *probably* a meme, but I'm not doing anything better with my time, and I'll only be able to prove it a meme by doing it. As to the rape thing, it's true. I'm not raping anyone while the state still stands, but if it goes down, I'm losing my virginity.
Kevin Diaz
What's the cure, what do I do? No I'm pretty sure it's my height. She specifically said it's my height and that she's sorry. I would never try nofap. fapping does more good for you than bad.
Sebastian Powell
Well, I've been tapping since puberty and my life isn't "good" so I don't see how not doing it would make it any worse. The great thing is I can start fapping again at any time if by some miracle not-fapping makes my life worse. If the only thing I have to worry about is prostrate cancer, that's fine. I have no intention of living long anyhow
Wyatt Parker
Can't worry about it man. Happens to literally everyone. Sometimes I get angry/frustrated but it's a waste of time.
Just got to move on a find someone else. It's like hunting for jobs. It sucks ass, but all you need is one "yes".
Jaxon Perez
This. Even if that's the reason she thinks it is, it's not. She just isn't into you, even if she likes you as a person. It's never just one thing. Even the megathots who have hard "requirements" for guys, often (always?) break these "requirements".
It's more of a feeling than any set of criteria. You can't choose who you're attracted to, it's just a natural process. Stop focusing on the "reason", girls always lie about the reason, or often don't even know what the real reason is. They (and men do this too) come up with a reason why they don't like you, after already not liking you. It's just a rationalization.
Move on. Also, don't "pick" a girl and go after her like she's gonna be special. That's not how dating works. Be who you are in the world, if you like someone / you notice someone else likes you, there's a mutual attraction, ask her out, see how it goes. Stop this bullshit where you think you can select a mate and go after her and she'll become your girlfriend and you'll live happily ever after. You can't calculate your way into a relationship lol.
I mean you do you man. What guarantees it won't be the same with the next girl? It's not like this one was out of my reach, she's literally shorter than me.
Carter Diaz
Surprise surprise, women are shallow bitches color me shocked.
Tyler Cook
No matter what height you are, don't ask a girl out unless she's made it implicitly known that she is into you.
My dad is 160 cm and has never had trouble finding women, including women taller than him (such as my mother). I'm 175 cm and have dated a girl who is 173 cm, and height wasn't brought up during our relationship, except jokingly when she wore heels one day and was taller than me. What did I and the many manlets in my family do right? We lived our lives as we pleased, didn't place women at the top of our priorities, and waited for them to show interest in us before making a move ("let them come to you"). You and most of the advice seekers on this board don't do that. And while I am aware that many women place a lot of value on height, is it easier for somebody, in the heat of the moment, to tell you that they simply dislike your height rather than go over everything they don't like about your personality at once.
Benjamin Brown
I'll be real honest here. Because of Christianity and arranged marriages many men managed to reproduce who wouldn't have managed to do it in other circumstances. With those 2 gone, it's only natural that this period is most incel-saturated.
Find something else to do with yourself. Hobbies that you're passionate about, whatever.
Camden Gomez
Well no girl has ever implicitly let me know that she likes me, not once in my 19 years Hobbies and stuff don't mean shit, at the end of the day you're a failure if you never experienced love.
Evan White
Welcome to the club user. We're even the same height. Albeit, I've been rejected 3 times. I would say take the black pill and forget about getting women for a while. It worked for me.
Wyatt Cooper
Why do we have again this same bait thread? OP is obviously 190cm and a bitter virgin.
Jace Ortiz
I got rejected once because i am too "sweet". Never ever take this seriously and simply try different girl.
Remember there are always desperate cat ladies and single moms.
Do you want a fucking picture of my 167 self to prove myself to you?
Mason Davis
She's free not to want you for any reason whatever, including your height. Go kill yourself you make so angry I want to beat you to death.
We need to start aborting boys. That's the only solution to the incel problem.
Jaxson Jenkins
I can't just forget about it it's all that I've ever wanted.
Jace Cox
>don't "pick" a girl and go after her like she's gonna be special. >if you like someone / you notice someone else likes you, there's a mutual attraction, ask her out, see how it goes. How are these two different? You shouldn't ask a girl out you like because you think she is special, but you should ask a girl out you like if she likes you too? How can he know what is going on unless he asks people put?
Alexander Murphy
Then ask more girls out user. Maybe you'll get more luck next time or they won't say "user you're nice and all, but you're a bit short. Sorry maybe if you were taller. We can still be friends tho, right?". Then problem solved, or they would just reject you for other reason.
Hudson Cruz
As if. If she had been stupid enough to give you a one-time pity fuck, you would have started whining and bitching why she isn't giving you more, why she isn't enacting all your sexual fantasies no matter how horrible and painful and disgusting they are to her, why she isn't texting you 24/7, why hasn't responded yet how dare she have anything else on her mind, in other words all the regular obsessive abusive stalker shit that marks you as mentally ill and fucking dangerous to her life and safety. You're already whining and throwing a tantrum like an obsessed little shit now. God, your mother didn't beat you enough. Little boys should get beaten into silence at age 3 for fuck's sake, spare the rod end up with the incel. We need gas chambers back for your kind.
Cooper Russell
You seem angery buddy I will try to user but this just demoralized me. I thought she was perfect for me.
Hudson Roberts
Do it. Then we will tell you what is actually wrong with you. Remember that at your height women find you statistically more attractive than any 180+ cm male. You probably are hideous or a spergy incel.
Landon Turner
The distinction I was trying to make was between two different "strategies" for dating.
1.) What most guys do early on. They put one girl on a pedestal and go after exclusively this girl. They try to find a way to make her fall for them. They over invest in her.
2.) The (ime) more successful way, go about your life, don't invest too much in any girl at all unless she proves she's down for you (by having sex with you and spending quality time with you over a period of time). Don't focus on any one particular girl to obsess over.
As for asking girls out, I'm a pussy who often won't ask a girl out until she's displayed some signs of attraction. Like, they make eye contact, they talk to me more than other people at the party / function, they initiate conversation sometimes. Then I'll usually get their number or Facebook and ask 'em out. It's worked well.
That being said, it's a bad strategy. I'm missing out on all the girls who are afraid to make it clear they like me or would go out with me but aren't keen enough to initiate or show signs of attraction. So yeah, if I was more used to rejection, I'd have more opportunities. I'd get rejected more but hey, it's probably worth it.
Blake Richardson
>Remember that at your height women find you statistically more attractive than any 180+ cm male Ohhh you're one of those retards. Yeah there's no point in proving myself to you. Literal average for male height is 182 here.
Thomas Walker
How can I find them? I'm not interested in marrying either of those, but I'm not above a month long fling with either. Tinder et al yielded no results even after setting the age range to 26+.
Parker Carter
I have personally done the second part and it is what made me single for over a decade. It is not a good strategy ime.
Jace Reed
You don't believe facts when they would point out you are wrong. The only thing you have proven is that you chose to be an incel.
Jose Howard
>I thought she was perfect for me Did you even talk to her, no, I don't mean shit "Hey user how was your day" meaningless talk that people just to be polite while they really aren't listening and don't give a fuck about you. I mean about her, what she likes/what she doesn't like, what she thinks about men, what are her preferences. Did you? I bet you didn't you little faggot, you just made up a fantasy in your mind and now you're mad the real world doesn't give a shit. You have the mind of a toddler. Grow the fuck up before you ever speak to another woman or you'll always be rejected you retard.
Kayden Myers
Yeah I mean you still have to ask girls out, there's no getting around that.
Ryan Johnson
Dude leave her alone. It's her choice.
Charles Gomez
How is it a fact? If the average height is 182 of fucking course 167 is going to be laughable, you're making no sense. You're maybe talking from a spic country perspective where the average is like 175
Cooper Watson
If you think your own height is "laughable" you should probably get therapy.
Charles Smith
I'm living her alone I don't care about her anymore, I said okay and walked away. I mean we talked a couple of times at various parties, we've a few mutual friends but didn't know each other. Started talking at one party, then another, another... I'd say I knew her fairly well and that if I took it any longer I'd have goten friend zoned.
Eli Lewis
When it's 15 centimeters below the average male height yes. Female average is my height.
Brayden Jenkins
My brother is like 5'5 or so and his gf is like 8/10 on anyone's scale. She's a bit crazy but hey, he knocked her up and they're gonna get married. There are midgets with attractive normal girls.
Stop being a faggot. If you don't even like your own body you're not going to be confident enough to attract any self-respecting women.
Jacob Perez
>talking at parties So you've never gone out with her alone, the two of you alone, with the specific purpose of talking to get to know each other better, without sex involved? You're pretty much a stranger to her. And you're a retard not to realize this.
Noah Cox
she a dumb bitch thats all
Kevin Gutierrez
The country matters you dumb retard. It's better to be 167 in fucking Congo where the average is like 170 than in a Nordic country where it's 180+ I'd rather be 165 in America than 170 here.
Bentley Morris
Hence why I asked her out in the OP. What are you talking about even? I asked the girl out to get to know each other I didn't ask her to be my gf. I hope you're trolling.
Nicholas Roberts
I have seen shop in city literally called baby caffee. It was full of moms and babies. I bet my meme folder that few of them were single moms :-)
It happens, OP. Don't worry about it too much and try to move ASAP. I once had a girl tell me she didn't want to see me again because I had a cat and she was a dog person.
Xavier Kelly
Your problem is not being 15cm below average, it's being 15 IQ below average.
Chase Lee
Okay thank you for the IQ test.
Brayden Nguyen
I'm moving on from this particular girl, I don't care about her anymore but it still hurts. I already cut my loses and accepted I can't be with half the girls because they are taller and now that I've asked someone shorter than me and they said I'm still too short it's really tragic.
Julian Cruz
I don't think you're going to make any progress in this thread, so I'm gonna stop responding, but you're not giving yourself any options or ways forward. Things aren't going to change for you because you have this inferiority complex and you're holding onto it, tight.
Until you hit a wall and genuinely decide to change your outlook, you're fucked m8.
Nathan Lopez
>Hence why I asked her out People can tell when you have hidden intentions you know. >I asked the girl out to get to know each other I didn't ask her to be my gf >waaaaaaah why doesn't want to be my gf why isn't she having sex with me >But I want a girlfriend now not inn 10 years If you had a shred of dignity you'd just admit you fucked up and move on. You can't even admit you had other intentions than merely getting to know her as a person, you just expected sex, she knew it, and now you're mad she saw through your pathetic facade. Pathetic.
Dominic Walker
>it's your personality, not your height! >OP is 167 cm and the girl said she likes taller guys
Jesus, normies are fucking retarded.
Ayden Gray
By their own admission, women often give a bullshit excuse when they reject a guy because they can't trust most guys to be mentally stable and not to chimp out when they hear the truth.
Joseph Wood
I know I won't make any progress I mostly came here to vent and to cope with it. >you never talked to her alone >don't ask her out to talk one on one alone I just don't understand you guys at all.
I didn't tell her she's a whore or to kill herself I simply said "OK tell me if you change your mind", smiled and walked away. I was fully collected and calm in this scenario. I'm not a "nice guy"
Charles Roberts
But I didn't chimp out I stayed nice and calm, I came here to vent I didn't call her a bitch or anything. In her eyes I calmly accepted the rejection and walked away.
Brody Rivera
is your mom amazonian?
Wyatt Taylor
Telling a 167 cm guy that he's too short seems like the truth to me.
Landon Wood
Thnx m8
Liam Campbell
Ask her out but don't lie and say it's not because you want her to be your gf when it is. That shit marks you untrustworthy and undesirable and rightfully turns people away from you. What else were you going to hide from her, you little hypocrite?
And for fuck's sake remember she is a person with her own thoughts and whatever bullshit fantasies about her you had constructed in your mind are entirely your problem, if you really loved her you would have been ready to modify them to better reflect the reality of her at any time.
Bentley Cruz
Can we not have a manlet thread everyday? Thanks
Mason Cruz
>But I didn't chimp out I stayed nice and calm Good, that's what you should do. She couldn't have known that beforehand however. She's not a fortune teller.
Ian Campbell
Sure, once women start going for shorter guys.
Landon Carter
OP is not telling the truth you retard. You incels are so dumb.
Jace Baker
Apparently not, too many bitter lanklet virgins out there
Luis Butler
I literally just said "Hey do you want to go over the weekend and grab a coffee" It's literally the most basic way to ask someone out. I didn't say "... It's not because I like you or anything.. .baka" I literally just asked her out normally. Yes if I really loved her I'd modify my height.
Well what is one supposed to do then? I never had a negative interaction with her. Ever. I never gave her a reason to dislike me, I did everything by the book.
Camden Johnson
I'm telling it exactly as it was, what do I get from lying on an anonymous 4channel board? Yeah just call me a lanklet, cover your ears and sing so you don't hear what I say.
Colton Wood
It's not said you'd have one in 10 years. It may even be never. Listen, you're trying to reach Mars with the equivalent of an african space program. It may happen in 10 years or 50. But if never happens it shouldn't be a surprise
Eli Cook
>But if never happens it shouldn't be a surprise I can't accept that mentally.
Gavin Cruz
>we'll stop making daily threads on every board complaining that water is wet, when water will be dry It's exactly like this. Just move on ffs! It will not happen
Austin Gutierrez
Imagine having an incurable cancer, like my grampa, and being said it will never see your grandchildren. You just can't do anything. It doesn't depend on you. In your case, you can't change the mentaly of the very vast majority of girls. Why bother?
Matthew Cooper
You sound like a spergy turboautist. No wonder girls don't like you.
Hudson Bell
You're never going to get a girlfriend until you stop being so desperate.
Zachary Perry
Typo I meant: " you" will never see your grandchildren
Owen Bennett
>I literally just said "Hey do you want to go over the weekend and grab a coffee" That's what your mouth said. Your body language gave away the rest. >inb4 no it didn't She saw through your ruse OP, it quite clearly did. You're not conscious of it.
>if I really loved her I'd modify my height No, you'd correct your absurd expectations of her and you wouldn't call her a shallow bitch for rejecting you.
>I never had a negative interaction with her Did you even bother to ask her or are you just presuming that because of your ego?
Logan Sullivan
so what are you going to do? beat any woman who refuses you until they start liking you? I already know what you can/will do about this issue. nothing
Joseph Lopez
how edgy
Matthew Reed
Okay so these threads have been done to death but listen OP, I've been in your shoes. I'm 5'7" which I believe is close to 167cm.
You will never be preferred due to your height. This is true and unfortunate. You are going to have to simply work harder than tall guys. Work out and develop a nice physique, dress well, read and be intelligent about things. Find humor in things. Enroll in University with a goal to make something of yourself. Still, you won't be able to nab a 5'8" gym thot. Oh well. Get over it.
There are plenty of 5'3" girls who would love to have a guy described as above. You simply are going to have to be better.
Benjamin Gray
Mate I wasn't jumping around like a monkey is that hard too believe? Why are you projecting yourself on me? I asked her out completely normal. What fucking ruse? I just asked her out, that's what you're supposed to do.
>yes sorry did we ever have a negative interaction
You clearly have no fucking clue how any of this works or you're just trolling.
Adrian Adams
>I'm 5'7" which I believe is close to 167cm Yeah it's 170.
I'm trying my hardest to self improve and I thought I was ready for this but I clearly was not.
Thomas Evans
Maybe in 5 to 15 years, a depressed single mother would think about accepting to go out with him. manlets, when will they learn?
Charles Sanchez
cold approaches won't work, you need to read her body language to see if she would be receptive to your advances
Jonathan Ward
Why are you lying to OP?
Gabriel Gomez
I would defend OP on this. I mean, jeez why would you assume he acted like a turbosperg in public? Sounds like he did nothing wrong and got rejected just because he's a manlet. Which is VERY likely and ought not surprise anyone to say it was because he's autistic
Liam Ortiz
You're making this about you and it's getting you down needlessly user.
She's either "holding out for someone better" (a process that can potentially go on forever until she's undesirable and old) , or has a "list" of requirements (picky, usually a red flag and indicates high maintenance. Another possible option is that she's just not attracted to you, but was shitty and tactless, or even vindictive about it.
Forget her and move on user. Also, don't bother getting into a relationship with someone unless you know them and what kind of person she is first. That's the one piece if advice that I can give you that'll save a whole lot of heartbreak in the long run.
Jackson Wilson
Adam Nguyen
The point isn't that it's impossible she rejected him because of his height. It's entirely plausible. The point is he's generalizing this to all future advances he'll ever make on women. Which is nonsense.
I'm 5'7 and do fine with women. Taller, shorter, doesn't matter. I actually tend to do a little better with taller girls for whatever reason, lately. Focusing on the reason is not helpful advice, and getting dragged into this retarded "manlet / lanklet" thing is a tremendous waste of time and likely to create more issues than it resolves.
Brandon Walker
It'll be alright dude. Judging from the replies to just my post you gotta remember Jow Forums will fuck with your mind over time. I kinda stopped browsing Jow Forums because of all the manlet threads.
I wish I could help you more user. Being rejected sucks. Being short sucks. But you'll make it bro. Keep working on yourself. Don't become one of those r9k losers who hates women and unironically trolls the Jow Forums boards
Brayden Kelly
Have you not read OP's posts? He is more than obviously a turboautistic sperg. Any girl would reject him no matter what his height were.
Elijah Edwards
>99% of girls are shallow. This one girl is not 99% of girls, you absolute idiot.
Brody Bennett
Yeah, let's do a reverse China
Jose Campbell
Yes you are a failure but I doubt you have the guts to kill yourself so might as well do something that you find pleasant
Michael Cruz
R29 and R30
Nathan Phillips
Short girls always want super tall boyfriends. It is rare to find otherwise. Someone average height would be more into you.