
U fucking hate shaving anons.
I'm 18 and I already have to shave every 2nd day in order to not look like complete shit. I shave for 10+ minutes and I always cut myself below the nose on the mustache area.

Give some advice on longer lasting shaves and better / faster shaving.

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After many decades I tried an electric machine again.
I loved it.
Razor blades are a form of torture.
Go for an electric machine, nothing crazy, something like 30 to 40 euros from a known brand.
It’s a game changer. Zero pain, zero cuts, good shave.

Will get it when I get the money for it but what until then?

take hot shower, shave in the shower usong lots of really hot water both in your face and in the blade.

5 blades razors, change them when the blades are too dull and it feel uncomfortable again. Use shaving cream. Shave the proper way : start in the direction of the hair, then backward.

Haha is that Eren lol?

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I'm already doing that, I'm practically melting my face.
I always cut myself under the nose, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I just shave downwards and the upwards.

Fuck off Ted. Op doesn't need you, no one does.

I have no idea what are you talking, dawg.

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Your Ted looking ass now fuck off.
OP don't respond to this retard.

Chill out dawg, ok?
Whats your problem?

Thats me on pic btw

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We all know how you look like this is just patheti

No, that would be your english

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Wow I missed a "C" at the end of the word.

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Still looking for shaving advice fuck these retards.

The best decision I made this decade was buying an electric trimmer in 2016. I have no fucking idea how I went so long without trying one but it made shaving a lot less miserable of an experience

Sounds like you’re a hairy fuck OP. Buy an electric shaver ASAP. Seeing as you will actually use it, it’s a good investment.

Electric shavers are fantastic. Don't buy a cheap one or you'll notice it doesn't shave as smooth. But don't spend 200 bucks on one either.

Had mine for over a year and it clogged so I took it apart and cleaned it. Can buy replacement heads but cleaning it worked well.

Shavebro here. I second this. If you are shaving more often and hate it, get an electric and use it every day.

try exfoliating before shaving

>have to shave every 2nd day in
u is jus a bbaby

I use a double edged razor and have cut my self less on that than whatever the fuck you call the normal razors. It's pretty hard to cut yourself on them.

But for the closest shave, you shave down, then sides from the center out, sides from out to center, and then up.

If you wax it, it could maybe last a month? But idk.

but to avoid ingrown hairs or bumps, I shave downward the night before, then down and up in the morning, and maybe side to side to get what I missed.

Grow a beard :^)

Definitely go for electric

Steam face with hot towel to stimulate the hair on your face. Rub your face with your hands with the water on your face to release the natural oils. Do both before you shave. Oh, make sure the blades are not too dull. It lasts me a little longer because I get a better shave.

Shave with the grain, not against. Sideways is fine, too, for a second pass.

Don't press too hard with the blade. Especially don't press if you're also pulling your skin taught.

My hair grows in all directions so if I dont wait until the 3rd day, it gets pretty bloody regardless of what cream I use cause the hair just gets pulled out. Sucks, but whatever.

OK which one are you using. I have one but I went back to a razor because it takes forever and it doesn't give as close shave as a blade

But it looks bad if you don't go against the grain. I want a clean shave and no dots left behind.

Other people aren't looking at your face with as much focus and familiarity as you are. Nobody else will notice if you shave with the grain vs against.

Fucking kek
Imagine being this much of a fag in your real life

So buy cheap razors, go up and down, dont scrape, dont pull, you'll be fine op. Do you not have a dad?

Actually I do not, he died from ALS when I was 9. I had to "learn" it by myself.

I don't shave, I use a hair cutter instead. do that if you can/want to.

Nigga grow your beard and just use a trimmer to maintain it. You ain’t a female

hey just wanted to say fuck you, you're the worst namefag on this board and i'm so glad you can filter trips

Trips of truth.

Ok, you said this like 3 times lol

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