How long do you need to date someone before it’s not weird to propose?

How long do you need to date someone before it’s not weird to propose?

I’ve been seeing this girl for four months, it got pretty serious pretty quickly - I got an offer to spend christmas with her family - and I’ve been around enough to know what bad relationships are like, and as much as I look there isn’t a single red flag on her.

I’m 25 and she’s 21, I’ve done shit and been to places, she’s shy and still living at home. Pretty sure that agreeing to go out with me in the first place was the wildest thing she’s ever done.

I’m absolutely ready to settle down and I know she likes stability and predictability in life. I’d wife her today if I knew the sudden suggestion wouldn’t scare her off.

How long is a sensible time to date before marrying someone?

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I’m bumping this because I really didn’t grow up with the best example of what love and marriage looks like.

The one time I asked mom why she even married dad in the first place, she shrugged and said ”tax benefits”.

Too young IMO. And it's all hormones right now.

At least live together first. You have no idea what it's like to live with her or what she is like after the buzz fades.

In the same boat. Been dating my gf for 6 months. I've flat out told her I want her to be my wife and that I'd marry her if it wasn't early on. We're gonna move in together later this year. After a couple months of that, I'm going to propose.

Too young for her or me?

People have been marrying in their early twenties if not teens for I suppose as long as there have been marriages.

I will have to move back to my old hometown soon for a while, and I don’t know if I could lure her to come with me. Her family has lived in this town for generations.

Generally speaking - months and months and months. At least a year. 4 months isn't much.

Also like that other user said I gotta agree with him 100%, early 20s is way too young to be getting married. You don't really know her, not in the span of 4 months and also you don't really know yourself. I am not who I was in my early 20s and I don't know a whole lot of people who are still who they were in their early 20s.

>People have been marrying in their early twenties if not teens for I suppose as long as there have been marriages.

People also married when they were like 13 or even 9 years old cause people would also die at the ripe old age of 45 or get blown up in a war when they were barely adults

I’ve had enough dysfunctional relationships and bad tries to know what it isn’t supposed to be like. I know what’s out there and I am not intending to let go of this one.

I know what her issues are, she doesn’t have skeletons in the closet, and her family likes me.

>I’ve had enough dysfunctional relationships and bad tries to know what it isn’t supposed to be like.

At 21?

Did you only come to hear the advice you wanted to hear?

she's too young to marry at 21 that's just common sense, let alone after only four months? most people had relationships that lasted longer than that. think about it, jesus christ man

Varies person to person to an extreme. Literally no one here can give you an accurate measure based on who you and your gf are.

whenever you are ready. Just ask yourself, you are the only one who knows.

You dont need to spend years doubting. If you know, you know

>People also married when they were like 13 or even 9 years old cause people would also die at the ripe old age of 45 or get blown up in a war when they were barely adults
Fake. People would get married because they were not steeped in whoredom like they are now.

>You dont need to spend years doubting. If you know, you know

He should at least wait a single year.

Have you seen all the threads around here about guys in their mid-late 20s who are stuck in shitty relationships?

is that the reason why they were marrying 11 year olds? because not whores?

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At 21 I was actually breaking an engagement and leaving a torrid relationship.

If I came here to ask how to best fix a car, would I be told to push it off a cliff?

My mother and grandmother both married at 21. One marriage was a success and the other wasn’t. The difference was the choice of a man.

I believe I’ll wait a year. I doubt anything emerges that would shock me - I roughly know what her darker sides are, and there’s nothing there that’d scare me - but I don’t want to frighten her off.

But then again, I was introduced to her parents as our 4th date and we went picking mushrooms with her parents as the 5th.

>At 21 I was actually breaking an engagement and leaving a torrid relationship.

Oh right, you're 25 and she's 21.


>I’ve had enough dysfunctional relationships and bad tries

How many is that

>I believe I’ll wait a year. I doubt anything emerges that would shock me - I roughly know what her darker sides are, and there’s nothing there that’d scare me - but I don’t want to frighten her off.
You literally can't get to know someone within a handful of months

Especially not when they're 21 years old and will go through drastic changes in the next years.

At least you're willing to wait a year.

I don’t think it’s about the timeframe. As far as I can tell, most couples who get engaged at least discuss it beforehand. I’m not saying you have to discuss it beforehand, but at least attempt to feel it out.

I’ve had one serious relationship and a slew of pointless dates with a number of women that didn’t really go anywhere.

All I ever wanted was a good, stable woman who won’t cheat, scream or manipulate, that could love me just the same as I love her, and I’ve found one.

>All I ever wanted was a good, stable woman who won’t cheat, scream or manipulate, that could love me just the same as I love her, and I’ve found one.

Yeah that's how it is now, but you've barely been with her for one season. I'm not saying that she is gonna scream at you and cheat on you and all that around the 6 months mark or whatever, but there's absolutely no rush and it's for the best to wait and see what things are like after a year.

My ex once lost her shit at me for accepting a job with a female employer. I hung onto that relationship for as long as I could bear it.

I’ll wait a year, though I honestly don’t see how anything shocking could turn up.

>I’ll wait a year, though I honestly don’t see how anything shocking could turn up.
what if she has a penis

I disagree with people who say early marriage is bad. Live with her for a few months.
My parents did 3 months then got married. Almost 35yrs.

We had sex on our 2nd date, I think I would have noticed that.

She also doesn’t have any completely fucked up fetishes or paraphilias, she’s into furry porn but that’s it.

I’ll have to get a place big enough and try to lure her out. Maybe when we both have stable jobs and enough income to support two people.

of course. and getting married before college is probably okay too for some people.

>We had sex on our 2nd date, I think I would have noticed that.

I'm surprised that you don't have 15 incels throwing meme divorce statistics at you because of pre-marital sex. They must be busy in another thread.

2 to 3 years in general. 5+ if in your early 20s.

pre-marital sex? Has the US really returned to the 1930’s?


You have dated this girl for FOUR. MONTHS.

Marriage is a sanctified LIFETIME relationship. You have barely gotten to know this woman, you have no idea how she is going to change with time, you barely know her on any real time scale.

Why in the world would you want marriage so fast? What extra good is it going to give you? A ring doesn't automatically mean someone will stay forever, it just means there are LEGAL ramifications if you don't stay forever.

Take your time, enjoy her company, learn if you really click right. You can even live together. But marriage is not a smart idea yet.

I fear she’ll leave me or find someone better.

She can still do that if she gets married, but then she'll get half your stuff on top of it

Those statistics aren't memes.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

Are you sure that’s not just a correlation instead of causation?

Just because many comedians are tall doesn’t mean that tall people are automatically funny.

Considering that the pattern remains no matter what you control for, yes, I'd say there is a very strong likelihood that's the case.
You're free to propose any explanations for the correlation if it is in your view spurious, but I have yet to see any source showing that.

Man I think I posted almost the exact same post to a similar thread literally 8 years ago, and since then, I've learned you can't say this user.

I've seen people get married stupid fast. They do just fine, or they dont, and the rate doesn't change a whole lot compared to people who waited.

I've got a friend married 14 years to a man she met online from across the ocean she knew for a month. He proposed at the airport. We shit our motherfucking pants. They're super happy together and never looked back.

I got engaged to a woman I was with for 4 years trying to be absolutely sure it was real. That we were best friends. That we loved each other. That no matter what we could get through. We survived fights, and flourished from them even. Every morning we still woke up happy together, and laughed and smiled daily together.

Bitch left me 6 months later. Just fucking gone without warning.
I have a lot more anecdotal evidence but the point is what works for you, and what you think should work is not at all the same as what's gonna work for others.

You are experiencing the honeymoon phase of your relationship right now OP. You're pussy drunk. You've been dating for 4 months and you're already contemplating on when you should propose to her. Like wtf? Are you kidding me? Pull your head out of her snatch for one moment and use it for rational thinking.

Before you marry someone (you probably shouldn't even marry at all but that's a different topic for discussion), you need:

>to have been together for multiple years. I'm talking about atleast 3-4 years. You really need that much time to make a proper assessment on whether a woman is wifey material
>have cohabitated for atleast 1 year.

It’s really up to the individual relationship.
My boyfriends parents got married after 4 months of meeting each other and they’ve been happily married for about 40 years

I think my parents got married after 3 years

Me and my boyfriend have known each other for almost a year and we want to get married, we’ve both spoken about it but we are both still a bit weary because of the short amount of time knowing each other, and it’s just not that normal anymore to get married so soon even though we really want to.
It’ll probably happen soon

Guess what, that ring and that little slip of paper doesn't stop her from leaving.

If you are legitimately afraid someone is going to double-cross you, what in the world makes you think you have the level of trust needed to marry?

Yes, outlier cases exist, clearly they COULD get married and it works out fine. Relationships aren't ever perfectly predictable.

But come on dude, just because something is possible doesn't make it likely

It’s not a rational fear. I know she hates taking risks and meeting new people, she’s not going to leave the house for long enough to realise she could have any other man she ever wanted.

Having to do paperwork on top of it would be something she would absolutely hate.

You sound really, really fucking irrational and unready for any kind of commitment but dude but I'm sorry. Instead of saying I love her and she loves me, and I hold in my heart she's someone I would love to spend my days with and would do anything for,

You're just constantly spewing self doubt, and really shitty doubts and externalizations on her. If she loves you and could have "any man she wanted" why wouldn't she pick you? You could have any chick you wanted, and you picked her, right?

If some hotter chick came by and offered to go out would you just drop your entire meaningful relationship because lulzsheshotter? If not, then why would she?

Have some fucking security in your sense or self dude, and realize women are humans with functioning brains too eh? Clearly shes not so retarded so as to think you're her only option.

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She’s far more of a prize than I could ever be.

2 years