How normal is it to be 22 old virgin?

on a scale 1-10(ten being normal), how normal is to be 22 yo virgin?

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You tell us.

Attached: virgins.png (1012x667, 72K)

I lost mine at 24.
Don't care what anyone thinks.
Being/not being a virgin does not define you as a man.

That’s actually a lot of virgins at that age.

Better a virgin than giving it to a prostitute in 30 seconds and having that as the first thing you remember every time you have sex from that time after.

>That bump at 42.5
Can you imagine the misery

Here's something you might learn one day: most people's first times suck and they'd rather forget it.

How do you avoid this? Foreplay?

You really can't. When you don't have any experience about sex, no amount of porn or preparation is going to make up for it.

So there's no way to hide it from my girlfriend unless I'm lucky and she's a virgin too? :(

there are women who would rather fuck a dog than you
let that sink in for a moment

I think that says a lot more about the mental health of the women than it does about OP, user.

You never know. Just expect the odds to be against you to appear experienced. Why try to hide you being a virgin anyway?

Don't worry about it. She's your gf. She loves you. She'll understand.


Anything below that is someone's insecurity talking.

my first time wasn't super special or anything, but I definetely don't want to forget it.
I don't think most people do.

Once you have sex you'll realize it's not a big deal.

I'm gay, 23 and still a virgin
I'm so ugly too but I'm happy

I know this is definitely a retarded question, but why not?
What makes it so unpreparable?

Yes it does. Sex IS everything. It's why we go to work and dress up. It's the high point of life and there's nothing you can say to refute that.

I feel like everyone should know that it's harder for men to lose their virginity because society fetishes young women to the point of it being REALLY fucking creepy, so dirtbag older men are always jockeying to be the first to fuck young girls.

Young men don't have nearly as much creepy cultural obsession targeted towards their unwashed teenaged dicks, so of course it's more normal for them to stay virgins for longer. Anyone who pays attention/has a good head on their shoulders should understand this.

I don't know. I am 22 and still a virgin with no friends. I can barely go grocery shopping without wanting to cry. I hate this but I'm still trying to get my life together. I hope we can make it OP.

If you're a manlet and/or ugly it's extremely normal.

I’d say a 2 or 3 at most, I say this as a fellow 22 yo virgin. Though even if it’s abnormal that shouldn’t make a difference to who you are, even if user’s like to make a big deal out of it, it’s literally just one of few communities on the internet that are like that.

>I know this is definitely a retarded question, but why not?
>What makes it so unpreparable?

Not him but it's like watching videos on how to swim or ride a bike or whatever.

Once you get on that bike with no training wheels or jump right into that lake, you just fall back on instinct and whatever shit you saw or read about wouldn't really help you either cause the bike you're on is too tall or too short and also you're trying to bike uphill and no one warned you that water was gonna be ice cold and there's loads of weird shit floating around in the water and you don't even want to think about what's at the bottom.

Then you look at the lifeguard, and they just shrug and hop in the lake along with you and they also don't know how to swim. So it's just the two of you flopping around hoping that no one drowns.

That's what sex is like.

>That's what sex is like.

I mean, the first time having sex. Like swimming or riding a bike or whatever it only gets fun and comfortable after a whole bunch of times.

26 here, lost mine 1 and a half year ago with my gf. I've found her casually, in the exact moment i was to busy/depressed to search it. First time was awkward, but she understood, the second time was already a completely different thing. Sex can be great, but don't rush it, trust me.

Take it from a 23 year old virgin, I have had numerous chances to lose it. Yet I find myself not wanting it from someone I don't truly love,. I think of sex as more of a true connection between two people. Not like an animal just looking to screw the next broad that walks through the door. When women find out that I'm a virgin, I am looked at in a new light. They ask question after question WHY??? I tell them this and honestly I am respected for it. They then tell me about other girls that think the same way. Not to be a narcissist, but I am a good looking guy. I choose to keep my virginity and yet still date woman. Now what is it worth too you?

>20% have lost it at 15 or younger
>there are people who consider this a good thing
Perfectly normal. If you haven't found the right one you haven't found the right one, I'm not rushing it. I just turned 22 a couple days ago, wouldn't be a virgin now but I'm stuck in a LDR. Turned down 2 opportunities to have sex in my teens, just wasn't that into who I was dating so I figure what's the point considering the risks. I want my first to be with someone who really is special. I know I look decent and I'm not autistic to the point where I can't communicate, so I could make a tinder profile if I wasn't in a relationship. Still wouldn't though. Hookups are disgusting and there's probably almost nothing but roasties on apps like that.

% have lost it at 15 or younger
>>there are people who consider this a good thing

It's perfectly fine as long as they were safe with it, it's not good or bad either way really.

>middle schoolers having sex
>not good or bad
>middle schoolers
>literal children having sex
>not bad
Totally not a sign of poor parenting and poor reasoning on the child's part (assuming it even was consensual, which they technically can't consent.)

hey like I said it's totally fine as long as they were safe with it

I know 34 year olds that aren't safe with sex, age isn't really the issue

Cuck NPC retard.

love the irony of people who post "NPC" and are absolutely unable to express themselves using original words or ideas, its only like 7 or 9 words that are Jow Forums approved. cuck, basedboy, NPC, roastie, based and redpilled. Their AI wasn't programmed to come up with a vocabulary of their own.

Attached: DqebvHsW4AEkz4v.jpg (750x743, 77K)

Attached: chris-hansen.jpg (576x720, 39K)

You forgot the most important one - nigger. Also incel. Also r*ddit (as an insult). Typical of a Jow Forums retard that fell for the 'sex is everything' meme. Post more empty whining and wojaks, you bot.
>pic related

Attached: 1537557799211.jpg (634x580, 89K)

>Also incel. Also r*ddit (as an insult). Typical of a Jow Forums retard that fell for the 'sex is everything' meme.

man what are you talking, r9k is all about being incel

Attached: wack.png (500x374, 220K)

There are more dudes more willing to fuck 2d pixels than real girls what's your point?

It's still a Jow Forums approved word.

I don't think so cause times out of me or another else uses it's like
>oh? "incel"? heh, that's exactly what a ROASTIE would you dumb roastie kek

saying incel is a huge trigger on Jow Forums

Nah, I don't think so. The only ones who get upset over that are robot crossposters and maybe poltards.

>robot crossposters and maybe poltards.
r9k and pol are boards on this website, two of the biggest ones

not anymore
we /4channel/ now

>2 boards don't approve so it is not an approved word by the rest of the howevermany boards.
/v/ is bigger than Jow Forums anyway and those retards love to throw that word around.

Cuck nigger NPC reddit incel: the post

Imagine being this retarded

Cringe and bluepilled.

half of them love to throw that word around because it triggers the other half.

unironically based

Thus - approved.


how is it approved when it's not approved by half the board that are incels themselves

In all likelihood it's more like 80% incels and 20% normal people


Plenty of people are uncomfortable having sex until their twenties or even thirties. It just depends on the individual and where they are at in their life, which is fine.

The societal pressure surrounding virginity comes from teenagers, mostly. Most adults (partners, mainly) don't really give a shit unless they are insecure or looking for a quick fuck.

>Plenty of people are uncomfortable having sex until their twenties or even thirties.

So? Niggers like to call eachother niggers too.
Doesn't matter if you're an incel, you're anonymous anyway, what matters is how much will it hurt the other guy you're calling that.

Orthodox Christians, Jews and Mormons. There are a surprising amount of people who take sex seriously enough to wait until they find somebody to marry.

being called an incel only hurts when you're an incel

29 year old virgin reporting in. I'm an extremely good looking guy. Anxiety keeps me safe from participating in the grotesque act of sex. Be thankful OP.

Orthodox Christians, Jews and Mormons is a not a surprising amount of people, or a surprising group of people to abstain from pre-marital sex

But don't hurt the calling person, even if he's an incel too.

In the modern era? Where sexual freedom is king and virginity is stigmatized? Where divorce rates are skyrocketing?
>Orthodox Christians, Jews and Mormons is a not a surprising amount of people
I don't know what you hope to gain by being a contrarian, but you look like a faggot.

Orthodox Jews are actually notorious for frequenting prostitutes.
Israel is a hub of global sex trafficking, or at least was (in part, supposedly, due to their border wall with Egypt, completed about half a decade ago).

>Horror has an age.. And you must make a friend of horror...

Ah, the brain of the worthless consumer

I'm 32 and I've never had a gf. I guess I'm just screwed at this point. I'm doing fine in all other aspects. I guess you can't have it all.

Nothing stops you from getting a gf.

lost mine at 22 with my ex gf i wish i didnt and held on to it until marriage

Technically true, but it's difficult and I'm keeping my expectations low. It wouldn't surprise me if it took the next 10 years.

You have just never tried. Get off your lazy ass and start talking to girls. Also set up a tinder account.


Yes exactly, I've never tried up until now and I haven't tried enough, obviously.

I'm not ready for tinder yet, I'm terrible at opening conversations and very average looking, girls mostly seem to find me creepy. I'm going to meetup groups and volunteer groups first to get better at socialising.