How do I tell my family I'm gay?
How do I tell my family I'm gay?
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You don't
You let them catch you riding on some guy's dick
why do you feel the need to tell them? if your sexuality is something important to you you need to rethink your values.
Just straight up tell them if you need to.
If it doesn't come up then there isn't really any point in mentioning it.
>your sexual preference isn't that important
Tell them you fucked their dog. Watch their jaw drop as they hear this. Say "I know this is hard, but I really want you to accept me as I am"
(Only is the dog is male, obviously.)
Dude you are so sad, you are obsessed with me lol, Jesus Christ...
Also i am not gay
You leave a picture of you with a dick in your mouth on their table. Let them do the work of bringing it up.
is this that tripfag from /fa/ with the anime name/picture. i always knew he was gay. I would recommend you dont tell them
"Hey mom, I'm a pedophile."
"Just kidding, I'm gay."
Rats can be gay?
by killing yourself
You guys are not funny, you are totally mean, also saying something like that can get you in jail
You don't have to, it's written all over your face.
isn' that the same thing?
Hahaha xD i guess, but i am not gay is just my friends are trolling me here
We aren't your friends you autistic retard. You're just being retarded so we're making fun of you.
Not if I have anything to say about it Ted, and I do
It's usually more important to your family than to you, that's why people talk about "coming out"
Oh you guys are really funny lets be friends no need to fight :D
Everybody gangsta 'til Lawliet Cruz starts sperging out
Hahaha you guys really love me, thanks
i fucking hate this retard so much
Do you have any reason to think they’ll throw a big shit fit about it? When my brother came out it basically went down like
>Ok, well we want grandkids so think about adoption whenever
And that was it
That's just my friends joking with me, i am not actually gay
>he keeps calling people who mock him his friends so other anons think he's in on it and it's not just the whole board making fun of him
I beaten you in death battle, you have no right to speak :D
"Hello family I am gay"
Alternatively, bring a guy home and let them deal with it.
Alternatively, stop being a faggot.
Nigga Chrollo gonna get it Hisoka already killed 2 spiders and 2 indirectly.
Hahaha look at this clownfag, spiders are just pawns for him
Always felt you don't have to.. it's your business. I never came out to my family as straight... Never once did I say "dad. Got something you tell you. I love pussy". That would be awkward and innappropriate. As much so as just announcing you're gay over dinner. Leave it.
Just tell them. If they love you, they'll accept you. If not, you know who you can't count on. But either way, it's better than living a lie.
Seriously, you don't, unless you know for a fact that your parents are cool with it.
My parents sometimes made some offensive remarks about gays, but didn't seem outright hateful. Broke it to them that I intended to marry another girl (who had proposed to me at the time), and that I was gay.
I was literally cut off entirely from my family. I'm ignored completely, any attempt to communicate with them is one-sided, and the one time I showed up to an annual family gathering we have, they harassed me until I left, including swears, shoving me, and throwing drinks at me.
Seriously, be 100% sure before you say anything, and if you know they won't accept it, or fear they might not, it's better to stay quiet, or just leave them out of your life as much as possible. You don't feel better for having told them this.
You aren't gay you fag
Suck a dick in front of them
>That's just my friends joking with me, i am not actually gay
>Weeb link
Good for you, tripfag, but I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here.
Do you have a healthy or even decent relationship with your parents?
If yes, they probably already know you're gay, even if you didn't tell them.
Why tell them? Wait until they start pestering you about kids. Let 'em know them they ain't getting any cuz cummies in the ass don't make babies
Ok, can you stop bumping this thread bro
>he says as he bumps the thread
You're retarded.
Being gay is worse
Don't worry my gay child. It'll all be okay.
just fucking deal with it.
gay loser.
>coming out to your family
Enjoy being a hobo
>being a faggot in the first place
Enjoy AIDS