Any bots know some movies that would get a girl in the mood???

any bots know some movies that would get a girl in the mood???
tomorrow i will have a girl over and i think i have things under control but a good movie could escalate thing s faster

pic related

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Nymphomaniac I & II

Here’s a total guess. Anyone here is probably just going to guess for you. You could try a silly comedy movie, especially one based in real life. Or you could try a sentimental movie like Pixar or something.

The sentimental movie choice is assuming you’re dating and not just trying to fuck a Tinder chick

op here
nah man she is a good girl, kinki too an i plan to give a shot to a relationship
btw we're both 17 both and had sexual relationships before but i don't want to seem that i'm trying that hard

op here
nah man she is a good girl, kinki too an i plan to give a shot to a relationship
btw we're both 17 both and had sexual relationships before but i don't want to seem that i'm trying that hard ;/

mb for duble rely i seem to be autistic

movies are bad for dates.
do smt else, cook together or whatever

17 y/o can’t cook and if a girl you recently met agrees to sit on a couch with you for two hours it’s probably going down.

no man i can cook even worked at a bistro last summer , i consider myself pretty good as my freinds encourage me to go to a master chef type show but i think that's too much of a hassle, cooking ain't the probleme

do you not like hanging out with her or what?

lilo and stitch

We got another one boys.


Attached: DrBGIDMX4AcP3v-.jpg (348x481, 53K)

The Miseducation of Cameron Post 2018


Rule 2

>btw we're both 17
This needs to stop

A movie that isn't that interesting so she doesn't want to actually finish it. Either something you both have probably seen before, or some shitty netflix comedy

good one i think i'll go with that

Some bad movie neither of you wants to watch. My bf put on The Dark Tower when we had our first "movie at home" date and that shit was so bad that I jumped on him after 10 minutes.

VHS its on Netflix or tubi tv (free app my dudes) if she's into horror or horror based sex that's your golden ticket in a pinch.

>btw we're both 17

oh whoops