So heres my situation

So heres my situation.

Going to be drug tested in a week or so.

How long does weed stay in your system?
I smoked 2 days ago.
The weed ive been smoking has the absolute lowest thc count ive ever encountered. It is leaves from outdoor weed that have been sitting in a bag drying up for a year ir so. Shittiest weed ever. Basically i take 3 bong rips mixed with tobacco and the effects are next to nothing.

What is the best way to detox that actually works?
Vinegar, lemon? Thinking of buying something from walmart. Does anything actually work?
Again, i probably have next to no thc in my system but just want to be sure.

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What does this mean?

I heard it’s good to drink A lot of water and excercise a lot

>How long does weed stay in your system?


>I smoked 2 days ago.

I never used one, but your best bet is probably to try one of those detox systems.

Even for a piss test?

It doesn't stay in your system months for a work drug test lol. They'll make you piss in a cup. ~1.5 months for a heavy smoker, maybe a week or 2 for an occasional smoker. If you're fat and smoke all day, maybe 2 months. If you smoked 1 time, shitty weed, then a couple days.

No, you can't "detox". What I'd do if I was you is buy a cheap pack of piss tests. Test yourself to assuage your anxiety, you'll probably be fine.

I am skinny, have barely any body fat. Probably 6 %.

Detox pills or drinks dont work you think?
Read that cinegar and lemon can help flush your system, probably bogus though?

Exercise and drink water, THC is stored in fat.

If you smoked on a regular basis you might still fail the test, if that time you smoked 2 days ago was the only time you smoked you'll probably be okay.

If they're going to do a hair test you're fucked though.

Stop smoking, drink lots of water, and on the day of the test, drink an entire gallon of cranberry juice (preferably sugar free so as to not spike your blood sugar). Piss once, then hold your urine until the test. This method has a 100% success rate when I need to pass a test, but you have to stop smoking from now till the test.

Your best bet is to test yourself and see if the THC is gone by the time of the test, THC tends to really stay on your system stupidly long even for casual users.

You're fuckes user. That's how I got kicked out the army

as a light smoker, I tested clean after about 1.5 weeks. drank more water, not any other behavior. eating and exercising more might help, since a sped up metabolism should process chemicals faster. i don't believe one fucking word of this 'detox' shit.

Had a similar situation and failed my own home tests miserably.

Ended up getting a bottle of clean urine, slapping some hand warmers on that bitch, and tucking it up under my nuts. Used the temperature thing on the sample bottle and the cold toilet water to swish the clean piss down to the correct temp.

Consider desperate means.

I hope you get caught. Drug users dont need jobs to support their habits. You need to quit.

How stereotypical haha, the lanky millenial pothead needs to face consequences

Drink a lot of milk. Thc is not hydro-soluble so the one who tells you to drink a lot of water are retarded as fuck.

Thc can be absorbed by many product and be rejected Days/weeks after.

I had a military test , I was quite a heavy smoker and did not have any trouble with the test. I did this a little month before..


You'll most likely be fine if youre skinny.

I smoked pure THC 14 days before a Military Grade labratory Drug test and I passed under a 15 ng/ml drug test for marijuana. I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt and ran every day for a week, then did a home drug test to be safe and I passed. and then i passed both military drug tests.

Start jogging and working out, try to go to a sauna if you can. You can sweat a good deal of it out of your system. You could try to take Niacin to burn some fat cells which might contain THC, but with the test only a week away I don't think this is advisable.

Buy some Creatine at your local GNC and start taking 20 grams of it daily. Within a few days you should be saturated with Creatine. Also start taking vitamin B-12. On the day of the test drink a SHITTON of water loaded with creatine. Like just drink water nonstop. And also remember to take the vitamin B-12. When you go in for the test try to catch the tail end of your stream in the cup, pee into the toilet for the first few seconds of piss and then get the end of the stream in the cup.

How this works is: the drug test looks for THC in your urine stream. Metabolites in your urine contain traces of THC from the last time you smoked. If you have too much THC in your urine, you fail the test. If you just drink a shitload of water, your pee will have almost no metabolites in it. You know when you've been drinking a lot and you have to pee really bad and the pee just looks like water? That's because its mostly just water coming out. If you drink enough water, you're pee will contain little to no THC. However, Creatine is another substance that is generally found in piss. If you drink enough water, your piss will test low for THC but also test abnormally low in Creatine. This lets the lab know that your pee was mostly water and the test will be inconclusive, you will likely be called back in to take the test again. But if you supplement with Creatine your pee will, even though its mostly just water, still contain an acceptable level of Creatine. The vitamin B-12 should turn your urine yellow so that it doesn't look suspiciously clear and watery. The end of the stream has fewer metabolites, which is what contains the THC, so the test will be less likely to pick up a failing level of THC.


I once had a surprise drug test literally one day after smoking and I passed it by using this method. I later had a friend who had to take a test within a few days and he also passed after I shared this method.

Don't listen to anyone claiming you can detox with some bullshit pills or drinks. There is no magical detox pill. If you're low bodyfat, physically active, and only an occasional smoker then the THC could clear out of your system within a week, but I still wouldn't want to roll the dice if you're not sure.

The only way to pass the test is to try to minimize the amount of THC-containing metabolites in your urine while simultaneously saturating your urine with enough markers so as to not give away that you're actively trying to cheat the test. The most common markers of this on drug tests are color of urine and creatine. If your urine is too clear, the test will be marked inconclusive (though this might actually buy you a couple of extra days and can be advantageous). If your urine contains little to no creatine, the test will be marked inconclusive. But if you can make sure that these two markers are present in your urine, you can fool the test.

The best way to ensure you pass a drug test is to stop fucking smoking for a month before the test. Since you are too goddamn stupid to achieve that, the best thing you can do is drink an absurd amount of water. Drink a glass an hour and piss like crazy for the whole week. Go running, sweat like a motherfucker. Best way to get it out of your system. Detox is a scam.