>Women interested in me and approach me all the time
>basically have no interest in none of them and am just apathetic to their advances
>only time I actually care is when I need to nut but beyond that I want nothing else
There has only been one girl I actually felt the need to be with, we never got together though. I seem to be unable to find a woman I would actually care to be with, I feel just consumed by apathy and disinterest. Is something wrong with me?
Women interested in me and approach me all the time
Same situation bump
you sound bored but I obvs dont know your life. If the girls dont satisfy you then just do you for a while. gfs are alot of work (and money) have some you time.
did you fuck up with the girl you had a connection with or was it rejection?
>Is something wrong with me?
It literally sounds like autism spectrum disorder
I don't think I have any form of autism, I was depressed from 2014 to 2017 if that helps but I got out of my slump. However thats when I met the only girl ive made a connection with. I have been pretty much doing my thing for a long time now and yet no one interesting has come along
>I don't think I have any form of autism
No one does, but having no interest in other people is a telltale sign
I did before my first actual relationship and depression. Im not sure, I may still just be suffering from my past mental state. If I were to currently have any identifiable mental issue i'd say I have mania instead of autism
How does this relate to my situation??? I also avoid casual sex, I find it gross.
Sorry, posted to your thread by accident and the board wouldn't let me delete the post for a bit
Anyway, I'm not sure why you feel you have a problem. Society might tell you that, as a man, you need to be hypergamous and date/fuck as many women as possible, but that's not true. You can still be masculine and whatnot and just not give a shit about romance or dating. You might also be hanging with the wrong crowd and thus not meeting women who have the right interests or skills to get you interested. There's nothing wrong with having standards or wanting your own kind of happiness. You're fine.
its ok man thanks. In my situation its more or so women I meet randomly rather than within a friend group. They are into me and the longer I deal with them the longer I just feel disgusted, annoyed and like an asshole for not just telling them to fuck off.
>Is something wrong with me?
Yup. Seems like you have some kind of issue with intimacy and attachment. It might a sort of standalone issue or it might be apart of a greater psychiatric dysfunction. I recommend seeing a professional.
This seems likely because most of the time I think of myself never going far or having a lasting relationship with these women and would rather not have contact with them all together. I am scared of seeing a therapist due to other user's experiences and the possibility of them being judgemental cunts
Should I get into a relationship and shut off my brain just to see if I can work through this and be normal?
OP, mind answering some questions?
>Attractiveness rating
Just curios
>been rated mostly 7 and sometimes 8 out of 10
>Tfw Im all but I'm white
tell me your secret chad
I don't mean to meme but im just the literal aloof loner type you would see /tv/ or Jow Forums wack off over. Women usually approach men so im alone most of the time and ask me about why I look so broody or why I am alone then they try to flirt with me etc
I think part of the problem here is that women are usually bombarded with thirsty assholes the second they leave their houses. So when they meet a dude who isn't desperately hounding them, and just wants to talk about normal things, it's probably insanely attractive to them. First dude I quoted is probably trying too hard.
I usually just get stares or glances, occasional smiles but very very sneaky flirting to the point where I don't realize it until I've left. I don't get it desu but yah I feel you on the whole don't really care about women. Girlfriends are annoying as fuck and kind of hold you down sometimes.
Might just be because im always smoking and have resting psycho face
I just never had the need for a gf really, I feel content with my hobbies. It just feels wrong to not be able to garner genuine interest in majority of women compared to the small amount that actually pique an emotional response from me.
Bpd ex gf?
None of these women would talk to you if you weren't relatively put together and already sitting on a sizable amount of resources.
You're a willful person. You're not going to feel the need to give anything to some girl who's flouncing up to you at the finish line, as if SHE were the prize for all of your struggle, if she hasn't done a goddamned thing herself.
My suggestion would be trying to find a woman who's suffering tremendously, for whatever reason, and pulling her out of that. I think that's the only time I've ever felt my heart pulled towards a girl, when she was a person instead of a teenage bitch.
Are you still with this girl? Tips to find one?
Just cruise around town until you find a cute one with a dotted eye she didn't bother covering up.
Dotted eye?
A shiner, a black eye, a Chris Brown makeover, whatever you want to call it.
Lots of that going on where I live. Shit sucks.
Should I bois?
Sounds like you might be aromantic.
What an amazing insight.
Hey man maybe OP didn't know what to call it. If you know what your condition has a name then it helps with understanding how to get better.
I doubt it. I don't mind a relationship I just find it hard to garner genuine interest for most women.
>Is there something wrong?
Yeah you're satisfied with your life, have your shit together and don't need a woman for affirmation,
Ironically this stability actually makes you a fucking weirdo in 2019.
>No one does, but having no interest in other people is a telltale sign
Kek what a load of shit, you don't have to be autistic to not be specifically interested in people you weirdo.