Asian culture?

I've heard some mixed things about Asian culture, especially Japan and Korea, here on Jow Forums.

Can someone red-pill me on it? I heard it is stiffing, but I am into Asians, so I am also drawn into to it, personally.

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yeah if you're not Asian you'll never be accepted

Theyre just jews with slit eyes

pls explain more

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Asian women love white men. This thread will be bombarded with jeaouls white roasties. Go for it!

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I’m asian and we just dont trust westerners. I know many of you are nice. But you dont understand us at all, and you often trample over us and belittle us because you think (x asian thing) is stupid. You cant comprehend that we dont share the same values at all. Every time i interact with someone like you, it’s exhausting . because you guys counter everything with ‘but i’m nice and hard working’. Go read up on what mao zedong did to china, and then come back here. Protip it involves forced family separations, mass murder, and starvation.

Asia is a shithole honestly. But we all know it is a shithole, unlike westerners who think it’s some mecca of hot asian girls. We just dont want to deal with a westerner in terms of dating. We arent looking for love or for a handsome nice guy, all very common things that western girls look for.

We are looking for someone dependable and successful, so our children wont starve. Marriage is a business transaction here. By that i mean that i am selling myself as a good business partner to handle the family, and not as whatever a westerner thinks a good partner should be. But none of you will ever understand anyway, so keep dreaming of your waifu asian gf

seething white roastie. As expected.

>All of Asia is like this

Also, China isn't a great example of Asian culture any more despite being the largest, frankly.

I’ve been to the rest of asia and also have korean and japanese friends. Are you japanese and can speak truthfully that it’s not a fucking shithole with suicide problems? Do you yourself read south korean news and know what’s going on over there? Because it’s not a pretty picture despite being the most modern of asian countries. Look up SM entertainment contracts and the problem with mental health in south korea.

China may be the worst among them, but the rest of asia is not far behind. You don’t know what you’re talking about

Like it or not they are a massive chunk of the asian population and have a huge influence over asia as a whole.

What the fuck do you mean by "red-pill"?
Okay fine. I'll try to tell you what I know from independent study of Japan.
This is only for Japan, but a lot applies to the whole Southeast Asia mutual hate zone.

Japanese people are reserved. They're not outgoing like Americans. When they talk, they often talk around a subject rather than directly about it.
When a Japanese person is upset, they show it in a complicated and very passive aggressive way, like if you're white and you go to a hotel or something where they don't like white people, they'll fuck with you without outright telling you they hate you.

Its a collectivist culture, so generally speaking, they prefer people to be reserved, polite, and careful rather than outgoing and possibly intrusive. I think its the case that they don't really hate those people necessarily, but its uncomfortable and not the generally expressed ideal like... okay, you know how people will tell you to get over your shyness? Yeah? Well, that's actually fucking bullshit arbitrarily determined by your culture. The reality is that being shy and being outgoing have different advantages. So someone here might advise you to "stop being so shy" whereas in Japan, they'd probably advise you to not "be so forward/blunt". Too much energy could make them uncomfortable...

Oh and then there's this double red-pill about invisible Japanese people.
The first redpill is that Japan has an invisible people that are discriminated against that they don't talk about... I can't remember, but I think the avoided term is Dowa not sure. So they were discriminated against as a caste of sorts with society at large ignoring them.
However, and here's the second red-pill, the way Japan dealt with the discrimination is different from what the west is used to. Westerners often think the term Dowa or whatever tf they are called, but actually Japan wants people to forget Dowa ever existed by not using the term any more. Dowa are just Japanese so easy enough.

I know Asia isn't a perfect oasis.
Its shit and Japan does have a suicide problem

I don't know anyone that really belittles X asian thing as stupid, really. If they do its because they don't understand and I would argue that's you being the cunt for not recognizing that yeah, they're going to say foreign cultures are weird, yeah they're not going to understand and get shit wrong.
But you say shit like
>it’s exhausting . because you guys counter everything with ‘but i’m nice and hard working’.
I'm really, really curious what the fuck you mean by this.

>We are looking for someone dependable and successful, so our children wont starve.
Really? Starve? You from some shithole in Africa? You don't think Americans end up on the street? The fucking hypocrisy.

Maybe I'm wrong about some of that, but I don't really care because really in the end, your whole post is just you bitching and whining about white people.

What is up with this hate? I literally just wanted to know more about the culture in Japan because I don't have a clear picture.


I don't have a waifu. Hard to believe you're serious.

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Even with the picture in OP you people still bite.

We've already settled this:
Coalburning is wrong.
Yellow fever is wrong.
Asia for the Asians.

>I think the avoided term is Dowa not sure.
Do you mean the burakumin? "Dowa" showed up a few times when I searched for it in the article.

asian culture was destroyed by western-style capitalism, just as any other culture touched by capitalism.

Most of asia have a curious fascination with the West. They think the music and movies are cool and they might like give you a thumbs up if they see you in the streets or touch your hair or something but a lot of them would avoid directly associating with you. Historically speaking the relations are not very good at all. Also the older you get the more that attitude prevails so maybe you can get a girl in Asia but it's likely that her relatives will disapprove of her relation with you. It doesn't happen all the time some families are more than okay with it but it is not rare.

Typically korea us the most open to westerners follow by Japan and then China. I can't speak for all the other Asian countries though. Maybe Mongolia is super chill

Just about the only thing commies got right

Mao was BASED. Kys faggot

Japanese American here. Grew up in the states, born there, lived around a 3rd of my life there. I don't think you will ever understand Japanese culture (or Asian culture in general) just because its so wildly different.

Japanese culture is very introverted but prosocial. You have to understand the unspoken subtleties and it can be punishing if you are a social retard. Theres such a large otaku community because it's easy to get socially isolated. Westerners interpret a lot of this as passive aggressiveness, which is kinda true but is a very shallow interpretation. Westerners can commit the social faux pas without people getting upset but as long as you do, you will remain the eternal gaijin.

Japanese people are no bullshit and fatalistic people outside of that. You don't complain about your shit life. You just suck it up and deal with it. People have a lot of grit and not much sympathy for those without it.

Literally nobody really gives about that kind of shit anymore outside of shit talking grandmas.

I'm Korean and really, the only Asian friends you'll be looking to make will be the white washed ones.
They'll essentially be white people wearing Asian skin. They almost never know how to speak their ethnic language.
Koreans(and other Asians) are very xenophobic.
I see that changing in a couple generations though. Most young Asians are still first generation Americans.
It's possible you could be good friends with one or two Asians locally. But don't expect to be hanging out with said friend's Asian crew. Especially if a sizeable number of them are fobs.

The rape of Nanking didn’t happen but it should have

Chinese American here if you a girl there is no problem dating with an asian guy. If you a guy trying to date an asian girl you will end up miserable. Cheers


People all over the world are basically the same. Asians are mostly just a little more conformist and less progressive than mainstream westerners. Other than that, Asian immigrants tend to be frugal and hard working. Of course these are just generalizations and individuals should always be assessed on a case by case basis. My opinion is based off of my experience as an American expat who grew up overseas in Thailand.

>butthurt loser white guy tries to score in Asia


already have asian gf. Shes pretty chill.