More attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted

>more attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted
>Taller people are more likely to be hired and promoted
>Attractive people are treated better
How do it deal with how shallow people are

Attached: Picture 5.png (815x613, 529K)

It took you till now to realize that people are attracted to attractive people? You're retarded bro.

It's not just that. It's the fact that they get treated better and are getting given more chances at success. I thought this is supposed to be a meritocracy were regardless of looks the best succeed. I thought it mattered of you were a good person or not.

It obviously does matter how intelligent you are. Are you saying Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world because he's 5'7 and bald?

He's got (had) a wife, and a mistress, so obviously he's not that bad looking

M8 the point is, his looks aren't the reason he's so successful. If looks were really the only factor in success then the world would be run by super models, not ugly ass old dudes. I would much rather be an intelligent ugly person than an attractive stupid person. Looks can only get you certain things, but intelligence can get you everything.

Like this:
>teleports behind you
>unsheathes Lance of Longinus
>pssh...nothin personnel kid

that's just how life works op. Everyone is shallow. you just have to make your way to the top of the shitpile with brute force.

just look better or get rich it's not hard lol

Being an attractive stupid person can and will land you a comfy life. Being a ugly yet intelligent person will give you a life where you must struggle to get anywhere.

Good thing most people aren't ugly. Just average, slightly above or below.

No, you just have a victim/slave complex

solid advice m8, thanks so much

>Attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted
Duh? They're attractive and easy to look at.
>Tall people
Tall is attractive.
>Attractive people are treated better

Is it harder to succeed as an ugly person? Yes, definitely.
But is it impossible? No.
So get off your ass and start working

But I mean really OP, all you're doing is focusing on the negative.

Just because other people have a higher chance of being treated better doesn't mean you have no chance of being treated well.

>How do it deal with how shallow people are
Sounds like you're projecting.

Also, people preferring superior genetics isn't shallow, it's essential for human survival and progress.
So basically ugly people should be happy about not reproducing.
Sadly, the genetics that make them ugly also make them stupid.

I have craniodiaphyseal dysplasia and look like pic related

Attached: 220px-RockyDennis.jpg (220x287, 26K)

Hi, PB.

I have terminal cancer and look like brad pitt.
What's your fucking point you faggot.

Is this some trip/namefag?

>How do it deal with how shallow people are
By being being attractive, of course. Duh.

Competence also helps. Oh, or be rich, then you're probably the one that does the hiring and promoting.

If you're intelligent and sociable, you can make up for it. It's harder, but its most definitely possible. All you have to do is be patient and show people what you're like.
Over time, they can get used to you.

>has terminal cancer
>spends his remaining time on a message board for incels
I call bullshit

Actually really easy, watch..
Realise that "more likely" doesn't mean "always", notice that we don't have an international crisis of unemployed short people, then go find the places and circles the statistics aren't applying and build your life anyway...

Also, OP I looked that up and that's a rare condition right?
So, if you're really so concerned, you can just own it. You might even be able to do something with it, if you're so inclined.
Having a unique face like that actually no matter how ugly you are, makes you unique, which can make you more memorable and make you more succesful. You just have to work at it.

I’m not telling you to kill yourself but how do you keep from ending it every day? I don’t think I could live like that.

I don't really care what you call it.
I dont spend all of my remaining time here but it makes me feel less miserable reading about others peoples problems.
You can go fuck yourself now friend

>20 recorded cases in history

Okay, you don't have to answer this, but how old are you?

We're all gonna die eventually user and yet here you are doing the same