General Advice Thread

It's been a long time since we've had one of these.

Hey everyone, post any advice you have here. Text and pictures are both acceptable. Try not to ask questions in this thread. That's what the rest of this board is for.

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If you get to the point where you're going to take meds for depression, anxiety, etc keep two things in mind:

1. Odds are they are going to try to prescribe you an SSRI such as Paxil or Zoloft first and supplement it with a "Mood Stabilizer" (Anti-Psychotic) such as Seroquel. All those stories you year about SSRIs turning people into emotionless zombies? It's not the SSRI, it's the added Mood Stabilizer such as Seroquel which has a sedating effect. DO NOT take anything but the SSRI unless after a month the SSRI isn't working.

2. Better yet, refuse the SSRI and request an SNRI such as Wellbutrin instead. SSRIs act upon Serotonin which can lead to many bad side effects including sexual dysfunction and daily nausea. SNRIs act on Dopamine and have much fewer side effects. Most people who end up not getting along well with SSRIs get moved to SNRIs and have much better results so try that first if you can.

I speak from personal experience.

Thanks user

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i dont agree with this at all. how are you supposed to be happy if youre wasting your time not building a relationship up?

Hey I'll add.
If you have ADHD, Wellbutrin works too. Its actually frequently prescribed off label for it. Its way less fucking harsh than stimulants.

I think the point is to learn to be happy without trying to build up a relationship.
And I think the first step is to stop considering time you spend on yourself 'wasted'

I'd like to know what this guy looks like

It's half true. Relationships can be the most fulfilling thing and for some it's a realifr saver, but let me tell you about two ltrs I had at very different times in my life.

In one I was fine with myself and didn't need the relationship. I had friends, a social life, hobbies, dreams, confidence. I was totally fine on my own.
As a boyfriend I was stable, fun, accepting, open, and trusting.

Later in life after I was demolished by the slings and arrows of time and hardship, I entered a relationship as a shell. It saved me, it made me whole again. and that user, was the problem. I needed her. She became my identity, she became everything, everything I did was for her, and nothing I did was for me. I became anxious, fearful of losing Her, jealous, unstable, clingy, needy, when she was doing her own thing with her friends I say at home and didn't know what to do with myself. forcing as perfect as I relationship as I could.

You do not want to be co dependant on someone. It's hell. And if you don't love yourself, you will be.

yeah how?

i have everything else. friends, social circles, hobbies, dreams, job etc. im making my own business ffs. theres only one thing missing in my life

Yeah, like I said. Half true.

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basically my personality makes me "slow to warm to people" I guess is the best way to describe it. so when I meet new people who share similar values/sense of humour to me etc, I can tell that I like them and that we could be really good friends, but because Im not being 100% myself, they dont see that, so they dont like me

does this make sense? what can I do when all my potential friendships fail out of the starting gate because of it?

pls dont tell me to b myself xdxd

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You are in the money about the two current most commonly prescribed antidepressants, but they don't give Seroquel for depression at all. They test other SSRIs, then SNRIs, and as a last resort MAOIs.

I think you are underestimating your personal diagnosis or your doctor is grossly negligent, because Seroquel is an anti-psychotic only given in cases of manic depression caused by bipolar disorder (and other rare mood disorders), or for people suffering psychosis (psychosis, schizophrenia).

You are right about Wellbutrin being a good option for treatment resistant depression, NDRIs are sometimes used for that instead of the big three (SSRI, SNRI, MAOI). I too would strongly recommend them over a SNRI like effexor which makes your legs hurt and make it hard to get off. Likewise avoid MAOIs like hell, they are nightmarish to take.


Everything sucks and you're gonna die.
Sweating the small shit is some of the dumbest fuck garbage you can pull.

What do you do against dry hair and how do you add volume to your hair?
I never thought growing out my hair would be this hard.

what doe you mean “add volume?”
add volume as in, styling, cutting, drying, curly, straight, thick, thin, length?

I just don't want it to be flat at the top. It falls over to the sides and folds. I'd want more of a bowl cut up there, I can't really explain it.

It's around ~13 cm at the longest points and is thick and curly.

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^ I want pic related

Every night a few neighbors watch TV loudly at night. I've left several notes. The landlord has told them to stop. They keep doing it.

What can I do? It's beyond irritating and they don't seem to fucking care.

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I feel lost in life. Two weeks ago I lost my job and while I've had interviews in that time, still waiting to here back, I feel like I haven't really gone anywhere. I don't have any friends I can talk to in-person. I feel guilty when I do anything that isn't related to finding a new job, even though the money won't run out for several months. Worst of all is that I don't even know what I want. Even if I got a job again, and went back to my normal life, I feel like this cycle would just repeat itself. I'd be alone and miserable until something bad happens years down the road, and I find myself out of work again, either due to mistakes or misfortune. I want to not be alone. I want to stop hurting. I find myself not really enjoying anything at all anymore, and any attempt at my old hobbies makes me feel like it is all a pointless waste of time. The only support networks I had were my parents and coworkers through my former job, but the latter is now gone, and the former I can only rely on so much. I haven't had anyone I could call a friend in nearly ten years, and even at the time I wondered if they thought of me as a friend or just an annoyance. I've never dated in my nearly 30 years of life, but I really don't think I am worth anyone's time or interest.