This is going to be a weird one. And if you're a transphobe, please just scroll by. Anyway, here I go

This is going to be a weird one. And if you're a transphobe, please just scroll by. Anyway, here I go

>been dating a transgirl for 2 years now
>we've been living together for a year
>she's brought up marriage and having kids (although I always figured she meant adopting or me impregnating a surrogate)
>her sister recently gave birth and she's been spending a lot of time helping her with the baby (the dad cheated on her and they're in the middle of a divorce)
>a week ago she says we should try to have a baby
>just think she's being kinky
>fuck her
>usually I initiate sex but the last week she's been pouncing on me daily
>come home yesterday
>she says she has great news
>hugs me and shows me a pregnancy test
>says she's pregnant
>look at the the test and it has a positive result. no idea where she got it from
>I'm confused as fuck and don't know how to respond
>she starts crying and asks why am I not happy with the news
>before I can say something she starts screaming and throwing things at me
>get out of there and call her sister to talk sense into her
>her sister talks to her about how she literally can't get pregnant
>doesn't work
>gf wants us to go to the doctor to prove she's pregnant

I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I don't know how she'll take being told by a doctor she's not pregnant and can't get pregnant. And I don't need her to make a scene in public. She probably needs a psychiatric evaluation but how do I make her get one if she doesn't want to?

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Other urls found in this thread:

1. Contact a psychiatric facility and explain the situation. Then tell your gf you made an appointment with the doctor and instead take her to the psych facility. You might need to contact the cops too to forewarn them since a freakout is possible when she figures out she's been duped.
2. Seriously consider walking away. You aren't married and she clearly has some major mental health issue

that's some serious mental illness.

Fucking lol

Yeah go to the doctor, trans or not she needs a psych eval.

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does s(he) still have a donger or something? also this person sounds legit delusional and actually crazy, have they shown signs they were this convinced they have the biology of an actual woman in the past?

6/10 bait

where’d she get the positive test strip? she didn’t.


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Is this legal? I'm not sure that me not being a family member can force the issue.

She hasn't had sex reassignment surgery and has definitely been aware of and commented on her penis before. Not until this whole shitshow has she ever given any inclination she thought she was legitimately a biological woman

thanks for bumping it

First day on the internet, huh, kiddo?

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>sounds legit delusional and actually crazy
>serious mental illness
>some major mental health issue
jeez i wonder what you guys are talking about

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Not that user, but it should be legal. Somebody that delusional is certainly a danger to themselves and others. For all you know she's going to try killing herself the second she realizes it's all a fantasy and she can never be pregnant.

Also, hospitals hate lawsuits. If you contact them first and it turns out there are legal issues, I'm sure they will let you know.

What if she actually is pregnant? There are intersex and hermaphrodites out there. Maybe she's one of them

Other than OP's insane trans girlfriend, who the fuck buys a positive pregnancy test?

how would I recognize megabait without any experience?

anyway I cracked the code. op’s gf is a real woman pretending to be a transsexual woman.

Probably crazy bitches who want to fool a man into sticking with them for a little bit longer

>been dating a transgirl for 2 years now

She absolutely doesn't have a vagina. I've checked

I know, right. It's fun to fuck a tranny but I'd never get into a relationship with one

OP’s story is most likely not real. It’s just the work of agents who spam Jow Forums to make Americans hate each other.

but the fake pregnancy test thing is very real. women use it to fake being pregnant. use your imagination.

There's a scam where women will pretend to be pregnant and ask the alleged father for "only" $500 to get an abortion. He pays up because it's a small price to pay to escape potential child support hell. Then she just pockets the money and has her "abortion".

I'm deeply sorry user but she is gone mentally, majority of transfolk are as it relies on people reinforcing their believes but she has now come across that reality, gender wise yes she is a female but what transfolk truly want to be is biologically the opposite sex and that is not possible.

Either way there is no recovering from this, she has already botched her fertility and has no chance of biological children, this will crush her user, it is what crushes the majority of transfolk and ends up causing suicide rates to sky rocket. A good idea is after getting the doctor to explain this to her is to try the surrogate route, if she outright refuses then it is best to move on, she will not recover and will drag you down with her.

This has to be some kind of bait
As the other user said, transphobia or whatever aside, grown adults should understand basic science and what the human body can and cannot do. Having such a reaction is not a good sign

> start a relationship with person with mentally disturbed self schema
> support this psychosis further
> be surprised when they get even crazier
a dumbfuck is you!

How exactly does "she" think she's gotten pregnant if you aren't fucking her in a pussy??
Does she think its some kind of miracle ass baby??

thanks ruskie nice job saying whats already been said

congratulations at being able to follow along. potato and vodka.

>>been dating a transgirl for 2 years now
>>says she's pregnant
Are you sure she's a Girl(male)?

Attached: You fugin wut m8.gif (293x163, 1.52M)

>born a biological woman
>go through sex reassignment surgery to become a "man"
>deeply regret the decision, but feel too much shame to tell anyone the truth
>assume the identity of a mtf to hide said shame

OP, you're dating a woman who became a man who is trying to become a woman again.

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If you fucked your gay boyfriend up the butt and he later had to take a shit, does that mean you got him pregnant?

Distaste for transsexuals is not purely a Russian, eastern European, or even Eastern world concept; hatred for transsexuals spans the globe, my friend.

stop trolling and fuck off back to whatever shitty country you’re from. this thread and half the posts in it are obvious bait.

you’re not my friend ruskie stop stoking the flames

>Actively supporting self mutilation and mental illness
>Sees the negative results of said support
>Everyone that disagrees with you is russian

this is just sad comerade

I didn’t support anything in my post except that you are an obvious troll nigger.

I think its so hilarious when you bros try to pretend like you're objection to trans people and sexual reassignment surgery has anything to do with your genuine passion for helping mentally ill people. As if you give a shit. Currently, the recommended psychiatric treatment for gender dysphoria is transition. Is it a perfect treatment? No, but all evidence we have clearly illustrates how ineffective forcing a person with gender dysphoria to live the way you want them to live actually is. You can have whatever opinion you want but, please, lets just stop pretending like you give a shit about mental illness. Your disdain for trans people has nothing to do with your genuine concern for their mental health and we all know it.

good work, Ivan. how long do they train you fellas to write the CNN posts?

I'm not sure what meme you're referring to

OP, I hope everything will be fine. Try to talk to her nicely, if shes agressive of course you wouldnt get to be around, but she needs to understand that you care.

I don't know if I'm gonna be awake to see your responses but

Did she exploded before? another things happened before?

Personally I think the reason gender reassignment is still a standard treatment is because it generates huge profits for pharmaceutical companies (who are the biggest contributors for research).
Treatment methods that don't generate profit receive less priority.

Thats where niggers come from remember?


Pick one

Literally this
OP dont stick with crazy like that

Just go with the flow if you like being with her

but she seem crazy so if you decide to leave her pray that she dont come up with false accusations about you, killing herself or trying to murder you

I am transphobic but still read it all. I dont regret it, I had a great laugh. You should probably take the man to a psychiatric ward or something. Otherwise he might kill himself.

Nobody is afraid of a mentally ill gay man who chopped off his dick and wears a dress. People don't even mind you if you mind your own business but you stick your sexuality everywhere and try to force everyone to give you special snowflake treatment.

I'm pretty sure a male getting positive on a pregnancy test is a sign of testicular cancer.

I hope he enjoys his new life as a eunuch.

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Proof these guys that think they are girls and fucked in the head and so too are the guys that fuck them and go along with the delusion.

Totally agree user. These mentally ill men and the men that support their delusion insist me go along for the ride too. I don't care who the fuck but if they are crazy they don't get the right to force me onto the crazy train.

Is her penis feminine?

""""She"""" probably has testicular cancer.
Congratulations, it's a tumour.

I don't know what's worse, OP.
Transphobes driving-by and launching "LOL FAG" in the thread or us sitting down to help you, reading your full post and realizing that your situation is
>dating tranny
>they think they can get pregnant
>erupt into conniptions when told they cannot

My suggestions are simply two, you choose which you like:
>Sit her down, talk with her and tell her hysterics aren't going to change a single thing when she loses it
>Deadass fucking walk out

There's no 'breaking it gently.' That would be like me needing to sit down with a 35 year old and explain grass being green or the sky being blue to them. Night and day. Explaining why playing in traffic is bad.
There's an explicit understanding with transitioned gender. It's a lot of things, not all of them negative-- but it's not what your girlfriend thinks it is.

(all instances of female connotation used for convenience)

OP is literally a faggot dating a literal faggot in denial
Fuck this century



>>been dating a transgirl for 2 years now
>>we've been living together for a year
You're dating a man and should kill yourself immediately

>OP is happy


Gay means happy and happy means gay.

>her penis
now I really wonder who of you is more mental

Bet your parents are proud of you.

2 questions,

1. Where do i meet transwomen?
2. Why is your story scaring me?

I don’t cater to your delusions tranny discord


If you keep a pregnancy test too long after peeing on it it'll say you're pregnant anyways, something like 10 minutes. Says so in the instructions for them.
Or if it was immediately after there's something about testicular cancer and positive tests within those first two minutes of peeing on it.

Though OPs trans friend is literally just delusional thinking they can get pregnant and not listening to reason which warrants psychiatric visits.

We already have to pretend that dudes can become real women. Saying otherwise is a crime in many places, you have to support their delusions. So when your tranny gf says she's pregnant, then you have to support that delusion. If she "identifies" as pregnant then she's fucking pregnant. You need to appologize to your gf and start planning your life as parents. You already pretend she's a woman, so why do you draw the line at pregnancy? Biologically she isn't female and she isn't pregnant, but she identifies as a pregnant woman, and that's how you should treat her. Telling her it's impossible for her to be pregnant is pure transphobia.

I'm more worried about where he thinks it is coming out of.

Ohana means family

Trans means fag in denial

>She probably needs a psychiatric evaluation
Well he's trans and is literally crazy. So yeah.

I think this guy is right
>I'm confused as fuck and don't know how to respond
see OP here is where you dropped the ball. If it were a real women, you might have done the same, you would have gotten the same response.
>You should have hugged him and told him you loved him, and made him (help) pay for a bigger house/apartment which can support the baby

Sounds legit.

I wouldn't be so against it if the surgery had better outcomes and some sort of licensing board. It's the wild west with some thai surgeons being better than US surgeons.
They need to spend about a decade giving animals/apes SRSs and figure out how to make these procedures better. So many surgeries these days improve function beyond normal (hernia mesh, tommy john ligament surgery) or have almost no maintenance (implants).These trans people are being milked by pharma and hack surgeons and getting shitty products.

Seriously what the fuck do these people do if they end up in a Hurricane Katrina scenario and do not have access to clean dialation and medicial supplies for several weeks? What if they have to wade through sewage? Or at a more every day level, how do they go camp offgrid for a week?

Remember when we solved mental illness with psychological treatments and rehabilitation instead embracing the delusions?
Pepperidge farms remembers

i was hoping this would end with you fucking her sister
why did you disappoint me op

why is this so hot to me

lol. anyways, that's what you get for hooking up with a nutcase.

OP I know what you are going through. My little brother(sister?) went through the exact same thing.
They swore they were pregnant when it just wasn’t possible and it all happened around the same time my wife and I had our first child. We went th whole hospitalmroute and deep psychiatric care. None of it mattered they were mentally shattered and there wasn’t a way to put it back together. My brother killed himself a few months into the entire ordeal. He thought the mental hospital stole the baby and was trying to trick everyone into believing there was never a baby.

please be bait

no disrespect to you or your brother/sister user, its just very scary to think about

whos the girl

All good. It really isn’t bait. Little bro went off the fucking rails. Once it was all over everyone was just happy with it being over. The loss was unbelievable and there was a massive bit of drama over the funeral. My mom wanted a funeral for her little boy and his SO wanted a funeral for the woman.

In the end I just stayed out of everything.

Ask your girlfriend what she thinks it means to be pregnant and talk to her about what she thinks would be involved with having and raising a child. Really go into the details, but not to scare her out of it. Try to get to the base of the issue. Is it attention? Is it dysmorphia? Is it genuine mourning for being unable to actually get pregnant?

Forgot to add that this is a very common thing that usually happens after the realization that they aren’t biologically a female. The way it was explain to me is that mentally those individuals reach a point where their physicality can’t keep up with their identity and they break.

Maria Fernando Galvao

She's a smokeshow but she's got basically one face and one pose

Not that I'm complaining

When a man pees on a pregnancy test and it's positive it can be a sign of prostate cancer

I knew this I don’t know why I forgot.

To be fair mankind has always been terrible at treating mental illnesses and we've hardly improved

The fact that we treat drug addiction as a criminal matter shows how far we are from actually solving anything even connected to mental health.

Not to mention feeding into tranny delusions.

>started as fun fetish and easy to get along
>the mental illness comes out.
But damn if they all looked like that I'd do it to, fuck it.

Biological girl here

Never thought about this, but i'm going to try it
Thanks for this idea, i need money

So just suck a dick for money...


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>My tranny girlfriend has ball cancer!

Sounds like a Jerry Springer episode


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Let professionals handle it.
Your responsability is to get her out of that delusion.

>if you're a transphobe

Just quickly popping in to inform you that me being repulsed by men dressing up in fetish gear is not a Phobia. A phobia is a mental condition. Not wanting to play as if trannies were women is just common sense.
Trying to force that "phobia" propaganda bullshit alone is enough reason for me to hate trannies.

>this thread

You people are fucked up. I'm done with this shitshow and am leaving for Reddit. See ya never

>been dating a transgirl for 2 years now
why? what did you expect? did you really think he would be sane?

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>enable mental illness because you're gay
>complain about mental illness